R Code for Spatial analysis and neotaphonomy data from two landscape bone assemblages in the Ngorongoro

Author(s): Charles Egeland

Year: 2024


R code for Spatial analysis and neotaphonomy data from two landscape bone assemblages in the Ngorongoro dataset

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R Code for Spatial analysis and neotaphonomy data from two landscape bone assemblages in the Ngorongoro. Charles Egeland. 2024 ( tDAR id: 501177) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501177

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min long: 35.023; min lat: -3.409 ; max long: 35.886; max lat: -2.75 ;

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Contact(s): Charles Egeland

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
Egeland-et-al.-R-code.txt 21.11kb Sep 12, 2024 6:23:20 PM Public