Thomas A Crist
1-7 (7 Records)
- Bioarchaeological Evidence of the African Diaspora in Renaissance Romania (2016)
- The Earliest Bioarchaeological Evidence of the African Diaspora in Renaissance Romania (2017)
- Evidence of Perimortem Trauma and Taphonomic Damage in a WWI Soldier from Romania (2016)
- Osteobiographies of British Prisoners from the Old Convict Burial Ground on Watford Island, Bermuda (2020)
- The Osteobiography of Philadelphia’s Forgotten Abolitionist: Reverend Stephen H. Gloucester (1802-1850) (2018)
- "A Proper and Honorable Place of Retreat for the Sick Poor": Bioarchaeology of Philadelphia’s Blockley Almshouse Cemetery (2017)
- The Public History of Xenophobic Communism: Enver H. Hoxha’s Bunker Exhibition in Tirana, Albania (2017)