Browse all Documents in tDAR
Review: "the Safety Harbor Site, Pinellas County, Florida" (1951)
Review: 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Riva del Garda, Trento, IT, 15-20 September, 2009 (2010)
Review: 8th liveARCH Conference, Százhalombatta, Hungary, October, 2009 (2010)
Review: a Summary of Archaeology in the Katmai Region, Southwestern Alaska, By Don E. Dumond. University of Oregon Anthropological Papers No. 2, 1971 (1973)
Review: a Summary of Archaeology in the Katmai Region, Southwestern Alaska, By Don E. Dumond. University of Oregon Anthropological Papers No. 2, 1971 (1972)
Review: Aghvook, White Eskimo By Charles J. Keim. University of Alaska Press, 1969 (1970)
Review: Aghvook, White Eskimo: Otto Geist and Alaska Archaeology, By Charles J. Keim, University of Alaska Press, College, 1970 (1971)
Review: Aghvook, White Eskimo: Otto Geist and Alaskan Archaeology, By Charles J. Keim, University of Alaska Press, College, 1969 (1970)
Review: Akmak: an Early Archaeological Assemblage from Onion Portage, Northwest Alaska, By Douglas D. Anderson. Acta Arctica, Fasc. 16, Copenhagen, 1970 (1972)
Review: Akmak: an Early Archaeological Assemblage from Onion Portage, Northwestern Alaska, By Douglas D Anderson (1972)
Review: Akulivikchuk: a Nineteenth Century Eskimo Village On the Nushagak River, Alaska, By James W. Vanstone, Fieldiana Anthropology, Vol. 60, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1970 (1971)
Review: Akulivikchuk: a Nineteenth Century Eskimo Village On the Nushagak River, Alaska, By James W. Vanstone. Fieldiana Anthropology, Volume 60. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1970 (1972)
Review: Akulivikchuk: a Nineteenth Century Eskimo Village On the Nushagak River, By James W. Vanstone. Fieldiana: Anthropology, Volume 60. Field Museum of Natural History, 1970 (1971)
Review: Alaska Native Culture and History, Edited By Yoshinobu Kotani and William B. Workman. Senri Ethnological Studies No. 4, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan, 1980 (1981)
Review: Alaska Native Culture and History. Papers from a Symposium, Osaka, Japan. Edited By Yoshinobu Kotani and William B. Workman (1981)
Review: Aleut Art: Unangam Aguqaadangin, Unangan of the Aleutian Archipelago By Lydia T. Black. Alaska Historical Commission Studies in History, No. 26. Aleutian / Pribilof Islands Association, Inc., Anchorage, 1982 (1983)
Review: Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge By William S. Laughlin. Hold, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1980 (1982)
Review: Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge, By William S. Laughlin. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1980 (1983)
Review: Ancient Men of the Arctic By J.L. Giddings, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1967 (1968)
Review: Ancient Men of the Arctic, By J. Louis Giddings, Jr (1968)
Review: Ancient Men of the Arctic, By J. Louis Giddings, Jr. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1967 (1968)
Review: Ancient Men of the Arctic, By J. Louis Giddings, Jr., Alfred A. Knoppf, New York, 1967 (1968)
Review: Archaeological Excavations at Kukulik, St Lawrence Island, Alaska, By Otto William Geist and Froelich G Rainey, 1936 (1939)
Review: Archaeological Excavations at Kukulik, St Lawrence Island, Alaska, By Otto William Geist and Froelich Rainey. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1936 (1939)
Review: Archaeological Investigations of Inland and Coastal Sites of the Katmai National Monument, Alaska, 1954, By Wilbur A. Davies (1961)
Review: Archaeological Investigations On Agattu, Aleutian Islands, By Albert C. Spaulding (1963)
Review: Archaeology Night on Czech TV (2006)
Review: Archaeology of St Lawrence Island, Alaska, By Henry B Collins (1938)
Review: Archaeology of St. Lawrence Island, By Henry B. Collins, Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 96, No. 1, Washington, 1937 (1938)
Review: Archaeology of the Uyak Site, Kodiak Island, Alaska By B. F. Heizer (1956)
Review: Archaeology of the Uyak Site, Kodiak Island, Alaska By Robert Heizer. Anthropological Records 17, No. 1, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1956 (1957)
Review: Archaeology of the Yakutat Bay Area, Alaska, By Frederica De Laguna, Francis A. Riddell, Donald F. McGeein, Kenneth S. Lane and J. Arthur Freed With a Chapter By Carolyn Osbourne. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 192 (1966)
Review: Archeologie Du Pacifique--Nord [1946] By Andre Lero Gourhan (1949)
Review: Archeologie Du Pacifique-Nord, By Andre Leroi-Gourhan 1946 (1949)
Review: Arctic Area, By Henry B Collins (1955)
Review: Arqueología Experimental: La manufactura de terracotas en época romana, British Archeological Reports International (BAR) Serie 736, (Luis Ramos Sáinz, Luis Fuentes Ghislaín), (1998) (1999)
Review: Beluga Hunters: an Archaeological Reconstruction of the History and Culture of the Mackenzie Delta Kittegaryumiut By Robert McGhee, Newfoundland Social and Economic Studies, No. 13. University of Toronto Press, Toronto (1978)
Review: Books: the First Americans: Origins, Affinities, and Adaptations, Edited By William S. Laughlin and Albert B. Harper. Gustav Fischer, New York. PP. 340 (1980)
Review: Bradford, Archaeometallurgy conference, Bradford, EN, 10-12 November, 2009 (2010)
Review: Bulletin of Primitive Technology: arqueología experimental bajo la perspectiva norteamericana (1997)
Review: casting experiments and microstructure of archaeologically relevant bronzes (2007)
review: Caulton, T. (1998) Hands-On Exhibitions. Managing Interactive Museums and Science Centres (London/NY). Fopp, M.A. (1997) Managing Museums and Galleries (London/NY). Hein, G.W. (1998) Learning in the Museum (London/NY). Hooper-Greeenhill, E. (Ed.) (2001)
Review: Chips Newsletter (Branson, MO, USA) - talla lítica experimental (1998)
Review: Chugach Prehistory: the Archaeology of Prince William Sound By Frederica De Laguna. University of Washington, Publications in Anthropology 13 (1956)
Review: Chugach Prehistory: the Archaeology of Prince William Sound, Alaska By Frederica De Laguna. University of Washington Publication in Anthropology No. 13, 1956 (1969)
Review: Chugach Prehistory: the Archaeology of Prince William Sound, Alaska, By Frederica Delaguna (1957)
Review: Colourfull Fabrics and shining Metal (2008)
Review: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, Volume 1, Numbers 1-4 (1998)
Review: Dakah DE'Nin's Village and the Dixthada Site: a Contribution To Northern Athapaskan Prehistory [By] Anne D. Shinkwin. National Museum of Man, Mercury Series, Archaeological Survey of Canada Paper 91, Ottawa, 1979 (1981)
Review: de archeologie van Den Haag (2009)
Review: De geur van veen (L. Verhart, 2010) (2010)
Review: Early Man in the Western Arctic: a Symposium, Edited By Frederick Hadleigh West. Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska. Volume 10, No. 2, 1963 (1965)
review: Een Bataafse gemeenschap in het Romeinse Rijk (2007)
Review: Eskimo and Aleuts By Don E. Dumond Thames & Hudson, London, 1977 (1978)
Review: Eskimo Artifacts Designed for Use By Paul and Mary Thiry, Superior Press, Seattle, 1977 (1978)
Review: Eskimo Prehistory By Hans-Georg Bandi, 1969, University of Washington Press, Seattle (1970)
Review: Eskimo Prehistory in the Vicinity of Point Barrow, Alaska, By James a Ford (1960)
Review: Eskimo Prehistory, By Hans Georg Bandi (1969)
Review: Eskimo Prehistory, By Hans Georg Bandi. University of Alaska Press. College, 1969 (1970)
Review: Eskimo Prehistory, By Hans-Georg Bandi. University of Alaska Press, College, 1969 (1971)
Review: Eskimos and Explorers, By Wendell H. Oswalt. Chandler and Sharp, Novato, 1979 (1980)
Review: Eskimos of the Nushagak River By James W. Vanstone. University of Washington Press, Seattle and London, 1967 and Alaskan Eskimos By Wendell H. Oswalt, Chandler Publications in Anthropology and Sociology, San Francisco, 1976 (1968)
Review: Ethnohistory in Southwestern Alaska and Southern Yukon Studies In Anthropology No. 7 (1973)
Review: Ethnohistory in Southwestern Alaska and Southern Yukon, Edited By Margaret Lantis, Studies In Anthropology, No. 7, University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, 1970 (1971)
Review: Ethnohistory in Southwestern Alaska and the Southern Yukon: Method and Content, Edited By Margaret Lantis. Studies In Anthropology No. 7. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington (1971)
Review: Ethnohistory of Southwestern Alaska and the Southern Yukon, Edited By M. Lantis, 1970. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington (1972)
Review: Ethnologie Regionale, 2: Asie-Ameriques-Mascareignes (1978)
Review: EXAR Tagung 2009, Unteruhldingen, DE, 8-11 October, 2009 (2010)
Review: Experimental archaeology conference, Aberdeen, SC, 14-15 November, 2009 (2010)
Review: Experimental Archaeology in Europe / Special Issue 1 (2006)
Review: experimental archaeology: problems, techniques and modelling, Korosten, UA, 6-9 August 2009 (2010)
Review: Fansa, Mamoun (Editor): Experimentelle Archäologie in Deutschland (1990) (1991)
review: Flint in focus, het verhaal van vuurstenen werktuigen (2010)
review: Guide to the Archaeological Open Air Museums in Europe (2009)
Review: Guide to the archaeological open air museums in Europe (Pelillo, 2009) (2010)
Review: Hallstatt textiles: technical analysis, scientific investigation and experiment on Iron Age textiles (2007)
Review: HAMM, Jim (1989): Bows and arrows of the native Americans (1998)
Review: heritage in the class room (2007)
Review: Het oergevoel. Over vuur maken, sporen zoeken, sluipen en nog veel meer (A. Meijs, 2010) (2010)
Review: Historic Settlement Patterns in the Nushagak River Region, Alaska, By James W. Vanstone and Nushagak: an Historic Trading Center In Southwestern Alaska By James W. Vanstone (1975)
Review: Historic Settlement Patterns in the Nushagak River Region, Alaska, By James W. Vanstone. Fieldiana Anthropology Volume 61. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1970 (1971)
Review: Historical Settlement Patterns in the Nushagak River Region, By James W. Vanstone. Fieldiana Anthropology, Vol. 61. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago (1971)
Review: Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America, By Charles Miles. Bonanza Books, New York, 1962 (1964)
Review: Inua: Spirit World of the Bering Sea Eskimo By William W Fitzhugh, Susan a Kaplan, Et AL
Review: Ipiutak and the Arctic Whale Hunting Culture, By Helge Larsen and Froelich Rainey (1951)
Review: Iron Age House in Flames (2008)
Review: J.H. Jameson, Jr. (editor)(1997): Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths, Altamira Press, Walnut Creek (1998)
Review: J.H. Jameson, Jr. (Editor)(1997): Presenting Archaeology to the Public: Digging for Truths. Altamira Press, Walnut Creek (1998)
Review: Kijik: an Historic Tanaina Indian Settlement, By James W. Vanstone and Joan B. Townsend (1971)
Review: Kijik: an Historic Tanaina Indian Settlement, By James W. Vanstone and Joan B. Townsend, Fieldiana Anthropology, Vol. 59, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1970 (1970)
Review: Kijik: an Historic Tanaina Indian Settlement, By James W. Vanstone and Joan B. Townsend. Fieldiana Anthropology, Vol. 59, and Akulivchuk: a Nineteenth Century Eskimo Village On the Nushagak River, Alaska, By James W. Vanstone (1973)
Review: Kijik: an Historic Tanaina Indian Settlement, By James W. Vanstone and Joan B. Townsend. Fieldiana Anthropology, Vol. 59, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1970 (1971)
Review: Kijik: an Historic Tanaina Indian Settlement, By James W. Vanstone and Joan B. Townsend. Fieldiana Anthropology. Vol. 59. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1970 (1971)
Review: Koniag Prehistory By D.W. Clark (1975)
Review: Koniag Prehistory. Archaeological Investigations at Late Prehistoric Sites On Kodiak Island, Alaska (1977)
Review: Koyukuk River Culture By Annette McFadyen Clark. National Museum of Man, Ethnology Serise No. 12. National Museum of Man, Ottawa, 1974 (1975)
Review: Kuhinskja kultura v zgodnjem srednjem veku (Pleterski, 2008) (2010)
Review: Langage de Pierre (Dumas, 2009) (2010)
Review: Leven op een Victoriaanse boerderij. Langlands, Ginn & Goodman 2009: Victorian Farm, rediscovering forgotten skills (2009)
Review: Like-A-Fishhook Village and Fort Berthold, Garrison Reservoir, North Dakota (1974)
Review: M-X / MPS Native Americans Texas / New Mexico Deployment Area Selection and Land Withdrawal / Acquisition. M-X ETR 22 Preliminary FEIS (1981)
Review: Management and presentation of oppida – a European Overview (Benkova & Guichard, 2008) (2010)
review: Merryn Dineley: Barley, malt and ale in the Neolithic (2005)
Review: Modern Alaskan Native Material Culture, Edited By Wendell Oswalt. University of Alaska Museum [Fairbanks], 1972 (1973)
Review: Mummies, Disease, and Ancient Cultures, Edited By Aidan Cockburn and Eve Cockburn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1980 (1982)
review: Nukak: Ethnoarchaeology of an Amazonian People by Gustoave G. Politis (2009)
Review: Nunamiut Ethnoarchaeolgy, By Lewis R. Binford. Academic Press, New York, 1978 (1980)
Review: Nunamiut Ethnoarchaeology, By L. Binford (1980)
Review: Nunamiut Ethnoarchaeology, By Lewis R Binford. Academic Press, New York, 1978 (1980)
Review: Nushagak: an Historic Trading Center in Southwestern Alaska, By James W. Vanstone. Fieldiana Anthropology, Vol. 62. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1972 (1973)
Review: Onion Portage: the Archaeology of a Stratified Site from the Kobuk River, Northwest Alaska, By Douglas D. Anderson (1988)
review: Opgegraven verleden in Gelderland (2007)
Review: Outline of Eskimo Prehistory By Henry B Collins (1942)
Review: Outline of Eskimo Prehistory, By Henry B Collins, Jr. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 100:533-592. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC (1942)
Review: Prehistoric Maritime Adaptations of the Circumpolar Zone (1976)
Review: Reindeer and Caribou Hunters By Arthur E. Spiess. Academic Press, New York, 1979 (1980)
Review: Replicating the past (2008)
Review: Report of the 6th SKAM flint technology workshop, Małkocin, PL, 27-30 October, 2009 (2010)
Review: Research On Northwest Prehistory: Prehistory in the Naknek Drainage, Southwestern Alaska, By L.S. Cressman and D.E. Dumond (1965)
Review: TAG, Durham, EN, 17-19 December, 2009 (2010)
Review: Taphonomy and Archaeology in the Upper Pleistocene of the Northern Yukon Territory: a Glimpse of the Peopling of the New World By Richard E. Morlan. Archaeological Survey of Canada, Paper No. 94, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa (1981)
Review: Tecnología linca experimenten- introducción a la talla de utillaje prehistórico. (BAR 1998), Javier Baena Preysler, Mikel Aguirre, Javier González, Carmen Gutiérrez, Manuel Luque, Raúl Maqueda, Toni Palomo y Juan Zumalabe (1999)
Review: the Aleutian and Commander Islands and Their Inhabitants, By Ales Hrdlicka (1945)
Review: the Aleutian and Commander Islands and Their Inhabitants, By Ales Hrdlicka [Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. Philadelphia, 1945] (1945)
Review: the Ancient Culture of the Bering Sea and the Eskimo Problem, By S.I. Rudenko (1962)
Review: the Anthropology of Kodiak Island, By Ales Hrdlicka (1945)
Review: The archaeology of Alderley Edge (2007)
Review: the Archaeology of Beringia By Frederick Hadleigh West 1981 (1982)
Review: the Archaeology of Cape Denbigh, By J Louis Giddings, Jr.,Brown University Press, Providence, 1964 (1965)
Review: the Archaeology of Cape Denbigh, By J. Louis Giddings Brown University Press, Providence, Rhode Island, 1964 (1966)
Review: the Archaeology of Cape Denbigh, By J. Louis Giddings, Jr (1965)
Review: the Archaeology of Cape Denbigh, By J.L. Giddings (1965)
Review: the Archaeology of Cape Nome, Alaska By John Bockstoce (1980)
Review: the Archaeology of Cook Inlet, Alaska, By Frederica Delaguna, the University Museum, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1934 (1935)
Review: the Archaeology of the Glacier Bay Region, Southeastern Alaska, By Robert E Ackerman (1970)
Review: the Archaeology of the Glacier Bay Region, Southeastern Alaska, By Robert E. Ackerman. Laboratory of Anthropology Report of Investigations, No. 44. Washington State University, Pullman, 1968 (1970)
Review: the Arctic and Subarctic By H.B Collins in Prehistoric Men In the New World, Edited By Jennings and Norbeck (1965)
Review: the Arctic Small Tool Tradition in Manitoba, By Ronald J. Nash (1972)
Review: the Arctic Woodland Culture of the Kobuk River By J.L Giddings (1956)
Review: the Bering Land Bridge Edited By David L. Hopkins, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1967 (1968)
Review: the Bruce Collection of Eskimo Material Culture from Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, By James W. Vanstone, Fieldiana: Anthropology 1(1305), MS (1980)
Review: The building of the Green Valley (2008)
Review: the Cultural Affinities of the Newfoundland Dorset Eskimos By Elmer Harp (1965)
Review: The Danish historical workshops – seminar on present and future challenges, Vingsted, DK, 29-30 October, 2009 (2010)
Review: the Development of North American Archaeology: Essays in the History of Regional Traditions By James E. Fitting. Anchor Press / Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1973 (1974)
Review: the Eskimo About Bering Strait By Edward William Nelson. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1983 (1984)
Review: the Eskimos and Aleuts By Don E. Dumond. Thames and Hudson, London, 1977 (1979)
Review: the Eskimos and Aleuts By Don E. Dumond. Thames and Hudson, New York, 1977 (1978)
Review: the Ethnoarcheology of Crow Village, Alaska, By W.H. Oswalt and J.S. Vanstone. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin, No. 199 (1968)
Review: the Ethnoarcheology of Crow Village, Alaska, By Wendell H. Oswalt and James W. Vanstone. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin, No. 199, Washington, DC, 1967 (1968)
Review: the First American: Origins, Affinities, and Adaptations. Gustav Fisher, New York, 1979 (1981)
Review: the First Americans: Origins, Affinities, and Adaptations, Edited By William S. Laughlin and Albert B. Harper. Gustav Fischer, New York, 1979 (1981)
Review: the First Americans: Origins, Affinities, and Adaptations. Papers from a Conference, Burg-Wartenstein, Austria, August 1976. William S. Laughlin and A.B. Harper, Editors. Fischer, Stuttgart, 1979 (1980)
Review: the Prehistory of Northern North America As Seen from the Yukon, By Frederica Delaguna, Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology (1954)
Review: Tikchik Village, a Nineteenth Century Riverine Community in Southwestern Alaska, By James W. Vanstone. Fieldiana Anthropology, Vol 56, No. 3. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1968 (1971)
Review: Tikchik Village: a 19th Century Riverine Community in Southwestern Alaska, By James W. Vanstone (1970)
Review: Tikchik Village: a Nineteenth Century Riverine Community in Southwestern Alaska, By James W. Vanstone. Fieldiana Anthropology, Vol. 56 No. 3. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1968 (1969)
Review: Timewatch: Viking Voyage (2008)
Review: Trail Creek: Final Report On the Excavation of Two Caves On Seward Peninsula, Alaska, By Helge Larsen, 1968, in Acta Arctica 15 (1988)
Review: Urgeschichte Der Eskimo By Hans-Georg Bandi, 1965 (1966)
Review: Use of reconstruction in British TV programmes (2006)
Review: West Stow experimental Archaeology workshop, West Stow, UK, 22nd July 2009 (2010)
Review: Which past, whose future? (2008)
Review: World Archaeology, Vol.40 (Outram, 2008) (2010)
Reviewers of the Otay Mesa Prison Sewer Pipeline Negative Declaration (1985)
Reviewing the 2023 Intensive NAGPRA Summer Training & Education Program (INSTEP) (2024)
Reviewing the Human Remains Detection Dog Workshop (2024)
Reviewing Urbanization and Deurbanization at Teotihuacan (2023)
Reviews in Anthropology, Volume 20(1) (1991)
Reviews of the Basic Concept / Schematic Drawings for Marina Development Permit 98-0359 for the 235 Market Street Project (1999)
Reviews of Three Articles By Sears, Boyd and Bullen (1958)
Revised "Kamp Kerogen" Archaeological Report in Uintah County, Utah (1979)
Revised & Amended Report F82-262 For Great Western Drilling Dompany (1982)
Revised - Preliminary Results of Data Recovery at Two Sites (AZ U 9:200(ASM) & AZ U 9:201(ASM)) Along the Arizona Department of Transportation Red Mountain Freeway (State Route 202) Project Right-of-Way (State Route 87 to Gilbert Road) (2000)
Revised 1985 Operating Plan On the Golden Link 3 & 4 Lmc For Gila NF-Glenwood Rd (1985)
Revised 33-204 Well for River Gas (1999)
Revised a Cultural Resources Investigation of Los Cerros Colorados (1994)
Revised Abbreviated Phase I Cultural Resources Report for Additional Work for the TL-514 Copley Project in Lewis County, West Virginia (2002)
Revised Access Corridor in Wiregrass Bench Area for Utah 34-493 (2001)
Revised Access frm Utah 20-333 to 20-334 & 20-336 (2000)
Revised Access Road into Sanitary Landfill Near Cudai, NM For Phs (1981)
Revised Access Road To Willow Fats #4 For Speerex Ltd (1992)
Revised Addition State Road 44 Extension US Hwy 550 To Aztec Monument (1987)
Revised Airport Landfill Location For BLM (1986)
Revised alignment Between Route 15-Route2 Chittenden County Circumferential Highway (1998)
Revised Always Salvage Timber Sale (1992)
Revised Archaeological Component of the Environmental Impact State for the Cambria Pines By_the _Sea Development (1974)
Revised Archaeological Monitoring Plan for the Kamehameha Highway Waimea Bay Emergency Rockfall Remediation (final) (2000)
Revised Archaeological Reconnaissance of Proposed Borrow and Disposal Area On Crow Island, Bay County, Michigan (1984)
Revised Archaeological Report, Bridge Numbers 48 and 11 On NC 18 Over Rock Creek and Jacob Fork River, Catawba County, North Carolina State Project #8.1790301, Tip No. B-1108 and B-1112 (1988)
Revised Archaeological Resources Assessment for the Proposed Georgia Mountain Community Wind Project, Milton, Chittenden County, Vermont (2009)
Revised Archaeological Survey of the Salt Water Disposal Line In Sections 6, 7, 8 and 9, T 21S, R 27E, NMPM, Eddy County, New Mexico (1995)
Revised Archaeological Survey, Testing, and Evaluation Program for the North County Square II Project, City of Vista, San Diego County, California (1992)
Revised Archeological Clearance Report For Llano, Inc. Monsanto Catclaw Federal #1 (1978)
Revised Archeological Site Survey Sheets For Katmai National Monument and Surrounding Area (1971)
Revised Archeological Treatment Plan for Sites Affected by the Arkansas City Bypass and Levee Project (1995)
Revised Archeological Treatment Plan for Sites Affected by the Arkansas City Bypass and Levee Project. (1995)
Revised Biochronology of African Plio-Pleistocene Hominin Sites Using Cercopithecoid Taxa (WGF - Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship) (2014)
Revised Blue Ridge Project: An Archeological Survey and Summary (1969)
A revised chronology of the southeastern Maya area: An evaluation of new and existing radiocarbon dates from the Preclassic to Postclassic period (2017)
Revised Classification of the Prehistoric Cultures of Minnesota (1955)
Revised Classification of the Prehistoric Cultures of Minnesota (1955)
Revised Constitution of Ameican Samoa (1967)
Revised Construction On Yard & 4 Pond Sites For Neilsons Inc (1992)
Revised Cracker Fed #4 (1986)
Revised Cultural Resource Report Antlers Salvage Sale (1978)
Revised Cultural Resource Report Cougar 703 Timber Sale (Proposed) (1983)
A Revised Cultural Resources Inventory of the Proposed Wbi 1006 Fed Wellsite (1998)
Revised Cultural Resources Survey of 54 Inch Raw Water Pipeline Alignment (1988)
Revised Cultural Survey and Evaluation of the Li-Collins Property Development Project (1998)
Revised Data Recovery Plan for Archaeological Excavation at Site 2900, Maunalua Ahupua`a, O`ahu Island (1994)
Revised Data Recovery Plan, Part I, Review of the Prehistory of the Santa Clara Valley Region As Part of the Guadalupe Corridor Compliance With 36 CFR Part 800 (1985)
Revised Data Treatment Plan For the Excavation of Significant Sites In the Proposed Impact Area of the East Half Expansion (1996)
Revised Dating For Early Rock Art of the Glen Canyon Region (1971)
Revised Draft Archeological Investigation of Six Remediation Sites In Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico (1994)
Revised Draft EIR For the County of Imperial General Plan (1993)
Revised Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) For the Disposition of Belle Chance Residence and Outbuildings Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland (2005)
Revised Draft Environmental Impact Report Atlas Hotels Specific Plan (1987)
Revised Draft Report. Evaluation of U.S. Route 46 Grade Separations. from Route 17, Hasbrouch Heights Boro, Bergen County to Riverview Drive, Totowa Boro, Passaic County (1997)
Revised Draft Report: Archaeological Monitoring and Data Recovery Plan for Erosion Mitigation of Archaeologically Sensitive Recreation Areas at the U. S. Marine Corps Base Hawai`i, Kane`ohe Bay, Ko`olaupoko District, O`ahu Island, Hawai`i (2000)
Revised Draft, Archaeological Report of Front Street, Eagle, Alaska Cultural Resource Monitoring and Analysis of the Artifacts Recovered from the Front Street Emergency Bank Stabilization Project (1995)
Revised Drying Conditions in Rehydroxylation (RHX) Technique for Dating Ceramic Artifacts (2015)
Revised Environmental Assessment for the Immigration & Naturalization Service Multi-Tiered Pilot Fence Project (Phases IA & II) San Diego Couty, California (1997)
Revised Environmental Impact Report, Dn-74.002 F, MC Clendon Lot Split, Crescent City, California (1974)
Revised Executive Summary of Gai Consultants, Inc., Phase II Archaeological Investigations of Pennsylvania Gas and Water Company's Pipeline Right-Of-Way in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania (1981)
Revised Federal "44" Well #1 For Pogo Productin Company (1986)
Revised Final Archaeological Site Assessment Report and Data Recovery Recommendations: The East Terrace Site (21BN6) (1992)
Revised Final Report On the Results of an Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of a 160 Acre Minor Subdivision (Sw1 / 4 Sec. 1, T8N R4W Sbm), East of Helendale, San Bernardino County, California (1988)
Revised Garage Construction Plans, 326 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara (1994)
Revised Hello Timber Sale (1992)
Revised Hirsch Ranch Large Scale Project, Specific Plan and Related Permits (1980)
Revised Intensive Archaeological Survey with Preliminary Archaeological Reconnaissance of Feeder Roads and Adjusted Main Alignment of Maryland Route 2-4 from Maryland Route 264 to the Northern Approaches of the New Patuxent River Bridge (1980)
Revised Intensive Cultural Resource Survey of the Northwest Pipeline Creston #13 Pipeline Route, Carbon County, Wyoming (1980)
Revised Interim Preservation, Data Recovery and Monitoring Plan, Phase I, Kukuiula Planned Community, Koloa, Kauai (1991)
Revised Interpretation of the Lagow Discovery, Texas (1961)
Revised Inventory and Evaluation Report for Cultural Resources on the Proposed Altamont Gas Pipeline Project, Montana Segment (Original Version Dated 1 / 92 Is Also Attached) (1993)
Revised Inventory of Known Cultural Resources Within or Adjecent to the Proposed Champlain Pipeline Corridors: Vermont (1989)
A revised Kaminaljuyu chronology and its implications for social processes (2015)
Revised Location for Rangeland Well (1995)
Revised Lucky Billy Charlie #2 Oil Well Location For Dugan Production (1985)
Revised Management Report of Phase I Archeological Investigations at Grandview New River Gorge National RIver Raleigh County, West Virginia (1994)
Revised Management Summary: Cultural Resources Inventory of Pine Reclamation Areas, Apalachicola District, Apalachicola National Forest, Liberty County, Florida (1990)
Revised Manuscript: Cultural Resources Research at the Seaford Park Archeological Site, Cedar Creek, Nassau County, NY (1985)
Revised McMullan Report (1988)
Revised Method of Age Determination Using the Os Pubis, With a Review and Tests of Accuracy of Other Current Methods of Pubic Symphyseal Aging (1985)
Revised Northern Mapleton Hill Historic District, 1996 (1996)
Revised Notice of Preparation of a Draft Eir for Torrey Highlands Subarea IV (1996)
Revised Ohio Government Section 22 #22-1 Well Pad Location For Meridian Oil (1990)
Revised Phase 1A Archaeological Assessment, 101-117 Worth Street, Manhattan (2001)
Revised Phase 1A Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of the New York Portion of the Cross Hudson Project, New York County, New York (2002)