California State Historic Preservation Office concurrence letter for CA-SBA-785H, Olivera Adobe Rance House Ruins


This document is a letter from the California State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) providing concurrence supporting a determination of National Register eligible for the archaeological site CA-SBA-785H, the Olivera Adobe Ranch House Ruins. The SHPO recognizes the significance of the adobe structure and recommends contacting the National Park Service regarding the proper preservation of this resource.

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California State Historic Preservation Office concurrence letter for CA-SBA-785H, Olivera Adobe Rance House Ruins. California State Historic Preservation Office. 1985 ( tDAR id: 501552) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501552

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Contact(s): Roscoe Loetzerich

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VAFB Document Number(s): SHPO-CON-332

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SHPO-CON-332_USAF850408A_OliveraAdobeRanchHouseRuins.pdf 68.64kb Sep 16, 2024 5:54:02 PM Confidential