Ancient Farming Along the Salt River: Data Recovery at a 9th Century Field House Community (AZ T:12:395[ASM]) for the Coral Pointe Development in Phoenix, Arizona

Author(s): Mark L. Chenault; Douglas R. Mitchell

Year: 2010


The City of Phoenix requested that archaeological work be conducted at the location of the proposed Coral Pointe Apartments Project in Phoenix. The Project is on private property but will receive federal funding so the effects of this undertaking on cultural resources must be considered to comply with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. According to the City of Phoenix archaeological site files, several prehistoric canals cross the area of potential effect (APE). Although no site had been recorded in this parcel, the City required testing here due to the likelihood of buried canal features.The testing was done under the existing City-approved Plan, entitled “General Cultural Resources Testing Plan for the City of Phoenix Projects that Involve Prehistoric Canals with the City of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona” (Stubing and Turner 2007). Buried features were discovered during the testing phase, an archaeological site number was assigned, and subsequent data recovery was conducted. The data recovery was done under an existing City-approved Plan, entitled “General Historic Properties Treatment Plan for Archaeological Projects within the Boundaries of the City of Phoenix, Arizona” (Montero et al. 2008).

Archaeological investigations in the project area included 675 linear meters of backhoe trenches and 620 sq m of mechanically stripped areas. Forty one features were identified that included field houses, pits, and canals. Ceramic evidence indicates that this site, AZ T:12:395(ASM), dates to the late Gila Butte and early Santa Cruz phases of the Hohokam Colonial period around A.D. 750-850.

Cite this Record

Ancient Farming Along the Salt River: Data Recovery at a 9th Century Field House Community (AZ T:12:395[ASM]) for the Coral Pointe Development in Phoenix, Arizona, 32. Mark L. Chenault, Douglas R. Mitchell. 2010 ( tDAR id: 440612) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8440612

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Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 750 to 850 (Ceramic evidence relative date)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.056; min lat: 33.391 ; max long: -112.018; max lat: 33.423 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Prepared By(s): PaleoWest Archaeology

Submitted To(s): NRP Group, Inc.; City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Record Identifiers

Technical Report No.(s): 10-32

PaleoWest(s): 09-25

PGM(s): 2008-07

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Coral-Pointe-Final-Report_OCR_PDFA.pdf 10.89mb Jul 19, 2010 Feb 1, 2018 2:35:06 PM Confidential
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Coral-Pointe-Final-Report_OCR_PDFA_Redacted.pdf 18.96mb Mar 19, 2021 10:09:46 AM Public
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