John A. Molseed
No description specified.
1-50 (62 Records)
- Amended Supplemental Report To: A Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Bridge Replacement Project Section 36, T79N-R1W Near Durant Cedar County, Iowa (1996)
- Ammended Supplemental Reportto: Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Bridge Replacement Project Section 36 T79N-R1W Near Durant Cedar County (1996)
- Archaeological Investigations, Phase VI, Porch Renovation, Antoine Leclaire House, Davenport, Iowa (1992)
- Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Municipal Maintenance Garage Site, Bettendorf, Iowa (1984)
- Archaeological Survey of Two Water Storage Sites for the Southern Iowa Rural Water Association (1984)
- Brf-14-5(36) Marshall County Primary Roads (1984)
- Bros-9038(10) Grundy County Local Roads (1984)
- Bros-9038(11) Grundy County Local Roads (1984)
- Bros-9064(10) Marshall County Local Roads (1984)
- Bros-9064(6) Marshall County Local Roads (1984)
- Bros-9096(17) Winneshiek County Local Roads (1984)
- Bros-9096(8) Winneshiek County Local Roads (1984)
- A Phase 1 Archaeological Survey FM-63(44)--55-63 and BROS-63(28)--5F-63, a Proposed Roadway Grading and Bridge Replacement over the Des Moines River, Sections 32 and 34, T76N-R18W, Marion CO, Iowa (1999)
- Phase 1 Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Development Tract, Section 10, T89N-R14W, Cedar Falls, Black Hawk CO, IA, for a Proposed Compensatory Wetlands Area, Section 36, T90N-R13W, Black Hawk CO., Iowa (2002)
- Phase I Archaeological Subsurafce Testing the Mueller Lumber Company Block, a Property on the National Register of Historic Places, Davenprot (1995)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey Assessors Parcel Number 100-007 of Proposed Charles City Iha Senior Housing Project Section 13 T95N-R16W Floyd County (1997)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey Assessors Parcel Number 100-007 of Proposed Charles City Iha Senior Housing Project Section 13 T95N-R16W Floyd County (1997)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey BROS-63(47)--5F-63 Proposed Bridge Replacement County Highway T-14 over Thunder Creek (1998)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey BRS-63(42)--60-63 a Proposed Bridge Replacement County Highwway G-76 over English Cree Section 16 T74N-R20W Marion County (1998)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey FM-63(44)--55-63 and Bors-63(28)--5F-63 Proposed Roadway Grading and Bridge Replacement over the Des Moines River Section 33&34 T76N-R18W, Marion County (1999)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed 2.56 Acre Senior Housing Facility, Keokuk, Iowa (2000)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Borrow Area for Project Stp-5-63(45) Section 10, T77N-R18W, Marion County, Iowa. (1996)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Bridge Replacement and Borrow Area, Iowa County Bridge # 5-0019, County Road V-52,= over Big Bear Creek T80N-R11W, BRS-4766(2)--60-48, Iowa County (1995)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Bridge Replacement Project for Cedar County Bridge #101650 Near Durant, Cedar County, Iowa (1996)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Bridge Replacement Project for Cedar County Bridge 104790 Section 8, T82N-R3W, Cedar County, Iowa (1996)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Bridge Replacement Project Otter Creek IN Chelsea, Tama County (1992)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Bridge Replacement, County Road G-28, T76N-R4W, over the Cedar River, Muscatine County, Iowa (1994)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Bridge Replacement, Tama County, Bridge # 316810, over Richland Creek T82N-R14W (1994)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Elderly Housing Facility A.K.A. Scott Boulevard East, Parts 3 and 4, Section 7, T79N-R5W, Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa (1999)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Wastewater Lagoon Facility, City of Dunkerton, Black Hawk County, Iowa (2001)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey for a Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility City of Bellevue, Jackson County (1998)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey for FM-63(40)--55-63; a Proposed Bridge Replacement Marion County Road G76, Section 24, T74N-R20W over Hickory Creek, Marion County, Iowa (1995)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Bridge Replacement Project for Cedar County Bridge 104790 Section 8 T82N-R3W Cedar County (1996)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Bridge Replacement Tama County Bridge # 317240 over Raven Creek, T82N-R16W (1994)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Bridge Replacement, Tama County, Bridge # 005440, over Deer Creek T84N-R16W (1994)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Elderly Housing Facility A.K.A. Scott Blvd E - Parts 3&4 Section 7 T79N-R5W Iowa City Johnson County (1999)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for Proposed Road Improvements Louisa County Project 87-A Section 29 T73N-R3W (1998)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey for Stp-5-448(9)-5E-48, Proposed Grading Project, County Road W-21, T78,79N-R9W, York and Greene Townships, Iowa County (1994)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey Lot 7 Penn Oaks Condominium Project North Liberty Section 12, T80N-R7W, Johnson County (1997)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey North Five Acres, Parcel "E" of Proposed Marje Addition Oskaloosa Iha Senior Housing Section 24 T75N-R16W, Oskaloosa, Mahaska County (1997)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of a 6.8 Acre Parcel for a Proposed Senior Housing Facility, City of Tama, Tama County, Iowa (2001)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed Regrading of County Highway X--43, Muscatine County, Iowa Local Project #93-51 (1993)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed United States Postal Service Building Site Section 33, T77N-R2W, Muscatine County, Iowa (1995)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of a Proposed University Avenue Extension Corridor for the City of Muscatine: Sections 14 and 30, T77N-R1W, Muscatine County, Iowa (1996)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of Clinton County L-266--73-23 Proposed Connector Between Old Highway 30 and Newhighway 30 Section 12 T81N-R1E (1998)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey of Proposed Borrow Pit Site and of a Proposed Roadway Realignment Project ( Lrs-7650(7)), Marion County (1991)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey of Proposed Stream Rechannelization (L-4190) Marion County (1992)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey of Proposed Stream Rechannelization of Bear Creek Iowa County (1992)
- Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Mueller Lumber Company Block, a Property on the National Register of Historic Places Davenport (1994)
- A Phase I Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Bridge Replacement over North Cedar Creek, Marion County, IA (1993)