Mandel 2020


A geomorphological investigation was conducted in East Cache Creek valley at Fort Sill. The goal was to describe what is known about late-Quaternary landscape evolution in East Cache Creek valley, and to gain a better understanding of the soil stratigraphy and chronology of Holocene and terminal Pleistocene alluvium stored beneath the valley floor. Report created as a result of the 2020 Section 106 Beef Creek Erosion Project. Archeological sites contained in this report: 34CM024/025. USACE Tulsa District Contract No. W9126G-14-D-0037, Task Order No. W912BV17F0144, Option 2 (CLIN 0012AC Final Report).

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Mandel 2020. ( tDAR id: 465731) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8465731

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Contact(s): U.S. Army Fort Sill Environmental Office

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