CUGL03073, Glass - Unidentified Type 6


Glass - Unidentified Type 6 from the CUGL1994 glass assemblage. (Catalogue Number: CUGL03073)

Cite this Record

CUGL03073, Glass - Unidentified Type 6. La Trobe University, Penny Crook. 2002 ( tDAR id: 407363) ; doi:10.6067/XCV81N8367

Spatial Coverage

min long: 151.187; min lat: -33.875 ; max long: 151.228; max lat: -33.84 ;

Record Identifiers

TDAR ID(s): 7039



Rights & Attribution: © EAMC Industry Partners 2002, 2012, 2016, 2017

Administration Note: EAMC images were first uploaded in 2012 groups from the site and/or of the same type. They were split into individual records in 2017 following the transfer from the FAIMS Repository to the FAIMS Collection.

General Note: Several volunteers assisted with photography of the CUGL collection for the EAMC project, including Barrie Doran, Evan Raper, David White, Kerrie Alexander and Victoria Balnaves.

Additional Metadata

IDNumber: 3073.0

CatalogueNumber: CUGL03073

Site: CUGL1994

Unit: A008

UnitandArea: A008

PhaseA: 4.0

PhaseB: 9.0

Function: Unidentified

FunctionQ: false

Subfunction: Unidentified

SubfunctionQ: false

Arteclass: Glass

Material: Glass

MaterialQ: false

Integrity: IE

Percentage: VARIOUS

Quantity: 3.0


Portion: Body

Colour: Clear

Technique of Manufacture: Unid

TSName: Glass Unid

TSNo: 6.0

TSDetails: T

WeightGrms: 3.0

BoxNumber: 1158

MNVID: 0.0

MNVQty: 0

MNVNotes: Clear unid

MNVtocheck: false

MNVverified: true

LabelPrinted: true

RecordAdmin: TechniqueManuf was 'Unid'. Changed on Data merge.

QRChecked: false

BoneNoComp: 0.0

BoneNoFrag: 0.0

BoPortPerc: 0

ShellNoCom: 0.0

ShellNoFra: 0.0

ShellNoLid: 0.0

ShellNoBas: 0.0

Images: CUGL03073.jpg

Activity: No coding sheet value for code: Unidentified

ActivityQ: No coding sheet value for code: false

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
cugl03073.jpg 95.68kb Aug 20, 2016 12:22:12 PM Public