ROI097, Faunal Analysis - Archaeological Investigations at Kendal Plantation


This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 097 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University.

The inventory and analysis of the vertebrate faunal remains recovered from Kendal Plantation provides an opportunity to examine subsistence patterns associated with North Carolina plantation owners and slaves. Research questions for this project focus on animal domestication and exploitation practices that can assist in identifying differences in subsistence patterns and wealth and status in the greater Antebellum South. Likewise, comparisons of the faunal assemblages recovered from the identified activity areas and associated features at Kendal Plantation lead to important information on differential access to animal food by the plantation inhabitants.

Specific research questions addressed in this study include:

1. What species are associated with each of the activity areas? Are faunal category patterns associated with the Kendal activity areas similar to other collections recovered from North Carolina and other plantation sites?

2. Are there major differences in subsistence patterns between the Colonial House and identified Slave quarters at the site? It is expected that more and better cuts of meat, especially from domestic cattle, would be associated with the Colonial House. Likewise, lesser quality meats are expected to be present at the slave areas.

3. What patterns are seen at other activity areas identified at the site (storehouses, root cellars, and yard units).

4. What modifications are present on the faunal elements?

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ROI097, Faunal Analysis - Archaeological Investigations at Kendal Plantation. ( tDAR id: 470248) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8470248

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Site Name

Investigation Types
Collections Research

Geographic Keywords
Brunswick County North Carolina

Spatial Coverage

min long: -78.626; min lat: 33.908 ; max long: -77.946; max lat: 34.366 ;

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Reports of Investigation(s): 97

Source Collections

Ball State University Applied Anthropology Laboratories

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  1. ROI097, Faunal Analysis: Archaeological Investigations at Kendal Plantation (2016)