SHPO Concurrence Letter for fourteen Native American Archeological Sites CA-SBA-534, -539, -680, -932, -1129, -1128, -931, -1145, -1109, -682, -670, -654, -551, and -678


This document is a letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and provides concurrence National Register eligibility for 14 archaeological sites: CA-SBA-534, -539, -680, -932, -1129, -1128, -931, -1145, -1109, -682, -670, -654, -551, and -678. The letter specifically concurs with Dr. Glassow's evaluation of these sites individually. However, SHPO also states that the density and distribution of the sites precludes treating these sites as individual entities. SHPO feels that the sites should be considered and treated as a district and nominated to the NRHP as such.

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SHPO Concurrence Letter for fourteen Native American Archeological Sites CA-SBA-534, -539, -680, -932, -1129, -1128, -931, -1145, -1109, -682, -670, -654, -551, and -678. California State Historic Preservation Office. 1977 ( tDAR id: 501551) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501551

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Contact(s): Roscoe Loetzerich

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VAFB Document Number(s): SHPO-CON-338

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SHPO-CON-338_FourteenNativeAmericanArchSites_15Dec1977.pdf 114.73kb Sep 16, 2024 4:36:00 PM Confidential