Durst Phase (Culture Keyword)

1-15 (15 Records)

47GT0593 Kieler I Database (2010)
DATASET Rhiannon Jones.

Access Database from Kieler I (47GT0593). Database contains Lot Book, Lab Inventory, and an inventory of all photos and slides curated at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Separate tables have been made for diagnostic artifacts including: Bifaces, Points, Scrapers, Other, and Decorated Rim Sherds. This collection is curated at University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

47GT0593 Kieler I Points (2010)
IMAGE Katherine Shillinglaw.

A selection of point images from Kieler I (47GT0593).

47GT0594 Kieler II Database (2010)
DATASET Rhiannon Jones.

Access database from Kieler II (47GT0594). Database contains a photo inventory, an artifact inventory, and the lot book. All artifacts and photos are curated at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

47GT0594 Kieler II Points (2010)
IMAGE Katherine Shillinglaw.

A collection of images of points from Kieler II (47GT0594).

47GT0628 Roling Database (2010)
DATASET Rhiannon Jones.

Database for Roling site (47GT0628). The database for 47GT0628 contains a lot book, artifact inventory, and a size grade inventory. In attempts to have more data for the interpretation in the Phase III the Phase I and II data was also imported into the database in a separate inventory of the site. All photos and artifacts are curated at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

47GT0628 Roling Point (2010)
IMAGE Katherine Shillinglaw.

A selection of images from Roling I site (47GT0628).

47GT0693 Bend in the Creek Database (2010)
DATASET Rhiannon Jones.

Database from Bend in the Creek site (47GT0693). Database includes the Lot Book and an Artifact Inventory. Artifacts and photos are curated at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

47GT0693 Bend in the Creek Points (2010)
IMAGE Katherine Shillinglaw.

A selection of point types collected at the Bend in the Creek site (47GT0693)

DOCUMENT Full-Text Rhiannon Jones. Jennifer Haas.

In April through October of 2004, Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center, Inc. conducted Phase I and II archaeological evaluations and Phase III data recovery operations at the Bend in the Creek site (47GT693) on behalf of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the Federal Highways Administration as part of the reconstruction of USH 151, Dickeyville to Belmont, Grant and Lafayette counties, Wisconsin (WisDOT Project ID #1209-02-00). This archaeological investigation was conducted in...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Rhiannon Jones. Jennifer Haas.

In November and December of 2003 and April through September of 2004, Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center, Inc. conducted Phase III data recovery operations at the Kieler I site (47GT593) on behalf of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the Federal Highways Administration as part of the reconstruction of USH 151, Dickeyville to Belmont, Grant and Lafayette counties, Wisconsin (WisDOT Project ID #1209-02-00). This archaeological investigation was conducted in conjunction with...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Rhiannon Jones.

In October through December of 2004, Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center, Inc. conducted Phase III archaeological excavations at the Kieler II site (47GT594) on behalf of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the Federal Highways Administration as part of the reconstruction of USH 151, Dickeyville to Belmont, Grant and Lafayette counties, Wisconsin (WisDOT Project ID 1209-02-00). Kieler II is a multi-component site containing prehistoric Native American occupations associated...

Archaeological Data Recovery at Rolling #1 Site (47GT628), USHighway 151 Corridor (Belmont to Dickeyville), Grant County, Wisconsin (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text G.W. III Christiansen. Jennifer Haas.

In July, November, and December of 2004, Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center conducted supplemental Phase II and III archaeological investigations at the Roling #1 site on behalf of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the Federal Highways Administration as part of the reconstruction of USHighway 151 between West Mound Road and County Trunk Highway HH in Grant and Lafayette counties, Wisconsin (WisDOT Project ID #1209-02-01). Over 2000 artifacts were recovered refl ecting...

Archaeological Investigations of 25 Parcels Related to the Reconstruction of USH 151 from W. Mound Road to CTH HH in Grant and Lafayette Counties, Wisconsin (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael Gregory. James McEachran. David F. Overstreet.

During July 2000 through early May 2001, the Center for Archaeological Research at Marquette University performed archaeological Phases I and II, and limited geo-technical studies within 25 segments of proposed and existing highway right-of-way (ROW) located along the planned U.S. Highway (USH) 151 reconstruction alignment between West Mound Road and County Trunk Highway HH in Lafayette and Grant counties, Wisconsin. Earth Tech, Inc., sponsored the study as preparation for continued...

Archaeological Sites, Driftless Area, Grant County, Wisconsin
PROJECT Jennifer Haas.

From 2004 through 2006, GLARC conducted archaeological data recovery operations at four open air prehistoric Native American sites in the Driftless Region of southwestern Wisconsin. The sites are Roling (47GT628), Kieler I (47GT593), Bend in the Creek (47GT693), and Kieler II (47GT594) and include Early Archaic (8000-4000 B.C.), Late Archaic Durst Phase (1000-5000 B.C.), Early Woodland (300 B.C. to 100 A.D.), and Late Woodland Eastman Phase (A.D. 700-1000) occupations. Each site contains in...

Archeology of Clayton County, Iowa: An Overview and Research Guide (1990)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David G. Stanley. Robert Vogel.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].