Status-role-behavior database on 11 premodern societies
Excel files describing all possible statuses and associated roles/behaviors for 10 premodern states (Aztec, Benin, Late Shang China, Old Kingdom Egypt, Mycenaean Greece, Protohistoric Hawaii, Inca, Old Babylonia, Late Classic Maya, and Zapotec) and 1 premodern society (Iceland).
Cite this Record
Status-role-behavior database on 11 premodern societies. ( tDAR id: 446740) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8QF8WS7
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Ethnohistoric Research
Historic Background Research
Political and economic status, status, role, behavior, global database
Geographic Keywords
Global database
Temporal Keywords
premodern states, preindustrial states, premodern society
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): Paula Sabloff
Administration Note: The database was originally developed under a grant from the Templeton Foundation to the Santa Fe Institute.
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