Society for American Archaeology
No description specified.
Institution Members
1-50 (23,365 Records)
- $1.87 Each, Four Feet Long and Over; $0.87 Each, Less than Four Feet: A Spatial Analysis of Coffin Type and Coffin Hardware from the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery. (2017)
- 10 Years, 3 Supervisors, 7 Assistants and 30 Students. How the Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist Managed, Manages and Plans for the Future of Archaeological Data (2018)
- 10,000 years of bottle gourds (Lagenaria siceraria): archaeology of the first global crop (2016)
- 10,000 Years of Stone Tool Use by Hunter-Gatherers in Central Texas (2015)
- A 10-Year Evaluation of El Guarco Project and Its Impacts in the Local Interactions at Cerro Azul, Peru (2024)
- 100 Years Later: Georeferencing Early Maps and Present Day Field Work at the Site of Nuri, Sudan (2019)
- 1000 Years of Small Bird Capture in NW Greenland (2019)
- A 1000-Year Record of Cahokia Region Population Change through Fecal Stanol Biomarker Analysis (2017)
- 10th Century BC Novelties in the Central Part of Southern Caucasus (2019)
- 12 Mile Creek Site: a Reinvestigation (1984)
- 12,500 Years of Altitude (2018)
- 13,000 Years of History in 990 Square Feet: Recent Undertakings in Public Archaeology at Petrified Forest National Park. (2015)
- 13,000 Years of Obsidian Prospecting in Eastern Beringia: A Status Report on Obsidian Source Studies in Alaska and Yukon (2017)
- 1300 years of a Classic Maya ceramic tradition at El Perú-Waka’, Guatemala (2017)
- 13th Baktun Rebirth at Izapa: discovery vistas with new technologies in applied structural archaeology are writing Preclassic history (2015)
- 14C and Maya Long Count Dates: Refining the Approach to Classic Maya Chronologies (2016)
- 14C and Maya Long Count dates: using Bayesian modeling to develop robust site chronologies (2015)
- 16 by 16 - Forest Service Fire Lookout Restorations in the Rocky Mountain Region (2016)
- The 16th Century Merchant Community of Santa Maria Acxotla, Puebla (2015)
- The 1817 Privateer Ghost Fleet of Matagorda, Texas, and the Search for Louis-Michel Aury’s Lost Port (2023)
- 18th to 20th Century Architectural Changes of Embudo’s Torreon (2019)
- The 1912 Grave Desecration of the Milwaukee County Institution Grounds Poor Farm's Cemetery (2015)
- The 1959-1960 Transwestern Pipeline: Window Rock to Flagstaff (1964)
- The 1973 Seminar on The Lacustrine Kingdoms in the Titicaca Basin (2018)
- 19th Century Factories, Warehouses and Workshops in La Puntilla, San Juan Puerto Rico (2018)
- 19th Century Mining Life in Michigan's Upper Peninsula - The American West on the Wrong Side of the 100th Meridian (2015)
- 20,000 Years Under the Sea: Dynamically Visualizing the Past and Future of Shorelines, Ecosystems, and Climate Change at Point Reyes, California (2018)
- 2000 Years of Eating: Continuity and change in food practices among the Puuc Maya (2017)
- 2000 Years of Small-Scale Mining in the Southern Atacama Desert (2024)
- A 2000-Year-Old Family: Interpreting Site Structure and Human Behaviors at the Swan Point Site, Interior Alaska (2019)
- The 2014 Excavations at Cerro Tortolita, an Early Intermediate Period Ceremonial Center in the Upper Ica Valley. (2015)
- The 2014 Excavations at the Early Horizon Period Ceremonial Complex of Cosma, Ancash, Peru (2015)
- 2015 Allendale Chert Quarry Survey: Methods and Preliminary Results (2016)
- 2016 Navy Sunken Military Craft Act Regulations--32 CFR 767 (2016)
- The 2016 Season at El Rayo, Nicaragua: Civic-Ceremonial Structures, Tombs, and Feasting from the Bagaces to Sapoa Transition (2017)
- 2017 Excavations at McDonald Creek (FAI-2043), A Multicomponent, Open-Air Site in the Tanana Flats Training Area, Fort Wainwright, Central Alaska (2018)
- The 2017 Excavations at Pan de Azúcar de Nivín: Insight into the Middle Horizon Occupation of the Middle Casma Valley, Peru (2018)
- 2019 Range Creek Excavation (2021)
- The 2019–2020 NSF REU Exploring Globalization through Archaeology Investigations on St. Eustatius, Dutch Caribbean (2021)
- The 2022 Petén Lakes Lidar/GPS Georectification Project (2023)
- The 2022 Public Archaeology Field School at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site: Decolonizing the Hudson’s Bay Company Schoolhouses (2023)
- 2023 Excavations at Early Classic (AD 200-500) Jalieza, Oaxaca, Mexico (2024)
- The 2023 Excavations at the Cosma Archaeological Complex, Ancash – Peru: A Journey Down the Rabbit Hole into the Andean Late Preceramic (2024)
- The 20th Century Archaeology of the High Mountains: State Projects and the Forces Resisting Them (2018)
- 24 Years Down & 24 to Go: Lessons Learned and New Research Directions for the Gunnison Basin (CO)-based Rocky Mountain Paleoindian Research Program (2019)
- 25 Years of Digital Archaeology - Updating the Past to Plan for the Future (2016)
- 25 Years of NAGPRA in the National Park Service (2015)
- 2D Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Ceramic Vessel Profiles from Phoenix Basin Hohokam Sites (2021)
- 3,065 Sherd Disks and their Potential Uses in Calixtlahuaca in the Toluca Valley (2015)
- 3-D morphology of grass short cell phytoliths: Unlocking the evolution of grasses and grassland ecosystems (2015)