USA (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

1-25 (35,826 Records)

09-116: Letter Report (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman.

No formal report was written for this project.

1,000 Bottles of Wine in the Ground, 1,000 Bottles of Wine: The Preservation of early 20th century Italian Heritage at the John Bradford House (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sara E. Belkin.

In 1919, the production of intoxicating beverages was legally prohibited in the United States. However, excavations in the 1970s at the John Bradford House in Kingston, MA indicate that its inhabitants at the turn-of-the-century were consuming large quantities of wine, champagne, and hard liquor. These bottles were consumed and then discarded at a time when the consumption of alcohol was considered immoral by the American middle class. This paper will explore the meaning behind the presence of...

$1.87 Each, Four Feet Long and Over; $0.87 Each, Less than Four Feet: A Spatial Analysis of Coffin Type and Coffin Hardware from the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Kubicek. Patricia Richards.

Excavations at the Milwaukee County Poor Farm Cemetery (MCPFC) in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin in 1991 and 1992 recovered 1649 individuals associated with Milwaukee County’s practice from the mid-1800s through 1974 of providing burial for institutional residents, unidentified or unclaimed individuals sent from the Coroner’s Office, and community poor. In 2013, Historic Resource Management Services of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee recovered an additional 632 individual coffin burials representing...

10 Days making Anasazi-style pottery (2014)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelly Magelby.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

10,000 Years at Hueco Tanks State Park and Historic Site, El Paso County, Texas (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Margaret Howard. Logan McNatt. Terri Myers. Tim Roberts. Amy Ringstaff.

In 1999 and 2001, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Archeology Survey Team conducted an intensive survey of the ca. 500 acres of level terrain around the rock hills in Hueco Tanks State Park and Historic Site, located in northeastern El Paso County. The entire park is designated as site 41EP2; this property was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1971, and was officially designated as a State Archeological Landmark in 1983. Twenty-nine archeological localities were...

The 10,000 Years Before Lackland Air Force Base (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Undated informational booklet on Lackland's historic context.

A 1000-Year Record of Cahokia Region Population Change through Fecal Stanol Biomarker Analysis (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only AJ White. Lora Stevens. Varenka Lorenzi.

Determining the timing and magnitude of Cahokia’s demographic rise and fall is crucial to understanding the reasons for its advance and collapse. Fecal stanol biomarker analysis is an emergent geoarchaeological method that may provide a more direct record of Cahokia region population change than previous population estimates. This study analyzed sediment from Horseshoe Lake, Illinois for fecal stanol content to establish a population proxy of the Cahokia region. The stanol record indicates...

#1031; E421 (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sean Hanrahan.

This file describes the morphology and use wear of a lithic sample from the Eaton site in West Seneca, New York.

#1035; E454 (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sean Hanrahan.

This file describes the morphology and use wear of a lithic sample from the Eaton site in West Seneca, New York.

#1053; E666 (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sean Hanrahan.

This file describes the morphology and use wear of a lithic sample from the Eaton site in West Seneca, New York.

#1054; E613 (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sean Hanrahan.

This file describes the morphology and use wear of a lithic sample from the Eaton site in West Seneca, New York.

106 Case Report and Mitigation Plan, Ballast House, Blossom Point Testing Facility, Charles County, Maryland, 2000.027_0011 (1979)
DOCUMENT Full-Text US Department of the Army, Harry Diamond Laboratories. Interagency Archaeological Services, Atlanta.

Case report describing the systematic plan developed by the Harry Diamond Laboratories and Interagency Archaeological Services, Atlanta for the Ballast House, Blossom Point, Maryland.

A 10th Century Hohokam Camp Along New River. Archaeological Investigations at AZ T:8:86 (ASM), Peoria, Arizona (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

This report presents the results of archaeological investigations at AZ T:8:86 (ASM), a small Hohokam site located in the path of a proposed extension of 83rd Avenue in the City of Peoria. The project area is located in on Arizona State Trust Land, administered by the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD). The City of Peoria, on behalf of the Pivotal Group, applied to the ASLD for a 20 m (65 feet) wide right-of-way for the proposed extension (Application No. 16 104229). The archaeological work...

11593 Determination of Eligibility Notification, Building 156, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph M. Logan.

The enclosed materials provide adequate documentation to establish the significance of Randolph Field as an eligible historic district in the area of military history under National Register Criterion A. Building 156 was built during the second era (c. 1943) and served as the Post Photo lab. The structure is eligible for listing as a contributing element within an eligible historic district significant under Criterion A in the area of military history.

#1161; CAT#1181 (2024)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sean Hanrahan.

This file describes the morphology and use wear of a lithic sample from the Eaton site in West Seneca, New York.

12-Al-923-20, Celt, Preform Groundstone (2022)
IMAGE Wilson Nettleton.

Celt, Preform Groundstone, Catalog #: 12-Al-923-20 Recovered as part of Report of Investigations 22, The Archaeological Resources of the Maumee River Valley, Allen County, Indiana, James Mohow

12-Dl-187-5, Unclassified Late Archaic point (2022)
IMAGE Olivia London.

Unclassified Late Archaic point, Catalog#: 12-Dl-187-5 Recovered as part of Report of Investigations 12, The Archaeological Resources of the Upper White River Drainage with Emphasis on the Woodland Period, P. Ranel Stephenson, with sections by Donald Cochran, Lorna Gentry Laymon, and Diana Conover

12-Dl-49-6 (164-84), Point (2023)
IMAGE Skai Mendez.

Point, Catalog #: 12-Dl-49-6 (164-84) Recovered as part of Archaeological Report 3, Title and Author unavailable

12-Mi-37-46, Point Fragments (2022)
IMAGE Olivia London.

Point Fragments, Catalog #: 12-Mi-37-46 Recovered as part of Report of Investigations 13, An Archaeological Survey of the Upper Wabash River Valley, Donald Cochran and Edmond Anuszczyk

12T335 2012 mag (north to right).tif (2017)
IMAGE Michael Strezewski.

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12T352 2016 mag (north to right).tif (2017)
IMAGE Michael Strezewski.

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12T9 - 2009 mag (north to right).tif (2017)
IMAGE Michael Strezewski.

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12T9 - 2016 res - N1000, E800 block (north to right).tif (2017)
IMAGE Michael Strezewski.

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12T9 2012 mag (west side) (north to right).tif (2017)
IMAGE Michael Strezewski.

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12T9 2012 mag - east side (north to right).tif (2017)
IMAGE Michael Strezewski.

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