LET-1065: VSFB Requests SHPO Concurrence on the Eligibility Determination for the Francis and Katherine Hall Residential Site (CA-SBA-3530H)

Year: 2024


This document is a Section 110 transmittal letter from Vandenberg Space Force Base (VSFB) to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) requesting concurrence on the determination on the Francis and Katherine Hall Residential Site (CA-SBA-3530H). VSFB has determined that CA-SBA-3530H is no eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

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LET-1065: VSFB Requests SHPO Concurrence on the Eligibility Determination for the Francis and Katherine Hall Residential Site (CA-SBA-3530H). 2024 ( tDAR id: 501692) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8501692

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LET-1065_VSFB-SHPO_Section_110_Hall_Ranch.pdf 248.49kb Oct 3, 2024 10:18:47 AM Confidential

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Contact(s): Roscoe Loetzerich