CUGL26140, Edgeware Blue Type 1

Creator(s): La Trobe University; Penny Crook

Year: 2002

Primary Copyright Holder: La Trobe University


Edgeware Blue Type 1 from the CUGL1994 ceramic assemblage. (Catalogue Number: CUGL26140)

Cite this Record

CUGL26140, Edgeware Blue Type 1. La Trobe University, Penny Crook. 2002 ( tDAR id: 407392) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8V40X7N


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Creative Commons Attribution

This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

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Spatial Coverage

min long: 151.196; min lat: -33.875 ; max long: 151.221; max lat: -33.848 ;

Record Identifiers

TDAR ID(s): 7072



Rights & Attribution: © EAMC Industry Partners 2002, 2012, 2016, 2017

Administration Note: EAMC images were first uploaded in 2012 groups from the site and/or of the same type. They were split into individual records in 2017 following the transfer from the FAIMS Repository to the FAIMS Collection.

General Note: Several volunteers assisted with photography of the CUGL collection for the EAMC project, including Barrie Doran, Evan Raper, David White, Kerrie Alexander and Victoria Balnaves.

Additional Metadata

IDNumber: 26140.0

CatalogueNumber: CUGL26140

Site: CUGL1994

Unit: A011

UnitandArea: A011

PhaseA: 4.0

PhaseB: 9.0

Function: Plate

FunctionQ: false

Subfunction: Large

SubfunctionQ: false

Arteclass: Ceramic

Material: Fine earthenware

MaterialQ: false

Integrity: SE

Quantity: 1.0

Form: Curved marly

Shape: Scalloped

Portion: Rim

Decoration: Transfer-print

DecorationPlacement: Concave

Colour: Blue


Technique of Manufacture: unid

Widthinmm: 250.0

TSName: Edgeware Blue

TSNo: 1.0

TSDetails: T

DateFrom: 1770

DateTo: 1890

Notes: MISC. FRAGMENTS. 10" plate. Marly 4–5.2mm thick.

BoxNumber: 1123

MNVID: 26140.0

MNVQty: 1

MNVtocheck: true

MNVverified: true

LabelPrinted: true

DateUpdated: 2003-05-16 00:00:00.0

UpdatedBy: PC

RecordAdmin: TechniqueManuf was 'unid'. Changed on Data merge.

QRChecked: false

Images: CUGL26140.jpg

Activity: No coding sheet value for code: Food Service

ActivityQ: No coding sheet value for code: false

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
CuGl26140.JPG 46.68kb Aug 20, 2016 12:25:49 PM Public