Pit House / Earth Lodge (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Domestic Structures

Semi-subterranean habitation that may have an oval, round or rectangular shape. Typically with a dome-like covering constructed using a wood frame covered by branches, reeds, other vegetation and earth.

1-25 (949 Records)

The 1986 Archaeological Investigations at Las Canopas, Phoenix, Arizona (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John S. Cable. David E. Doyel.

This report will describe the results of archaeological salvage investigations at the prehistoric Hohokam site of Las Canopas, AZ T:12:16 (PGM), conducted by Pueblo Grande Museum between January 23 and February 28, 1986. Work at the site was initiated in response to notification made by a City of Phoenix, Engineering Department Inspector, Charley Marican, that prehistoric remains had been exposed in sewer line trenches at a construction site. Inspection of the museum site files indicated that...

2000 Years of Settlement in the Tonto Basin: Overview and Synthesis of the Tonto Creek Archaeological Project (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

The Tonto Creek Archaeological Project (TCAP) was conducted in the Tonto Basin of east-central Arizona on Tonto National Forest land. The project was funded by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) and conducted from 1992 through 1996, in advance of the realignment of Arizona State Route 188. The investigated area was a 61-m (200-ft) corridor that followed a 13.3-km (8-mi) stretch of the western terrace overlooking Tonto Creek. The project was divided into three sections based on the...

Additive Technologies Group Midlevel Research Design (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Eric Blinman.

This document is an extension of work begun by William A. Lucius, and its substance owes much to his foresight in the design of the Dolores Archaeological Program ceramic analysis system. Scott Travis authored a draft research design for ceramics which was helpful during the writing of portions of the present version. Dean Wilson and Rob Waterworth provided intense discussions of the interpretation of ceramic data, and their arguments and ideas have shaped and continue to shape...

Ainu Bay 1 Artifact Photographs (2008)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Natalia Slobodina

Artifact photographs from Ainu Bay 1.

Ainu Creek Artifact Photographs (2006)
IMAGE Uploaded by: Natalia Slobodina

Artifact Photos from the 2006 excavation at Ainu Creek.

Ancient Farmers of the Safford Basin: Archaeology of the U.S. 70 Safford-to-Thatcher Project (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

In March 1999, Desert Archaeology, Inc., was subcontracted by lnca Engineering to conduct archaeological testing along U.S. 70 between Safford and Thatcher at the behest of the Arizona Department of Transportation. Subsurface features associated with four prehistoric habitation sites (AZ CC:2:235, :289, :290, and :291 [ASM]), two prehistoric canal sites (AZ CC:2:296 and :297), and one late historic-period canal site (AZ CC:2:298) were identified. Except CC:2:291 that was removed from the project...

Ancient Farming Along the Salt River: Data Recovery at a 9th Century Field House Community (AZ T:12:395[ASM]) for the Coral Pointe Development in Phoenix, Arizona (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark L. Chenault. Douglas R. Mitchell.

The City of Phoenix requested that archaeological work be conducted at the location of the proposed Coral Pointe Apartments Project in Phoenix. The Project is on private property but will receive federal funding so the effects of this undertaking on cultural resources must be considered to comply with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. According to the City of Phoenix archaeological site files, several prehistoric canals cross the area of potential effect (APE). Although no...

Ancient Hohokam Communities in Southern Arizona: The Coyote Mountains Archaeological District in the Alter Valley (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Allen Dart. James P. Holmlund. Henry D. Wallace.

The greater Coyote Mountains archaeological district identified in this volume is located at the north end of the Altar Valley of Arizona and includes an extensive and varied complex of archaeological sites and features. These cultural materials are believed to represent the remains of one or more large, early-to-late Classic period (A D . 1150-1450) communities focused on at least 10 walled compounds-open spaces enclosed by adobe or masonry walls--interpreted as residential areas. Associated...

Anthem at Merrill Ranch: Cultural Resources Inventory of the 3,260-Acre Parcel between Coolidge and Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Daniel K. Newsome.

Between October 20 and 23, 2004, archaeologists from EnviroSystems Management, Inc. (EnviroSystems) conducted a Class III cultural resources inventory of 1,568 acres of private land between Coolidge and Florence, Pinal County, Arizona. The 1,568 acres are part of a 3,260-acre parcel proposed for residential development (the remaining 1,692 acres were not examined during this project because 442 acres of the parcel were under cotton cultivation at the time of the inventory and the other 1,250...

The Anthropogenic Landscape of Las Capas, an Early Agricultural Irrigation Community in Southern Arizona (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Las Capas, AZ AA:12:111 (ASM), so named for its deeply stratified deposits, dates primarily to the San Pedro phase of the Early Agricultural period, circa 1200-800 B.C. Later, more sporadic occupation of the site extends from the Cienega phase (800 B.C.-A.D. 50) through the Hohokam sequence and the Protohistoric period. Occupation prior to approximately 2100 B.C. is suggested by several radiocarbon dates on maize found redeposited in younger contexts. Recent excavations at the site and its...

Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of the Oahe Reservoir, North and South Dakota (1953)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul L. Cooper.

The present report is intended as a brief, non-technical statement of the archeological resources known to exist in the Oahe Reservoir area (for information relative to the results of archeological research in the area to date, reference should be made to the list of literature cited at the end of this report). It is based primarily upon information collected by Missouri Basin Project reconnaissance parties 1948-1952, but use has been made of various other resources. During the late summer of...

AR-03-12-03-197 Arizona Site Steward File (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph Crary.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the sites AR-03-12-03-197, AR-03-12-03-198, AR-03-12-03-199, AR-03-12-03-200, and AR-03-12-03-227, located on Tonto National Forest land. These Hohokam sites include multiple rock shelters, a pit house village, bedrock grinding features, a field site, terraces, and checkdams. Sites may represent both Hohokam pot and gravity irrigation systems. The file consists of five heritage inventory forms and five preliminary inventory forms. The earliest dated...

Archaeological and Geoarchaeological Investigations Along the Santa Cruz River Floodplain: The Pima County Plant Interconnect Project (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This document summarizes the results of a phased archaeological data recovery program along a narrow pipeline corridor between the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department’s existing Roger Road and Ina Road facilities. The work was conducted by Northland Research, Inc. prior to the installation of a new gravity-flow sewer line connecting the two wastewater facilities. Northland’s Pima County Plant Interconnect Project (PCPIP) investigated seven archaeological sites that have been...

An Archaeological Assessment of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV Transmission Line (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lanita C. Van Nimwegen.

Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed a Class III archaeological survey of portions of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV transmission line located on Arizona State lands, USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands and Salt River Project (SRP) right-of-ways across privately held lands. Reconnaissance of state and private (patented) lands was completed on April 24 and 25 of 1991 under Permit Number 90-39, and BLM lands were surveyed on May 3, Under Permit Number AZ-000065. As a result...

Archaeological Clearance Report for Phase 2 Data Recovery at Sites on the Slate Creek Section, ADOT State Route 188 Project, Tonto Basin, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bruce B. Huckell.

This report is to show that we have completed our Phase 2 data recovery investigations at five archaeological sites along the Slate Creek Section of SR 188, and to recommend that archaeological clearance be granted for the construction of this section of the road. The field work began on June 13 and terminated on July 28; a total of approximately 390 person days was expended. The Phase 2 data recovery accomplished at the Slate Creek Section sites was successful in producing the kinds of data...

Archaeological Data Recovery at a Small Portion of AZ EE:9:174 (ASM), a Prehistoric Habitation Site North of Nogales, Santa Cruz County, Arizona (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah L. Swartz.

Archaeological data recovery was conducted at the eastern margin of a larger site, AZ EE:9:174 (ASM), by Desert Archaeology, Inc. Four pit structures and 11 extramural features were identified and excavated. No human remains were found. The structures were all structures-in-pits oriented toward the east and the Santa Cruz River. Results from this project were limited because only a small portion of the site was investigated. Ceramic analysis suggested this portion of the site was occupied during...

Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ EE:1:224, :225, And :226 (ASM), Rancho Sahuarita, Town of Sahuarita, Arizona (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gavin H. Archer.

Archaeological data recovery fieldwork at Rancho Sahuarita sites AZ EE: 1:224, 225, and 226 (ASM) was completed on May 3, 2000. The fieldwork and subsequent analysis followed the Archaeological Research Guidelines (ARG) approved by the Town of Sahuarita (WestLand Resources and SWCA 1998). The guidelines provide a culture history and research design, and field and analytic methods. Sites 224, 225, and 226 are three of a cluster of late pre-Classic Hohokam sites located along the west side of the...

Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ EE:1:301 (ASM), Town of Sahuarita, Pima County, Arizona (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David B. Tucker.

Between May 28 and June 6, 2008, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted Phase II archaeological data recovery at AZ EE:1:301 (ASM) on the Sahuarita Duval property in the Town of Sahuarita, Pima County, Arizona. The project was conducted through a contractual agreement with Sahuarita Plaza Investors, LLC, in anticipation of proposed commercial development. Prior to any development on the privately owned property, it was necessary for Sahuarita Plaza Investors, LLC, to comply with...

Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ U:14:292 (ASM) and AZ U:14:437 (ASM) at the Coolidge Substation, Pinal County, Arizona (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael W. Lindeman.

This report documents archaeological data recovery by Desert Archaeology, Inc., at three archaeological sites, AZ U:14:292 (ASM), AZ U:14:437 (ASM), and AZ U:14:438 (ASM), found inside Western Area Power Administration's (Western) Coolidge Substation, Pinal County, Arizona. Archaeological fieldwork was conducted in two phases. The first phase focused on a larger area within the substation and was reported on by Darby et al. (2012). The current report focuses on the second phase of fieldwork,...

Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ U:9:8 (ARS), A Prehistoric Hohokam Site Near Mesa Grande, Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lyle M. Stone.

Site AZ U:9:8 (ARS) was initially defined by Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (ARS) on April 26, 1985. At that time, Salt River Project (SRP) was excavating a footings trench for a concrete panel wall to be erected around a well site, and the construction crew encountered and reported archaeological remains in one of the excavated trenches. ARS was then requested by SRP to inspect the exposed remains, and to provide recommendations for the disposition of any identified cultural materials....

Archaeological Data Recovery at La Lomita (AZ U:9:67 ASM), Phoenix, Arizona (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

Under contract to Balsz School District No. 31, SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants carried out a program of archaeological data recovery at a portion of the prehistoric Hohokam village of La Lomita, in Phoenix, Arizona, during August of 1995. Three areas were excavated in portions of the school property where future improvements are planned. Overburden was removed, and hand excavations were conducted at a total of 21 archaeological features, including ten pithouses or house fragments, three...

Archaeological Data Recovery at Riverfront Village (38AK933): A Mississippian/Contact Period Occupation (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas Whitley. Jana Futch. Kandice D. Hollenbach. Jon Marcoux. Kim Wescott. Maggie Needham. Jessica Allgood.

"In 2004, Brockington and Associates, Inc. (Brockington) was asked by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) to carry out Phase II Testing for the Georgia Avenue Extension Project (GAEP) in North Augusta. The GAEP was an undertaking that entailed design and construction of new roadway associated with the City of North Augusta’s planned riverfront revitalization. More than one year earlier, the city teamed with the Leyland Alliance (a private development partnership) to design...

Archaeological Data Recovery at the Sunset Mesa Ruin (AZ AA:12:10 ASM) (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah L. Swartz. Jenny L. Adams.

Phase 1 Data Recovery was conducted at the Sunset Mesa Ruin, AZ AA:12:10 (ASM), to evaluate the archaeological resources that will be impacted by the gravel mining operations of Tucson Ready Mix, Inc. The information gathered from the excavated backhoe trenches, added to previous archaeological investigations at the site, has identified several loci where prehistoric and historic or modern features cluster. Two areas were also identified that may be cremation cemeteries. The historic features...

Archaeological Data Recovery Excavations at the Sanders Great House and Six Other Sites Along US Highway 191, South of Sanders, Apache County, Arizona, Volume 2 (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas F. Fletcher.

This report presents the results of data recovery investigations at the Sanders Great House site and six other sites within the right-of-way of US Highway 191, south of Sanders, Apache County, Arizona. The project was sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT). All excavation work was conducted on ADOT land, with the exception of a small portion of the right-of-way crossing site AZ K:15:17 that is part of the Navajo Nation Chambers-Sanders Trust Lands (CSTL). Data recovery...

Archaeological Data Recovery for the Paseo de las Iglesias Project, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael W. Lindeman.

The Paseo de las Iglesias (Paseo) project provided a unique opportunity to examine the riverine landscape and its role in the lives of millennia of inhabitants of the Tucson Basin, from Early Agricultural period farmers to late Historic era farmers and entrepreneurs. Questions about how people utilized the riverine landscape guided the project research presented here. The Paseo project area is centered on the Santa Cruz River, extending from the banks of the current entrenched channel to the...