CUGL24924, Lead Glazed Ware Type 1


Lead Glazed Ware Type 1 from the CUGL1994 ceramic assemblage. (Catalogue Number: CUGL24924)

Cite this Record

CUGL24924, Lead Glazed Ware Type 1. La Trobe University, Penny Crook. 2002 ( tDAR id: 407378) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8MW2K6N

Spatial Coverage

min long: 151.197; min lat: -33.869 ; max long: 151.223; max lat: -33.839 ;

Record Identifiers

TDAR ID(s): 7058



Rights & Attribution: © EAMC Industry Partners 2002, 2012, 2016, 2017

Administration Note: EAMC images were first uploaded in 2012 groups from the site and/or of the same type. They were split into individual records in 2017 following the transfer from the FAIMS Repository to the FAIMS Collection.

General Note: Several volunteers assisted with photography of the CUGL collection for the EAMC project, including Barrie Doran, Evan Raper, David White, Kerrie Alexander and Victoria Balnaves.

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
cugl24924a.jpg 76.74kb Aug 20, 2016 12:24:18 PM Public