Coal Creek Research, Colorado Projectile Point, 5_MO_0780201_0001 (potential grid: #291, Iron Springs)

Part of the Coal Creek Projectile Point project

Year: 2023


POINT_NUMBER: 5_MO_0780201_0001, EFFECTIVE_POINT_NUMBER: 5_MO_0780201_0001-M1, SITE_REPOSITORY: (private collector), SITE_NUMBER: (blank), SITE_NAME: (blank), SITE_ACCESSION_NUMBER: (blank), MATERIAL: chert (oolitic), COLOR: beige and gray and light brown, SERRATION: none | none, SHAPE: basal notched, COMPLETENESS: one side of base is complete, WEIGHT: 1.7, THICKNESS: 3.6, BASAL_GRINDING: no, FLAKE_S1: random, FLAKE_S2: random, UV_COLOR_SW: none, UV_COLOR_LW: light green, EFFECTIVE_GRID: 291, GRID_LATITUDE: 40.75, GRID_LONGITUDE: -107.875, TOPO_NAME: Iron Springs. Location uncertain. May originate from grids: #291 Iron Springs, #292 Lay SE.

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Coal Creek Research, Colorado Projectile Point, 5_MO_0780201_0001 (potential grid: #291, Iron Springs). 2023 ( tDAR id: 486010)
Note:A DOI will be generated in the next day for this resource.

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Dataset Search

Spatial Coverage

min long: -107.875; min lat: 40.625 ; max long: -107.75; max lat: 40.75 ;

Additional Metadata

source: collector_points

point_number: 5_MO_0780201_0001

effective_point_number: 5_MO_0780201_0001-M1

09. Site Repository: (private collector)

02. Material: chert (oolitic)

color: beige and gray and light brown

03. Serration: none | none

01. Shape: basal notched

04. Completeness: one side of base is complete

weight: 1.7

thickness: 3.6

07. Basal Grinding: no

05. Flaking Pattern Side 1: random

06. Flaking Pattern Side 2: random

uv_color_sw: none

uv_color_lw: light green

effective_grid: 291

grid_latitude: 40.75

grid_longitude: -107.875

11. Grid Name: Iron Springs

10. Grid: 291

collector_grid2: 292

collector_grid3: 0

collector_grid4: 0

collector_grid5: 0

collector_grid6: 0

topo1: Iron Springs

topo2: Lay SE

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
5_MO_0780201_0001-M1.png 4.85mb Aug 19, 2023 7:26:18 PM Public