Outdated: Fauna Taxon - Southwest US Ontology (3028) — Picinae (subfamily woodpeckers sapsuckers and flickers)
Ontology: Outdated: Fauna Taxon - Southwest US Ontology (3028)
Parent: Picidae (family woodpeckers sapsuckers and flickers)
Synonyms: Picinae ,subfamily woodpeckers sapsuckers and flickers
Children: Melanerpes formicivorus (acorn woodpecker) , Picoides villosus (hairy woodpecker) , Sphyrapicus varius (yellow-bellied sapsucker) , Picoides pubescens (downy woodpecker) , Melanerpes lewis (Lewis woodpecker) , Melanerpes erythrocephalus (red-headed woodpecker) , Sphyrapicus thyroides (Williamson s sapsucker) , Colaptes auratus (Northern flicker) , Picoides tridactylus (Northern three-toed woodpecker) , Picoides scalaris (ladder-backed woodpecker) , Melanerpes uropygialis (Gila woodpecker)
Datasets that use Picinae (subfamily woodpeckers sapsuckers and flickers)
- None