Kiln (Site Type Keyword)


Parent: Archaeological Feature

Oven used to bake food, fire pottery, or thermally alter other materials (e.g., bricks, lithic materials).

1-25 (150 Records)

Additive Technologies Group Midlevel Research Design (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric Blinman.

This document is an extension of work begun by William A. Lucius, and its substance owes much to his foresight in the design of the Dolores Archaeological Program ceramic analysis system. Scott Travis authored a draft research design for ceramics which was helpful during the writing of portions of the present version. Dean Wilson and Rob Waterworth provided intense discussions of the interpretation of ceramic data, and their arguments and ideas have shaped and continue to shape...

An Analysis of Magnetic Surveys on the Kiln Site and the School Site at the Homestead National Monument, Nebraska (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John W. Weymouth.

In a desire to obtain some information about possible subsurface features as well as to test survey methods, the Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service carried out magnetic surveys over two sites at Homestead National Monument, Beatrice, Nebraska during September, 1981. This report is an analysis and interpretation, by the author, in fulfillment of Purchase 0rder px-6115-9-0616, of the data obtained in those surveys.

Application for Ithaca Pottery Site to the National Register for Historic Places
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Sophia Kelly

These documents include correspondence between Carol Bliss and the Division for Historic Preservation regarding the eligibility for the Ithaca Pottery to be added to the National Register for Historic Places.

Archaeological and Historical Investigations of Seven Sites in the Prado Basin (1995)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Foster. A. G. Toren. R. P. Hampson. B. R. Cross. J. A. Rasson.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Field and Analytical Studies for the Community Noise Reduction Program, Phoenix, Arizona (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

This report is the first of two technical reports that present the results of archaeological and historical studies conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., and Arizona Preservation Consultants personnel for the City of Phoenix (City) Community Noise Reduction Program and associated Voluntary Acquisition and Relocation Services (CNRP-VARS) Program. Residential parcels within seven City-defined neighborhoods were the focus of archaeological investigations, including: North Neighborhood, AZ T:12:258...

Archaeological Investigations in Northern Los Pozos, AZ AA:12:91 (ASM), for the Pima County Bleeder Channel Project, Pima County, Arizona (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Pima County Wastewater proposed construction of a bleeder channel on a City of Tucson-owned parcel in Pima County, Arizona. The parcel is within the northern boundary of the prehistoric site of Los Pozos, AZ AA:12:91 (ASM), a National Register of Historic Places-eligible property dating primarily to the Early Agricultural period (1200 B.C.-A.D. 50). The channel was planned from a bridge culvert on an access road to the RWRD Sweetwater Reclamation Campus to an existing rip-rap drainage channel...

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project - Coronado Generating Station Limestone Quarry, Federal and State Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Survey of Proposed Limestone Quarry, M. H. Welch Mining Claims and a 1/4 Section of State of Arizona Land (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark B. Sant.

In May 1976, at the request of the Salt River Project, an archaeological clearance investigation of 16 20-acre mining claims on Bureau of Land Management land and a quarter section of state land south of St. Johns, Arizona, was conducted by the Museum of Northern Arizona. 18 archaeological sites were located and recorded. A brief description of the investigations, the project area, and the archaeological situation encountered is given.

Archaeological Overview and Sample Survey of the Silurian Valley Study Area (1994)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brian F. Byrd. Drew M. Pallette.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Reconnaissance of the Lou Bittner Property. Mariposa County, California. (1980)
DOCUMENT Citation Only A. Beck. D. Wren.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

An Archaeological Survey of the Orme Reservoir (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Veletta Canouts.

This report is a statement concerning the assessed impact of the proposed Orme Reservoir on the archaeological resources. The Orme Reservoir is one phase of the Bureau of Reclamation's Central Arizona Project plan to impound and distribute water from the Colorado River to central and southern Arizona. To be located at the confluence of the Salt and Verde rivers, the Orme Reservoir will flood approximately 24,000 acres of bottomland along both rivers. Previous archaeological data from the area...

Archaeology of the Western Manzanita Mountains: Cultural Resource Survey of the West-Central Portion of Kirtland Air Force Base and Department of Energy Lands Withdrawn from the US Forest Service Bernalillo County, New Mexico (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James D. Gallison. David Kilby. David Wilcox. Roberto Herrera.

Beginning in January 2003, engineering-environment Management, Inc., (e2M), under contract with Kirtland Air Force Base, conducted a Section 110 cultural resources investigation of 6,654 acres of United States Forest Service (USFS) lands withdrawn to Kirtland Air Force Base (4,824 acres) and the Department of Energy (1,830 acres) located in the Manzanita Mountains of New Mexico (DACA45-03-D-0005). The primary objectives of the survey were to revisit and update previously recorded archaeological...

An Archeological Overview and Assessment of Homestead National Monument of America, Gage County, Nebraska (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John R. Bozell.

This document provides an archeological overview and assessment of Homestead National Monument of America in Gage County, Nebraska. The study was completed under the terms of a purchase order and scope-of-work issued by the Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service in Lincoln, Nebraska. Archeological investigations began at the park in the late 1940s and have continued through the present. All fee title land within the park has been examined on at least one occasion...

Arezzo Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Matthew Boulanger

These images show the individual sherds from Arezzo, Italy analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Banassac Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Banassac analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Botanical Resources: Corn (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The corn dataset was used in association with an intensive botanical study designed to identify different varieties of corn in the assemblage of corn cobs and plant fragments recovered in the course of DAP fieldwork. The variables in this dataset contain information and measurements pertaining to the number or rows of kernels on an ear, its shape and size, and various details about glumes, cupules, and kernels. Variables for the CORN10 dataset have been described by Wilshusen et al. (1999);...

Botanical Resources: Pollen (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The pollen dataset contains basic provenience data for each pollen sample collected. These data are accompanied by taxonomic classification and the grain count per taxon. Detailed locational information can be obtained by linking this dataset with the provenience dataset. Variables for the corn dataset have already been described by Wilshusen et al. (1999). In most cases, their descriptions are suitable for use as metadata and have been repeated almost verbatim here. Selected resources from the...

The Central Arizona Project Historic Preservation Program: Conserving the Past While Building for the Future (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region.

On July 15, 1983, the chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) ratified a programmatic memorandum of agreement among the Arizona and New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), the Bureau of Reclamation, and the ACHP. The subject of that agreement was the construction of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) and its impact upon historic properties. That agreement was negotiated in compliance with Section 2(b) of Executive Order 11593, "Protection and Enhancement...

Ceramics: Temporal-Spatial Dataset (1988)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The Additive Technologies Group (ATG) was responsible for supporting the broad research goals of the DAP through the implementation of mid-level research design governing the collection and analysis of data from “material culture that results from the technological combinations of a variety of raw materials” (Blinman 1986a:57). While these items include worked vegetal material (e.g., basketry and textiles), much of the work performed by the ATG relates to a large ceramic assemblage including...

Choga Mish Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Choga Mish analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Chronometric Dating (1985)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

The results of chronometric analysis on special specimen samples collected for dating can be found in this dataset. Samples are linked to basic provenience data such as site and field specimen number. The temporal range for each sample will be indicated by variables for earliest and latest dates. These variables give the innermost and outermost dates of wood submitted for dendrochronological dating and their corresponding Tree-Ring Lab symbols indicating how close the date provided is to the...

Cincelli Ceramics: Photographs (2011)
IMAGE Matthew Boulanger. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

These images show the individual sherds from Cincelli, Italy analyzed by neutron activation at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Photographs were taken at LBNL and scanned by the Archaeometry Laboratory at MURR. Individual files were named according to the official catalog numbers of each image assigned by the Graphic Arts Department at LBNL.

Cottontail Procurement (1987)
DATASET Uploaded by: Jesse Clark

Flint and Neusius’ (1987) examination of the assemblage of cottontail remains from the Dolores Anasazi faunal record is an especially good example of synthetic research contributions to DAP research. Their study utilized the subset of the DAP faunal assemblage contained within the BUNNY10 dataset (Flint and Neusius 1987:257). Since the two species of cottontail utilized by the Dolores Anasazi have distinct habitat preferences, their relative abundances provided an opportunity to track patterns...

Cultural Resource Investigations in Conjunction with the Replacement of Locks and Dams 7 and 8, Monongahela River, Pennsylvania and West Virginia (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert J. Houston. Beverly A. Mitchum.

GAI Consultants, Inc., conducted cultural resource investigations at five locales in preparation for the U S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) proposed replacement of Locks and Dams 7 and 8, USACE subject property Grays Landing, on the Monongahela River in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The investigations included the survey of approximately two miles of floodplain at Grays Landing, Pennsylvania; the investigation of historic potteries at New Geneva and Greensboro, Pennsylvania; the investigation...

Cultural Resource Survey for the ID 46 kV Powerline Upgrade Project, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathleen A. Adams. David P. Staley. John C. Acklen.

Cultural Resources Inventory of a 17,428 ft (5,312 m), 328 ft (100 m) corridor centered on the extant ID 46 kV powerline located a total of 18 archaeological sites and 17 isolated occurrences. Sites include 10 newly recorded sites and eight previously recorded sites. Class I site file searches had indicated that as many as 21 previously recorded sites might occur within the project corridor. These searches also revealed that considerable confusion existed as to site location and condition....

Cultural Resources Inventory of the Oyster Point Tract (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kara Bridgman. Ralph Bailey.

In March and April 2000, Brockington and Associates, Inc. conducted a cultural resources inventory of the 80 hectare Oyster Point Tract in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The objectives of the inventory were to locate all above ground and subsurface cultural resources within the project tract and to assess each resource for eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places. Investigators identified eight archaeological resources during the cultural resources inventory of the Oyster...