The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Special Studies and Data Tables


This is last of the seven volumes collectively designated Archaeological Series 162. In Part I of this volume, the provenience system used during the 1982-1984 excavations at Las Colinas and the computer procedures used in processing the enormous volume of data that resulted from those excavations are explained, and the results of some special analyses are presented. Artifact data are provided in tabular form in Part II. Other volumes in this series provide the project research design (Volume 1), a description of the architectural and other features in the residential areas at the site. and discussion of the spatial and temporal distributions of these features (Volume 2), description of the Mound 8 area (Volume 3). analyses of the classes of material culture recovered (Volume 4), results of studies focusing on Salt River streamflow, irrigation systems, and floral and faunal remains (Volume 5), and finally. a summary and interpretation of all the information derived from the project (Volume 6).

Much of the information presented in Part II was compiled by Laboratory personnel under the direction of Arthur W. Vokes. Without their efforts, the analysis of such an overwhelmingly large collection of artifacts would not have been possible. Bill Deaver assembled most of this information in draft form and Barbara Murphy made it presentable. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.

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The 1982-1984 Excavations at Las Colinas: Special Studies and Data Tables. David A. Gregory, Barbara A. Murphy, William L. Deaver, Richard C. Lange, Martha Sullenberger, Christine R. Szuter, Mary Bernard-Shaw, Arthur W. Vokes, R. Thomas Euler, Charles H. Misicek, Marilyn B. Saul. 1989 ( tDAR id: 4533) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8SX6B7W

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Calendar Date: 900 to 1450

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Prepared By(s): Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona

Submitted To(s): Arizona Department of Transportation

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