VAFB-1986-17: Appendix 2, Draft Historic Overview, Gaseous Nitrogen Pipeline Project, South Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

Year: 1986


This document is an appendix for the No Effects determination for Gaseous Nitrogen Pipeline Project. This literature search of historical records dealing with post-European contact was made to clarify the nature of historical components of sites discovered by archaeological survey teams in the subject project area. Archaeological sites adjacent and near the pipeline corridor north of Honda Creek and south of Spring Canyon displayed Anglo artifacts. This research attempts to provide a historical context for those sites, a pattern of settlement, an insight into land use, and an assessment of the historic sites.

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VAFB-1986-17: Appendix 2, Draft Historic Overview, Gaseous Nitrogen Pipeline Project, South Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. 1986 ( tDAR id: 501057) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501057

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Contact(s): Space Launch Delta 30 CES/CEIEA, Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB)

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VAFB Document Number(s): VAFB-1986-17

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VAFB-1986-17_Appendix2DraftHistoricOverviewGaseousNitrogenPipe... 258.40kb Aug 20, 2024 3:08:45 PM Confidential