Archaeological Examination of the Desert Shores Area, Imperial County

Author(s): Jay von Werlhof; Sherilee von Werlhof

Year: 1975


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Archaeological Examination of the Desert Shores Area, Imperial County. Jay von Werlhof, Sherilee von Werlhof. 1975 ( tDAR id: 38374)

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Geographic Keywords
06025 (Fips Code) California (State / Territory) Desert Shores Ds-1 (Turner #9) Ds-10 (Pritchett #34) Ds-11 (Pritchett #33) Ds-13 (Pritchett #32) Ds-14 (Pritchett #29) Ds-15 (Pritcheet #30) Ds-16 (Pritchett #31) Ds-17 (Pritchett #27) Ds-18 (Pritchett #26) Ds-19 (Pritchett (28) Ds-2 (Turner #10) Ds-20 (Pritchett 25) Ds-21 (Pritchett #36) Ds-22 (Pritchett #24 & Ronnenberg #1) Ds-23 (Pritchett #23) Ds-24 (Pritchett #22 & Acker #2) Ds-25 (Pritchett # 21 & Perault) Ds-26 (Pritchett #20 & Acker) Ds-27 (Pritchett #19 & Perault) Ds-28 (Pritchett #17 & Acker #2) Ds-29 (Pritchett #18 & Perault) Ds-3 (Turner #12) Ds-30 (Pritchett #15 & Champagne) Ds-31 (Pritchett #14 & D. Fidler) Ds-32 (Pritchett #16 & Champagne) Ds-33 (Pritchett #13 & Perault #13) Ds-34 (Pritchett #12) Ds-35 (Pritchett #11 & Perault #11) Ds-36a (Pritchett #10 & F. Fidler #10) Ds-36B (Pritchett #9 & Perault #9) Ds-37 (Pritchett #7) Ds-38 (Pritchett #6 Ds-39 (Pritchett #5 & F. Fidler #1) Ds-4 (Turner #13) Ds-40a (Pritchett #4 & Perault #4) Ds-40B (Pritchett #2 & Acker #1) Ds-41 (Pritchett #3 & Champagne #3)) Ds-42 (Pritchett #1 & Perault #1) Ds-43 (Turner #8) Ds-44 (Turner #7) Ds-45 (Turner #6) Ds-46 (Turner #5) Ds-47 (Turner #4) Ds-48 (Turner #3) Ds-49 (Turner #2) Ds-5 (Turner #11) Ds-50 (Turner #1) Ds-6 (Turner #14) Ds-9 (Pritchett #37) Imperial (County) North America (Continent) Oasis, Calif. 7.5' United States of America (Country) Show More

Spatial Coverage

min long: -116.106; min lat: 32.619 ; max long: -114.463; max lat: 33.434 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Sponsor(s): Caltrans

Prepared By(s): Jay von Werlhof

Record Identifiers

NADB document id number(s): 1100027

NADB citation id number(s): 000000140630


General Note: Submitted to: Caltrans

General Note: Sent from: Jay von Werlhof

General Note: Contract number: N-11,927