Ancestral Puebloan (Culture Keyword)
6,801-6,825 (7,424 Records)
This dataset contains information on mineral artifacts from the 1992-93 ASU excavations at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico
Quarai Groundstone Artifacts (2003)
This dataset contains information on groundstone artifacts at Quarai Pueblo that were recovered during ASU's 1992-1993 excavations.
Quarai lithics database (2003)
This file contains information on the chipped stone recovered from the 1992 and 1993 ASU field seasons at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico.
Quarai Miscellaneous Artifacts (2003)
This dataset contains information on a variety of miscellaneous objects, many of them historic (e.g., metal) found during the ASU 1992-93 excavations at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico. **Note that most of the ornaments are in the Quarai Ornaments database.**
Quarai Ornaments (2003)
This dataset provides information on the ornaments, primarily shell and turquoise, that were recovered during ASU's excavations at Quarai Pueblo in 1992 and 1993.
Quarai Potlids (2003)
This dataset contains information on the potlids (stone disks, usually limestone) from the ASU 1992-93 excavations at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico.
Quarai Pueblo Archaeological Project
Arizona State University project directed by Katherine Spielmann in the summers of 1992 and 1993.
Quarai Pueblo Ceramic data with Period information (2014)
This dataset contains counts and weights for plain, white, and glaze ware ceramics from Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico. The last column also provides period designations. Early is the early 1300s; Middle is probably the late 1400s-mid-1500s but we have no direct radiocarbon dates, and late is largely colonial. Quarai was abandoned between the early and late periods--there is little middle period occupation that we found.
Quarai Pueblo Faunal Data (2000)
Faunal data from Quarai Pueblo archaeological project.
R Code for Corrugated Ceramic Technological Analysis (2018)
This document contains the R code (checked in version 3.0) for conducting statistical analyses, clustering, and network visualization of corrugated ceramic technological data from the greater Cibola region as described in Chapter 5 of: Peeples, Matthew A. (2018) Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World. University of Arizona Press. Tucson, AZ.
R code for Phillips, Wearing, and Clark essay on EIDs in the prehistoric SW/NW (2017)
Five programs in the R programming language, simulating disease in the prehistoric Southwest/Northwest
The Racetrack Project
Between A.D. 1250 and 1450, a large number of ceremonial racetracks were built at and between villages in north-central Arizona. This assemblage began as a relatively dispersed collection, stretching from the Sedona area down to Cave Creek and from the Bradshaw Mountains to the Mazatzal Wilderness. Over time, the racetrack network grew in intensity but became spatially focused atop Perry Mesa, along the middle Agua Fria River. In conjunction with the Legacies on the Landscape Project and...
Rakita - Tables C through G (2011)
Data tables C through G to accompany Rakita's paper.
Rakita_The Mortuary Practices of the Casas Grandes Region: A Preliminary Database. (2011)
I present a preliminary regional database of mortuary practices for the Casas Grandes region of Chihuahua, Mexico. The reported prehistoric mortuary remains from the region are overwhelmingly drawn from the Paquime and Convento sites reported by Charles C. DiPeso and colleagues. Often overlooked, however, are several smaller samples that are reported with less detail. Given the complex nature of mortuary ritual from the region (especially in the late ceramic periods), the structure of the...
Rare Rocks (1985)
Items in the DAP nonflaked lithic tool assemblage and miscellaneous material files that represent “unusual materials of geologic origin” have been collected within a single rare rocks dataset (Keane and Clay 1987:507). More specifically, the dataset contains both naturally occurring and culturally modified items comprised of geological resources that are found in the Dolores Valley, or have been transported over long distances (Keane and Clay 1987). Items fashioned from rare material types are...
Rattlesnake Point Pueblo National Register Nomination (1997)
no description provided
RCAP Ceramic Database (2016)
Coded ceramics from the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project, Rudd Creek Pueblo.
RCAP Ceramic Tabulation Forms (1996)
Ceramic tabulation forms for Rudd Creek Pueblo. Ceramic sherds were analyzed by Suzanne Eckert for the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project (RCAP).
RCAP Chipped Stone Tabulation Forms (1996)
Chipped stone tabulation forms from Rudd Creek Pueblo.
RCAP Coding Sheet for Macrobotanical Database (2017)
Coding sheet for macrobotanical database associated with the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project (RCAP).
RCAP Coding Sheet for Mano/Handstone Tabulations (1996)
Coding sheet for mano/handstone tabulations from Rudd Creek Pueblo.
RCAP Coding Sheet for Metate Tabulations (1996)
Coding sheet for metate tabulations from Rudd Creek Pueblo.
RCAP Excavation Forms and Unit Notes (1/2) (1996)
Excavation forms and unit notes from the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project excavations at Rudd Creek Pueblo (part 1 of 2).
RCAP Excavation Forms and Unit Notes (2/2) (1996)
Excavation forms and unit notes from the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project excavations at Rudd Creek Pueblo (part 2 of 2).
RCAP Fauna Coding Key (2006)
Note: There is an inconsistency on the coding key for taxon, code 593 is used twice. Except for taxon codes 588-593 the key is consistent with ULCPP and CARP. Because taxon codes 588-593 do not appear in the database the CARP (most recent) coding keys are used.