Phytoliths in the Flora of Ecuador Project


The Phytoliths in the Flora of Ecuador project was undertaken by Deborah M. Pearsall and colleagues from 1997 to 2008, with periodic work through 2012, to establish diagnostic phytolith types and phytolith vegetation signatures to enhance archaeological and paleoenvironmental phytolith applications in coastal and Amazonian Ecuador. Research was conducted in Ecuador and at the University of Missouri (MU) Paleoethnobotany Laboratory. Outcomes or products of the project include: descriptions and images of diagnostic phytoliths in a searchable, on-line database; tables of phytolith production/non-production in plant taxa studied during the project; and establishment of phytolith analogs for four forest formations of lowland Ecuador.

Cite this Record

Phytoliths in the Flora of Ecuador Project. ( tDAR id: 458777) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8458777

Individual & Institutional Roles

Project Director(s): Deborah M. Pearsall

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  1. Establishing phytolith analogs for four forest formations of lowland Ecuador: Results and applications to archaeological and paleoenvironmental interpretation (2021)