SHESC: Digital Archive of Huhugam Archaeology (DAHA)
Site Name Keywords
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument •
Perry Mesa •
Pueblo Grande •
AZ U:9:1(ASM) •
AZ U:9:7(ASM) •
La Ciudad •
Casas Grandes •
Las Colinas •
Florence-Casa Grande Canal •
AZ U:15:1(REC)
Site Type Keywords
Archaeological Feature •
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex •
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features •
Artifact Scatter •
Non-Domestic Structures •
Domestic Structures •
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features •
Pit •
Agricultural or Herding •
Pit House / Earth Lodge
Other Keywords
Artifact Analysis •
Ceramic Analysis •
Pollen Analysis •
Salt River Project •
Archaeological Monitoring •
Architectural Documentation •
Lithic Analysis •
Flake •
Culture Keywords
Hohokam •
Historic •
Huhugam •
Archaic •
Mogollon •
Ancestral Puebloan •
Euroamerican •
Perry Mesa Tradition •
Historic Native American •
Late Archaic
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation •
Site Evaluation / Testing •
Archaeological Overview •
Historic Background Research •
Records Search / Inventory Checking •
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan •
Methodology, Theory, or Synthesis •
Reconnaissance / Survey •
Systematic Survey •
Architectural Survey
Material Types
Ceramic •
Chipped Stone •
Ground Stone •
Fauna •
Shell •
Macrobotanical •
Pollen •
Human Remains •
Glass •
Fire Cracked Rock
Temporal Keywords
Classic Period •
Prehistoric •
Sedentary Period •
Historic •
Colonial Period •
Pueblo IV •
Perry Mesa Tradition •
Hohokam •
Sacaton Phase •
Pioneer Period
Geographic Keywords
North America (Continent) •
United States of America (Country) •
Arizona (State / Territory) •
USA (Country) •
Maricopa County (County) •
US (ISO Country Code) •
Pinal County (County) •
Phoenix Basin •
Maricopa (County) •
Pima County (County)
Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-100 of 1,914)
- Coding Sheets (4)
- Datasets (132)
- Documents (1,465)
- GIS (4)
- Images (264)
- Ontologies (8)
- Projects (37)
- A 10th Century Hohokam Camp Along New River. Archaeological Investigations at AZ T:8:86 (ASM), Peoria, Arizona (1999)
- 1864 Charles Poston, Description of Casa Grande (1963)
- 1892-1992 Centennial, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
- 1917-1930 Administrative Records (2009)
- 1926-1930 Pageant at Compound B, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
- 1928 Excavations at Casa Grande Ruins (1928)
- 1930's Hastings CWA job
- 1930-1940 Ruminations of Frank Pinkley, Southwestern Monuments Reports
- 1931 Casa Grande Ruins National Monument topographic maps
- 1932 Ruins Shelter specifications (1981)
- 1933 and 1934 Casa Grande Ruins Excavation Photographs (1933)
- 1936 March, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Southwest Monuments Report, "Throne Room in Clan House.". (1936)
- 1936 March, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Southwest Monuments Report, "Throne Room in the Clan House". (1936)
- 1948 Stabilization photos of Compound A (1948)
- 1957 Gladwin, Harold Sterling, A History of the Ancient Southwest (1957)
- 1957-1958 Development Master Plan
- 1957-1958 Development Master Plan images and documents (1958)
- 1960 Graffiti correspondence (1960)
- 1966 Richert Compound B (1966)
- 1968 Stabilization Record, Compound B, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument (1968)
- 1977 Architectual documentaiton of the Casa Grande Great House by David R. Wilcox and Lynette O. Shenk
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House East ext. (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House East int. Tier B (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North and East int. Tier A (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North and East int. Tier C (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North and East int. Tier D (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North ext. (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House North int. Tier E (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South and West int. Tier A (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South and West int. Tier B (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South and West int. Tier C (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South and West int. Tier D (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House South ext. (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, Great House West ext. (1977)
- 1977 Architectural Documentation, Wilcox & Shenk, South and West int. Tier E (1977)
- 1979 Great House East ext. elevation (1979)
- 1979 Great House North ext. elevation (1979)
- 1979 Great House S-N cross section elevation (1979)
- 1979 Great House South ext. elevation (1979)
- 1979 Great House West ext. elevation (1979)
- 1979 Ohio State University Architectural Documentation of the Great House at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
- 1980 correspondence with Harold Gladwin Casa Grande Ruins (1980)
- 1981 Additional Studies of the Architecture of the Casa Grande and Its Interpretation
- 1981 Andresen, John M., Radio Carbon Dates from the Casa Grande
- The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas Research Design (1985)
- The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Environment and Subsistence (1989)
- The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Material Culture (1988)
- The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Special Studies and Data Tables (1989)
- The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Syntheses and Conclusions (1989)
- The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: The Mound 8 Precinct (1988)
- The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: The Site and Its Features (1988)
- The 1986 Archaeological Investigations at Las Canopas, Phoenix, Arizona (1986)
- 1990's Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Great House Architectural Documentation - University of Pennsylvania
- 2000 Years of Settlement in the Tonto Basin: Overview and Synthesis of the Tonto Creek Archaeological Project (2004)
- 2006 Aerial Image of Richinbar Ruin and Associated Racetrack (2007)
- 2009 Great House Architectural Documentation Casa Grande Ruins National Monument - Western Mapping
- A.D. 1064? A Pilot Study Of Archaeological Tree-Ring Samples To Search For Visible Evidence Of The Eruption Of Sunset Crater Volcano, Northern Arizona (2009)
- AAPL, Chapter 16, The Artifactual Record (2017)
- AAPL, Chapter 18, Lithic Technology Along the All American Pipeline (2017)
- AAPL, Chapter 21, Analysis of Shell Materials from the AAPL (2017)
- Across the Western Canal: Archaeological Monitoring and Limited Data Recovery for the Ken McDonald Golf Course Irrigation Water Line Project, Tempe, Arizona (2000)
- Addendum Report to the Class III Survey Along Reaches 1 and 2 of the San Carlos Irrigation Project Rehabilitation: Report (2014)
- Additional Archaeological and Historical Research in the Tucson Presidio, Historic Block 181, Tucson, Pima County, Arizona (2008)
- Additional Archaeological Testing at the UMOM Property in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Additional Archaeological Testing Within the Adamsville Ruin for Wood Pole Replacements in the Oracle-Coolidge 115 KV Transmission Line, Pinal county, Arizona (1998)
- Additional Cultural Resources Survey within the Fannin-McFarland and Tucson Aqueducts, Central Arizona Project Canal, Maricopa, Pinal, Pima Counties, Arizona (2017)
- Additional Studies of the Architecture of the Casa Grande and Its Interpretations (1981)
- Administrative Records, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
- The Adobe Dam - Desert Hills ADMP Archeological Assessment Project of Northern Maricopa County, Arizona (2003)
- Adobe Stabilization Tests (1976)
- Aerial Image of Pueblo Pato, Outlying Structures, and Survey Boundary (2008)
- Aerial Image of Survey Areas Adjacent to Pueblo la Plata, Control Mesa, Bull Tank Farm/Fortified Garden, and Pueblo Pato (2008)
- Agave Typologies of Richinbar, Pueblo la Plata, and Pueblo Pato Archaeological Sites of Agua Fria National Monument (2004)
- Agricultural Impacts on Soil Compaction and Sediment Size (2005)
- The Agricultural Landscape of Perry Mesa: Modeling Residential Site Location in Relation to Arable Land (2007)
- Agua Fria National Monument Bibliography (2012)
- The Ak Chin Farm Project: Archaeological Survey on the Ak Chin Indian Reservation, West Half (1983)
- Alliance and Landscape - Perry Mesa, Arizona in the Fourteenth Century: Surface Ceramic Collections for BLM Lands in the Agua Fria National Monument (2010)
- Alliance and Landscape: Perry Mesa, Arizona in the Fourteenth Century: Surface Ceramic Collections for USFS Lands in the Cave Creek and Payson Ranger Districts of the Tonto National Forest (2010)
- Amerind Pleistocene Lake I, The Archaeology of the Willcox Playa (1985)
- An Analysis of a Prehistoric Skeletal Population, Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico (1968)
- An Analysis of the Fitch Site and its Relationship to the Hohokam Classic Period (1963)
- Analytical Graphs and Data Derived from Rock Analyses from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
- Analytical Graphs Derived from Artifact Analyses from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
- Analytical Graphs Derived from Woody Plant Analyses from Transects at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
- The Ancient Agroecology of Perry Mesa: Integrating Runoff, Nutrients, and Climate (2013)
- Ancient Canals and Cities (1903)
- Ancient Farmers of the Safford Basin: Archaeology of the U.S. 70 Safford-to-Thatcher Project (2004)
- Ancient Farming Along the Salt River: Data Recovery at a 9th Century Field House Community (AZ T:12:395[ASM]) for the Coral Pointe Development in Phoenix, Arizona (2010)
- Ancient Hohokam Communities in Southern Arizona: The Coyote Mountains Archaeological District in the Alter Valley (1990)
- An Annotated Bibliography of Southwestern and Native American Religious Shrines, Trail Shrines, Rock Cairns, Stacked Rock Features and Rock Markers (1990)
- Anthem at Merrill Ranch: Cultural Resources Inventory of the 3,260-Acre Parcel between Coolidge and Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (2004)
- The Anthropogenic Landscape of Las Capas, an Early Agricultural Irrigation Community in Southern Arizona (2015)
- An Archaeological and Documentary Survey of the Historic Utah Ditch, Maricopa County, Arizona: Photo Log (1997)
- An Archaeological and Documentary Survey of the Historic Utah Ditch, Maricopa County, Arizona: Photos (1998)
- An Archaeological and Documentary Survey of the Historic Utah Ditch, Maricopa County, Arizona: Report (1998)
- Archaeological and Geoarchaeological Investigations Along the Santa Cruz River Floodplain: The Pima County Plant Interconnect Project (2011)
- Archaeological Assesment of the Washington Park Project Area, Pueblo Grande AZ U:9:7(ASM) (1993)
- Archaeological Assessment of 16 Sites at Lake Pleasant Regional Park: Photo Log (2008)
- Archaeological Assessment of 16 Sites at Lake Pleasant Regional Park: Select Photos (2008)