Geospatial Data – 2016 Phase I and II (NBHSS)


Geospatial documentation related to New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site Archaeological Assessment, Access Roads and Laydown Areas; Phase I (Intensive) Archaeological Survey Harding I and Harding II Sites; Phase II Site Examination Osprey, Pear Island, Lacuyers, Lawson, Comm, and Dock Sites (Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc., 8/29/2016-12/14/2016). Includes the following sites: 19-BR-557 (Pear Island Site); 19-BR-555 (Lacuyers Site); 19-BR-378 (Lawson Site); 19-BR-554 (Comm Site); ACU-11 (Dock Site); 19-BR-560 (Harding I Site); 19-BR-561 (Harding II Site); 19-BR-590 (Osprey)

Cite this Record

Geospatial Data – 2016 Phase I and II (NBHSS). The Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc.. 2016 ( tDAR id: 458872) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8458872

Spatial Reference System & Projection: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_19N / WKID: 26919

Currentness & Update Notes: Data created during the 2016 Phase I and II archaeological surveys of New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site by PAL.


File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sensitivity.prj 424.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:39 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sensitivity.sbn 444.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:39 PM Confidential
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2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sensitivity.shp 21.11kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:39 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sensitivity.shp.xml 8.23kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:39 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sensitivity.shx 348.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:39 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Lines.dbf 6.92kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:40 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Lines.prj 424.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:40 PM Confidential
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2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Lines.shp 12.61kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:40 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Lines.shp.xml 11.61kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:40 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Lines.shx 252.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:40 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Polys.dbf 3.76kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:40 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Polys.prj 424.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:41 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Polys.sbn 268.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:41 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Polys.sbx 132.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:41 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Polys.shp 12.18kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:41 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Polys.shp.xml 3.13kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:41 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sites_Polys.shx 212.00b Mar 11, 2021 12:35:41 PM Confidential
2016_Phase-I-and-II_PAL_Archaeological_Sensitivity.dbf 1.19kb Mar 11, 2021 12:35:39 PM Confidential

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Contact(s): U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District - New Bedford Harbor Superfund Site Contact