VAFB-1987-14: Preliminary Case Report in Support of U.S. Air Force No Effect Determination Gaseous Nitrogen Pipeline Project Vandenberg Air Force Base, California

Year: 1987


This document is a Section 106 report that addresses the potential for effects to significant archaeological and/or historical properties as a result of the construction of a gaseous nitrogen (GN2) pipeline which requires the excavation of a 1 foot wide trench 3-5 feet deep and will generally occur within 10 feet of existing roadways. During the cultural resource inventory and subsurface testing projects, 10 sites, five prehistoric, two historic, and three multi-component resources, were identified in vicinity of the proposed pipeline ROW. Three of these 10 resources had previously been determined eligible for NRHP listing. Testing and evaluation of the 10 sites resulted in determination that at seven sites, site boundaries either lie outside of the GN2 ROW or road fill comprises soil within the ROW, and that at the three remaining sites, design or engineering alternatives can be implemented to avoid impacts to intact cultural deposits.

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VAFB-1987-14: Preliminary Case Report in Support of U.S. Air Force No Effect Determination Gaseous Nitrogen Pipeline Project Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. 1987 ( tDAR id: 501058) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501058

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Contact(s): Space Launch Delta 30 CES/CEIEA, Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB)

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Project ID(s): 1986-0006

VAFB Document Number(s): VAFB-1987-14

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