Status-role-behavior database on 11 premodern societies


Excel files describing all possible statuses and associated roles/behaviors for 10 premodern states (Aztec, Benin, Late Shang China, Old Kingdom Egypt, Mycenaean Greece, Protohistoric Hawaii, Inca, Old Babylonia, Late Classic Maya, and Zapotec) and 1 premodern society (Iceland).

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Status-role-behavior database on 11 premodern societies. ( tDAR id: 446740) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8QF8WS7

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Paula Sabloff


Administration Note: The database was originally developed under a grant from the Templeton Foundation to the Santa Fe Institute.

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-11 of 11)

  • Datasets (11)

Status-role-behavior database on 11 premodern societies

  1. Aztec (2018)
  2. Benin (2018)
  3. China-Late Shang (2018)
  4. Egypt-Old Kingdom (2018)
  5. Greece-Mycenaean (2018)
  6. Hawaii-Protohistoric (2018)
  7. Iceland (2018)
  8. Inca (2018)
  9. Lowland Maya-Late Classic (2018)
  10. Mari Kingdom-Old Babylonia (2018)
  11. Zapotec-Postclassic (2018)