From Drawing Board to Overboard: NOAA Ocean Exploration Operations and Archaeology

Author(s): Sam M. Cuellar; Phil A. Hartmeyer

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

Underwater archaeological investigations by NOAA Ocean Exploration are often among the office’s most watched and interacted events on expeditions with its remotely operated vehicles Deep Discoverer and Serios. The selection of underwater cultural heritage (UCH) targets are not done arbitrarily. NOAA Ocean Exploration approaches its research in a collaborative way, identifying the collective scientific needs of the community rather than the objectives of a single scientist. Regional and campaign UCH priorities are developed with input collected from partners and stakeholders and expedition dives utilize telepresence technology to allow any number of scientists, students, and the public to interact and participate in expeditions in real-time. This enables subject matter experts to guide exploration live, ensuring highly useful data are collected while actively engaging the community of underwater archaeologists. This presentation will cover how to get engaged in expedition planning for collaborative UCH investigations and participate in future NOAA Ocean Exploration expeditions.

Cite this Record

From Drawing Board to Overboard: NOAA Ocean Exploration Operations and Archaeology. Sam M. Cuellar, Phil A. Hartmeyer. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Oakland, California. 2024 ( tDAR id: 501308)


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US Territorial Waters

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Contact(s): Nicole Haddow