Society of Primitive Technology
No description specified.
451-500 (1,093 Records)
- How to save your brains and other primitive tanning tips (1997)
- How to weave a basket - a primer (2006)
- Hunter-gatherer Economics (2005)
- Hunting and wild animal food gathering at the Pamunkey Site (reprinted from Experimental Archaeology Papers, No. 4) (2014)
- Hunting the suburbs (2004)
- Hunting with primitive bows (1998)
- I belong to this country (2002)
- I built a stone age house (review H-O. Hansen), reprint from "Time Machines: the world of living history, pp 93-96. (2002)
- Ice Man Sheath, 0 BP (2010)
- The Iceman's belt (2006)
- Iceman's shoes (2000)
- “If they come, we will build it”, The Bushy Dolmen story (2008)
- An illustrated Megalithic glossary (2006)
- The importance of doing: tossing atlatl darts in the woods as real science (2012)
- Improvised blowguns and darts (2007)
- In Ages past, a painting (2009)
- In Defense of Level II (1996)
- Indian Angling (1995)
- Indian super soil (2009)
- Internal friction on bow limbs (2008)
- Interpreting pre-historic structures through modelling and replication (2009)
- An interview with Hans de Haas (2002)
- An interview with Hans de Haas (2011)
- Into wilder places (2008)
- Introduction to Ceramic Replication (1991)
- Introduction to Ceramic Replication (2001)
- An Introduction to Northwest Coast Woodwork (2001)
- Introduction to Tule Ethnobotany (1993)
- Intuitive physics and abstract nodules: flintknapping as first ar (1999)
- Ishi discovered (2009)
- Ishi sticks, Iceman picks and good-for-nothing things: a search for authenticity in pressure flaking tools (1999)
- Ishi's robbery (2005)
- It only takes a spark: an intro to flint and steel fire making (2011)
- Jabbing and Throwing Spears (1994)
- Joe Pratt’s Axe (2013)
- Journal of the 2003 Yaak River hunting project (2004)
- Jr. Abo Camp … a photo essay (1991)
- Just scraping by: beyond the biface bias (2001)
- Just the Tip: Replication and Use of a 10,400-year-old Cody-Age Foreshaft (2013)
- The Kalahari San Bushmen of Botswana – Tales from a Researcher and Guide (2014)
- Keewatin-Style footwear (1997)
- The Key Marco Atlatl (2009)
- The Key Marco Atlatl - an interpretive reconstruction (2009)
- The Key Marco Finds (2009)
- Kiaha - The O'odham burden basket (2006)
- Kids and clay (1998)
- Killing Meat Softly, use of toxins in the procurement of food (2009)
- Knapping Illustrated (1994)
- Knapping Illustrated (1999)
- Knapping Jasper, Agate and Chalcedony from the Northeast USA (2013)