Agriculture, Markets and Life in Mexico during the 1960's


This project is part of a collection of photographs taken by the late Bill Sanders of the various sites that he worked at and visited between 1960-1969.

These sites include Maquixco, Tenayuca, Cholula, Xochicalco, El Arbolilo, Zacatenco, Ticoman, Cuicuilco, Cuanalan, Tezoyuca, Teotihuacan, Cerro Malinalco, Cerro Gordo, Tula, Texcotzingo, Tolman Quarry, Malinalco, Coatlinchan, Xometla, Tizatlon, Tenochtitlan, Chinampa, Huasteca, Lake Texcoco, Piedras Negras, Tikal, Uaxactun, Xpuhil, Copan, Tamuin, Taijin, Huexotla, Bonamak, Calixtlahuaca, Lake Atitlan, Arcos de Zempoala, Tierra Nueva, Comalcalco, La Venta Parque, Tlatelolco, Popocatepetl, Tepexpan, Tepeapulco, Hacienda Hueyapan, Maquixco Alto, Las Bocas, Tembladeras/Xico, Nuevo Laredo.

(Note: All the resources used are curated at the Pennsylvania State University.)

This project contains photos numbered: 1352-1359, 1415-1503, 1517-1528, 1874-1987, 2089-2097, 2133-2139, 2315-2326, 2771-2847, 2882-2972, 2995-3000, 10001-10032, 10038-10075, 10123-10142, 11385-11438, 11708-11715, 12678-12697, 12054-12173.

Cite this Record

Agriculture, Markets and Life in Mexico during the 1960's. ( tDAR id: 375999) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8Q81FHM

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Spatial Coverage

min long: -117.422; min lat: 12.983 ; max long: -83.408; max lat: 32.324 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Project Director(s): William T. Sanders

Repository(s): Pennsylvania State University

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-17 of 17)

  • Images (17)


  1. Photo 10038-10075 (1962)
  2. Photo 1415-1500 (1962)
  3. Photos 10001-10032 (1962)
  4. Photos 10123-10142 (1962)
  5. Photos 11385-11438 (1969)
  6. Photos 11708-11715 (1969)
  7. Photos 12054-12173 (1969)
  8. Photos 1352-1359 (1962)
  9. Photos 1501-1503 (1962)
  10. Photos 1517-1528 (1963)
  11. Photos 1874-1987 (1962)
  12. Photos 2089-2097 (1962)
  13. Photos 2133-2139 (1961)
  14. Photos 2315-2326 (1963)
  15. Photos 2771-2847 (1963)
  16. Photos 2882-2972 (1962)
  17. Photos 2995-3000 (1962)