Rare Rocks
Part of the Dolores Archaeological Program project
Year: 1985
Items in the DAP nonflaked lithic tool assemblage and miscellaneous material files that represent “unusual materials of geologic origin” have been collected within a single rare rocks dataset (Keane and Clay 1987:507). More specifically, the dataset contains both naturally occurring and culturally modified items comprised of geological resources that are found in the Dolores Valley, or have been transported over long distances (Keane and Clay 1987). Items fashioned from rare material types are particularly suited for supporting research where prehistoric resource use and exchange networks were concerned and may also have implications for examining the ritual and ideological activities of the Dolores Anasazi (Keane and Clay 1987). It is assumed that DAP conventions for measuring length, width, and thickness in millimeters, and weight in grams were repeated here, but Wilshusen et al. (1999:101) have cautioned that there is limited documentation of how measurements and classifications were actually made. The rare rocks dataset combines similar classes of artifacts that do not neatly fit into other datasets and should be viewed as a catalog of distinctive mineral items; most of their utility will be found in identifying patterns of rare mineral distribution among sites, or finding items that may be difficult to detect in other datasets (Keane and Clay 1987). The material type for each entry is contained within the ID field; items are coded for one of 49 recognized types ranging from minerals to shell and organic matter. Color, streak, and hardness were documented using their respective values from the Munsell color chart and Mohs scale. The special specimen type and number values typically indicate whether items were recovered while processing bulk soil samples, during survey as isolated finds; however, none of these values are applicable to items in the rarerox database. The newid value extends the range of possible material types represented by items in this dataset.
Variables in the rare rocks dataset have been described by Wilshusen et al. (1999); see especially the section "Ornaments, Rare Rocks, and Miscellaneous" by Judy Newland. In most cases, her descriptions are suitable for use as metadata and have been repeated almost verbatim here. See also Chapter 21, "Geological sources of unusual minerals and rocks of the Dolores Project area," by Stephen P. Keane and Vicki L. Clay, in Supporting Studies, Settlement and Environment.
Cite this Record
Rare Rocks. 1985 ( tDAR id: 6191) ; doi:10.6067/XCV88C9TTG
Data Set Structure
Table Information: dap-rarerox
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
caccnid | The Anasazi Heritage Center has given each specimen unique codes, including caccnid, to facilitate management of their DAP collections. The first digits of this value indicate the year that it was accessioned. | |||||
DOUBLE | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
cobjectid | The Anasazi Heritage Center has given each specimen unique codes, including cobjectid, to facilitate management of their DAP collections. Since this value is used in association with the AHC ARGUS database for tracking the location of a record, it is important for any researcher requesting objects from the curator. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
cdept | The Anasazi Heritage Center has given each specimen unique codes, including cdept, to facilitate management of their DAP collections. This value specifies the tool department to which each record belongs. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
csiteid | The Anasazi Heritage Center has given each specimen unique codes, including csiteid, to facilitate management of their DAP collections. This value denotes the entry's corresponding Smithsonian site number. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Horizontal Location | none | none | true | |
ssno | The special specimen number values are assigned sequentially within each site to indicate items recovered as isolated finds, or while processing samples such as bulk soil collections. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
thick | This variable provides the thickness of each item in millimeters, but does not include a description of how the measurement was taken. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
weight | This variable provides the weight of each item in grams. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
width | This variable provides the width of each item in millimeters, but does not include a description of how the measurement was taken. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
catno | A unique catalog item number used by DAP analysts, for identification in the laboratory. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Code | none | none | true | |
fs | The most basic type of provenience data recorded for all information obtained during DAP fieldwork is the field specimen number. These values are sequentially assigned to unique vertical and horizontal locations within each site. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Context | none | none | true | |
fileno | The file number. Includes the following assignments: unknown, miscellaneous, and non-flaked lithic. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
site | Site number refers only to the sequential position of a site within a single Smithsonian state and county designation. To obtain a full site number for any entry, this value must be appended to the Smithsonian state and county designation. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Horizontal Location | none | none | true | |
length | This variable provides the length of each item in millimeters, but does not include a description of how the measurement was taken. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
hardness | This variable provides the Mohs scale hardness rating for each object in the dataset. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Mineral | none | none | true | |
forma | This variable indicates whether an item owes its shape to cultural or natural modification. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Mineral | none | none | true | |
formb | This provides a simple morphological description of each item in the dataset. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Mineral | none | none | true | |
newid | This variable extends the range of options for describing the material content of each item. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
roxcolor | This variable appears to provide the Munsell color value of each entry. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Mineral | none | none | true | |
sstype | The special specimen type indicates whether items were recovered as isolated finds, or while processing samples such as bulk soil collections. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true | |
streak | This variable indicates the Munsell color value of the streak made by each object on unglazed porcelain. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Mineral | none | none | true | |
form | This variable provides a complete description of each item's form, including the type of modification which produced its current appearance. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Mineral | none | none | true | |
id | DAP analysts were able to choose from 49 options when providing a material description of each object. These mainly consist of minerals, but also include categories such as fossil, mollusk, and organic material. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
pl | The point location variable is a subdivision of the field specimen number that denotes an item or group of items of a significant type and/or context. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Context | none | none | true | |
stco | To obtain a full site designation for any entry, append the Smithsonian site number to this variable. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Horizontal Location | none | none | true |
Ancestral Puebloan
Numic and Late Pueblo
Site Type
Artifact Scatter
Hamlet / Village
Isolated Artifact
Isolated Feature
Kiva / Great Kiva
Military Structure
Pit House / Earth Lodge
Post Hole / Post Mold
Rock Alignment
Room Block / Compound / Pueblo
Water Control Feature
Wattle & Daub (Jacal) Structure
Investigation Types
Collections Research
Environment Research
Geographic Keywords
Dolores River Valley
Mesa Verde Region
Southwestern Colorado
Temporal Keywords
Ancestral Puebloan
Basketmaker I
Basketmaker II
Basketmaker III
Pueblo I
Pueblo II
Pueblo III
Spatial Coverage
min long: -108.59; min lat: 37.47 ; max long: -108.5; max lat: 37.57 ;
Record Identifiers
Bureau of Reclamation(s): 8-07-40-S0562
Source Collections
DAP collections are curated at the Anasazi Heritage Center, Dolores, CO.
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
dap-rarerox.csv | 259.98kb | Jul 30, 2012 2:49:56 PM | Public | ||
Translated version
Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: