Nathan Goodale
1-14 (14 Records)
- Ancient DNA Analysis from Micro-fractures in Bridge River Stone Tools (2018)
- Bayesian Models for the Occupational History of Complex Hunter-Gatherer-Fisher Communities in the Interior Pacific Northwest (2019)
- EA-IRMS and the isotope ecology from faunal remains at the Slocan Narrows site, Upper Columbia River area, interior Pacific Northwest (2017)
- Founding House, Neighborhood, Village: Hunter-Gatherer Social Complexity at the Slocan Narrows Site, Upper Columbia River Area, Interior Pacific Northwest, North America (2017)
- Geochemical Characterization of Anthropogenic Sediments through EA-IRMS from Slocan Narrows Pithouse Village (2015)
- A Geochemical Investigation and Spatial Analysis of the Earliest Living Floors of Housepit 54, Bridge River British Columbia (2017)
- Interpreting Ecclesiastical Mobility: A pXRF Study of Medieval Gravestones in Ireland (2015)
- Linking Geochemistry and Geology in Interpreting Anthropogenic Sediments at Bridge River, British Columbia (2015)
- Lithic Raw Materials and Social Landscapes: Mica-Lamented Quartzite Tools from Slocan Narrows, Upper Columbia River Area (2018)
- Microwear Analysis of Mica Lamented Quartzite Scrapers from Slocan Narrows, Upper Columbia River Area (2017)
- Prehistoric Mobility Patterns and Geochemistry of FGV Toolstones at Slocan Narrows Pithouse Village and the Upper Columbia River Area (2017)
- Sediment Geochemistry and Household Spatial Analysis: Social Organization and Housepit Floors from Three Millennia of Occupation at the Slocan Narrows Site, Interior Pacific Northwest (2018)
- Sourcing FGV Artifacts Recovered from Housepit 54, Bridge River Housepit Village, British Columbia (2017)
- Three Dimensional Modeling in Archaeological Interpretation: A Case Study from the Pacific Northwest (2015)