Eaton Site


This project contains data from 17 seasons of excavation from the Eaton Site in West Seneca, NY just south of the city of Buffalo. It is a multi-component site that was occupied intermittently from late Paleo-Indian times through the early 19th century when it contained a cabin on what was then the Buffalo Creek Reservation. The bulk of material recovered from the site is from an Iroquoian village dating to the mid-sixteenth century. The major portions of three longhouses and a palisade pertaining to the Iroquoian component were recorded on the site. Eaton is one of a number of large Iroquoian village sites found in this region dating from the 15th through the mid-17th century. The Archaeological Conservancy now owns most of the site.

This project contains data recovered as a result of 17 summer field schools directed by William Engelbrecht. An excavation report was written after each field school and these have been uploaded to this project. Rob Peltier uploaded approximately 250 digital images of floor plans of excavation units. Both these images and the yearly excavation reports are grouped together under collections for each excavation year (i.e. Eaton 1975, Eaton 1977, etc.). Five Access tables (Tables 1-4 and Extras) give artifact counts by unit and level. Publications relating to the Eaton site have also been scanned and uploaded as have many artifact photos.

Cite this Record

Eaton Site. ( tDAR id: 6030) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8B27WRJ

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: -10000 to 2000

Spatial Coverage

min long: -78.802; min lat: 42.823 ; max long: -78.766; max lat: 42.859 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contributor(s): ; Sean Hanrahan

Record Identifiers

NRHP Reference(s): 79001581

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-100 of 299)


  1. #1031; E421 (2024)
  2. #1035; E454 (2024)
  3. #1053; E666 (2024)
  4. #1054; E613 (2024)
  5. #1161; CAT#1181 (2024)
  6. #1381; E226 (2024)
  7. #1386; E965 (2024)
  8. #1560; E403 (2024)
  9. #1561; E1050 (2024)
  10. #1565; E906 (2024)
  11. #1568; E539 (2024)
  12. #1577; E1300 (2024)
  13. #1587; E1151 (2024)
  14. #1591; E782 (2024)
  15. #1593; E783 (2024)
  16. #1596; E821 (2024)
  17. #1600; E42 (2024)
  18. #1602; E1231 (2024)
  19. #1603; E966 (2024)
  20. #1606; E1072 (2024)
  21. #1609; E1205 (2024)
  22. #1617; E816 (2024)
  23. #1623; E381 (2024)
  24. #1628; E454 (2024)
  25. #1631; E874 (2024)
  26. 1975 Excavation Report (1975)
  27. 1975 Post Mold Images (1975)
  28. 1977 Excavation Report (1977)
  29. 1977 Post Mold Images (1977)
  30. 1979 Excavation Report (1979)
  31. 1979 Post Mold Images (1979)
  32. 1981 Excavation Report (1981)
  33. 1981 Post Mold Images (1981)
  34. 1982 Excavation Report (1982)
  35. 1982 Group Photo (2015)
  36. 1982 Post Mold Images (1982)
  37. 1983 Excavation Report (1983)
  38. 1983 Post Mold Images (1983)
  39. 1984 Excavation Report (1984)
  40. 1984 Post Mold Images (1984)
  41. 1985 Post Mold Images (1985)
  42. 1986 Excavation Report (1986)
  43. 1986 Post Mold images (1986)
  44. 1988 Excavation Report (1988)
  45. 1988 Post Mold Images (1988)
  46. 1990 Excavation Report (1990)
  47. 1990 Post Mold Images (1990)
  48. 1992 Excavation Report (1992)
  49. 1992 Post Mold Images (1992)
  50. 1993 Excavation Report (1993)
  51. 1993 Post Mold Images (1993)
  52. 1995 Excavation Report (1995)
  53. 1995 Post Mold Images (1995)
  54. 1996 Excavation Report (1996)
  55. 1996 Post Mold Images (1996)
  56. 1997 Excavation Report (1997)
  57. 1997 Post Mold Images (1997)
  58. 1999 Excavation Report (1999)
  59. 1999 Post Mold Images (1999)
  60. 2000 Excavation Report (2000)
  61. 2000 Post Mold Images (2000)
  62. #921; E1119 (2024)
  63. #940; E1182 (2024)
  64. #956; E1188 (2024)
  65. Catalog Number by Unit (2002)
  66. Coding sheet for Eaton Chipped Stone Perforators and Gravers (2024)
  67. Comparison of Whole Points with Refits (2015)
  68. Distribution of Drill Types and Parts 1 (2022)
  69. Distribution of Drill Types and Parts 2 (2022)
  70. Documentation of 5 Eaton Access Tables
  71. Drill Attribute List (2022)
  72. E1215-1558 Drill Form (2023)
  73. E142-1407 Drill Form (2023)
  74. E202-1379 Drill Form (2023)
  75. E403-1361 Drill Form (2023)
  76. E45-1432 Drill Form (2023)
  77. E672-1395 Drill Form (2023)
  78. E725-1449 Drill Form (2023)
  79. E822-1471 Drill Form (2023)
  80. E83-1429 Drill Form (2023)
  81. E873B-1509 Drill Form (2023)
  82. E890-1505 Drill Form (2023)
  83. E909-1399 Drill Form (2023)
  84. Eaton broken flake scraper distribution (2021)
  85. Eaton Grave Goods (2021)
  86. Eaton images of unifacial tools and cores (2020)
  87. Eaton Length Histograms: Endscrapers, Side Scrapers (2021)
  88. Eaton Longhouses (2003)
  89. Eaton Macrobotanical Remains (2018)
  90. Eaton side scraper distribution (2021)
  91. The Eaton Site: Preliminary Analysis of the Iroquoian Component (1994)
  92. Eaton Stone Disk (2017)
  93. Eaton Thickness Histograms: flake scrapers, endscrapers, side scrapers (2021)
  94. Eaton Weight Histograms of Broken Unifaces (2021)
  95. Eaton Weight Histograms: endscrapers, flake scrapers, side scrapers (2021)
  96. Eaton whole endscraper distribution (2021)
  97. Eaton whole flake scraper distribution (2021)
  98. Eaton Width Histograms: Endscrapers, Flake Scrapers, Side Scrapers (2021)
  99. Endscrapers From the Eaton Site (2004)
  100. Estimation of the Length of Village Occupation at the Eaton Site, West Seneca, New York (2002)