Mano (Other Keyword)

1-25 (394 Records)

1959 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (1960)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William D. Lipe. Floyd W. Sharrock. Keith M. Anderson. David S. Dibble. Dee A. Suhm.

During 1959, the University of Utah conducted two excavation programs in the Glen Canyon area: 1) at the Coombs site, at Boulder, Utah (Lister, 1959, 1960). and 2) at a number of sites in the Glen Canyon reservoir area proper. This report presents the results of the latter program. The work was part of the Upper Colorado River Basin Archeological Salvage Project, sponsored by the National Park Service. The history of this project has been summarized in another paper in this series (Jennings...

3 Neighbors Arizona Site Steward File (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text E.A. Wood. Audrey Stevens. Judy Rounds. J.G. Wood. Scott Wood.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Three Neighbors site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of Classic Period Hohokam residential compounds, petroglyphs, slag hornos, and artifact scatter. The file consists of four heritage inventory forms, multiple hand drawn site maps, four maps of the site location, an archaeological survey report form for isolated finds, a page of artifact sketches, and a black and white petroglyph photograph. The file contains two...

48NA301 Site (1961)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anonymous.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Addendum Archaeological Reconnaissance Report For the Pilot Salvage Sale, ARR.# 05-15-51-27-92 (1992)
DOCUMENT Citation Only D. R. Hopkins.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Additional Archaeological Survey in the Roosevelt Geothermal Field In Beaver County, Utah (1976)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard A. Thompson.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Additional Archaeological Testing at Site AZ EE:9:91, Patagonia Lake State Park, Southern Arizona (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jon S. Czaplicki.

Archaeological testing was conducted at site AZ EE:9:91 at Patagonia Lake State Park from 28 through 30 October 1981. This work, done under contract to Arizona State Parks under Arizona State Museum {ASM) permit 81-23, was to supplement similar investigation carried out by ASH personnel at AZ EE:9:91 on 8 and 9 June 1981. The testing crew consisted of Annick George, Carol McCarthy, James Mayberry, and Jon S. Czaplicki. Earlier testing involved backhoe excavation of four trenches to determine...

Affidavit of Cultural Resource Inventory Pickett Lake Well Unit #8 and .8 Miles of Access Road (1979)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ross Hilman. Ronald E. Kainer.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Age and Archaeological Association of Oblique Flaked Projectile Points At Betty Greene Site, Eastern Wyoming (1968)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ann M. Greene.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Al's Mt. Sheep Arizona Site Steward File (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brad Geeck.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Al's Mt. Sheep site, located on State Trust land. The site is comprised of six to eight room blocks, artifact scatter, and one petroglyph. The file consists of a site data form.

An Analysis of Cultural Materials from Five Classic Period Hohokam Sites Adjacent to State Route 87 on Lands of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Maricopa County, Arizona (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text C. Marshall Hoffman.

In late August, 1988, Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (ARS) performed a cultural resources survey on lands of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community for the Arizona Department of Transportation. The survey was undertaken for a project involving the construction of turn lanes. The project area encompassed a 4700 ft x 67 ft construction right-of-way adjacent to the northern edge of SR 87. Five prehistoric habitation sites and one prehistoric canal were identified within the...

AR-03-12-04-428 Arizona Site Steward File (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Wood. Elaine Zamora.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for AR-03-12-04-428, comprised of petroglyphs and a small number of artifacts, located on Tonto National Forest land. The file consists of a site data form, two maps of the site location, a page of petroglyph sketches, a site map, and an unlabeled page of site data. The earliest dated document is from 1980.

Archaeological and Historical Investigations of Seven Sites in the Prado Basin (1995)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Foster. A. G. Toren. R. P. Hampson. B. R. Cross. J. A. Rasson.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological and Historical Resources Survey and Impact Assessment, a Supplemental Report for a Timber Harvesting Plan: Circle Nine Ranch NTMP (1994)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brian Rueger.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

An Archaeological Assessment of a 5 Acre Parcel As Shown on the Location Map in Oak Glen Between Pine St. and Raspberry Lane (1993)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chet Anthony.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

An Archaeological Assessment of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV Transmission Line (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lanita C. Van Nimwegen.

Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed a Class III archaeological survey of portions of the Coronado to Goldfield 230kV transmission line located on Arizona State lands, USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands and Salt River Project (SRP) right-of-ways across privately held lands. Reconnaissance of state and private (patented) lands was completed on April 24 and 25 of 1991 under Permit Number 90-39, and BLM lands were surveyed on May 3, Under Permit Number AZ-000065. As a result...

Archaeological Clearance Investigations: Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station Concho Well Field, Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Avoidance and Mitigation Program; Two Production and Observation Well Sites, and Associated Access Right-of-Way Within the Concho Well Field (1976)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John R. Stein.

On March 16 and 24, 1976, the Museum of Northern Arizona, at the request of the Salt River Project, conducted a clearance oriented survey of archaeological resources to be affected by the proposed construction of well sites and access roads within the Concho Well Field. Of specific concern at this time were the proposed well sites designated as production and observation well C-18, production and observation well C-24, and approximately two miles of access right-of-way connecting the well sites...

Archaeological Data Recovery at a Small Storage Shelter (CA-Sbr-6055 / H) Located in the Castle Mountains Area of the Eastern Mojave, San Bernardino County, CA (1994)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John A. Torres. Margaret M. Lyneis. Richard Hughes.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Data Recovery at CA-Sbr-7691, Summit Valley, San Bernardino County, CA. 72PP (1996)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert E. Parr. Mark Q. Sutton. David J. Scott.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Data Recovery at CA-Sbr-7691, Summit Valley, San Bernardino County, CA. 86PP (1997)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert E. Parr. Mark Q. Sutton. David J. Scott.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Data Recovery at the Rohrig Substation, Queen Creek, Arizona (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text T. Kathleen Henderson.

The Southwest Germann site is among the largest of prehistoric Hohokam settlements in the Queen Creek area. The Rohrig Substation property is located at its southwestern edge and overlaps a previously unreported habitation locus. Archaeological testing (Phase 1 data recovery) at the substation documented the presence of adobe-walled rooms, puddling pits, and trash deposits that were probably contained within an adobe-walled compound on the easternmost side of the Rohrig property. Salt River...

Archaeological Examination of the Desert Shores Area, Imperial County (1975)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jay von Werlhof. Sherilee von Werlhof.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Examinations of Certain Geologic Sites On Colorado River Indian Tribes Lands, in Parker Valley, Arizona; Part III (1974)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jay von Werlhof. Sherilee von Werlhof.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Examinations of T16S, R17E, Sec. 7, East Mesa, Imperial County (1977)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jay von Werlhof. Sherilee von Werlhof. Lorraine Pritchett.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Investigations Along the Trailblazer Pipeline, Volume I (1982)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steven D. Creasman. Thomas P. Reust. Janice C. Newberry. Kathleen Harvey. J. C. Mackey. Connie Moore. Douglas Kullen. Ines Pennella.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].

Archaeological Investigations at Guapiabit, CA-Sbr-1913. 85PP (1999)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mark Q. Sutton. Joan S. Schneider.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].