Arizona (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

Southwest, Arizona , Arizona , arizona|| alabama , Arizona (State) , American Southwest||Arizona (State / Territory)||North America (Continent)||Phoenix Basin , Arizona (State / Territory) || North America (Continent) , Arizona (State / Territory)

1-25 (12,480 Records)

1,000 Bottles of Wine in the Ground, 1,000 Bottles of Wine: The Preservation of early 20th century Italian Heritage at the John Bradford House (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sara E. Belkin.

In 1919, the production of intoxicating beverages was legally prohibited in the United States. However, excavations in the 1970s at the John Bradford House in Kingston, MA indicate that its inhabitants at the turn-of-the-century were consuming large quantities of wine, champagne, and hard liquor. These bottles were consumed and then discarded at a time when the consumption of alcohol was considered immoral by the American middle class. This paper will explore the meaning behind the presence of...

10 Days making Anasazi-style pottery (2014)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kelly Magelby.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

10-Mile Draw Petroglyphs Arizona Site Steward File (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Brittany Clark

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the 10-Mile Draw Petroglyphs, comprised of petroglyphs, located on State Trust land. The file consists of a site data form and scale drawings of the petroglyph panels. The earliest dated document is from 1993.

A 10th Century Hohokam Camp Along New River. Archaeological Investigations at AZ T:8:86 (ASM), Peoria, Arizona (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

This report presents the results of archaeological investigations at AZ T:8:86 (ASM), a small Hohokam site located in the path of a proposed extension of 83rd Avenue in the City of Peoria. The project area is located in on Arizona State Trust Land, administered by the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD). The City of Peoria, on behalf of the Pivotal Group, applied to the ASLD for a 20 m (65 feet) wide right-of-way for the proposed extension (Application No. 16 104229). The archaeological work...

A 1500's Lenape Indian Village (1994)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chris Stieber. Cindy Dickert. David Wescott.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

1607 to 1619: An Examination of Change over Time at James Fort (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Danny W. Schmidt. Lisa E. Fischer.

Within the first few weeks of landing on Jamestown Island in the spring of 1607 the colonists set about constructing a triangular palisaded fort. At first tents served to house the colonists, and to shelter their place of worship. Slowly but surely with the first public buildings, the storehouse and the church, more permanent structures began to rise. The interior of the fort would see many changes during these years, both reflected in the documentary record as well as the archaeological record....

A 1611 Blockhouse and Earthworks for the Protection of Cattle: Virginia’s Earliest Bovine Husbandry, near Jamestown (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alain C. Outlaw.

From the earliest years of the English colonization of Virginia, Bos taurus played a significant role in settlement as a source of meat, dairy products, and draft power. Following the "Starving Time" winter of 1609/1610, when everything wild and domestic that could be eaten was consumed, including human flesh, on-the-hoof animals, as opposed to barreled beef, entered the colony.  These animals soon were being taken by Native Americans.  Thus, upon his arrival in May 1611, Sir Thomas Dale ordered...

The 1725 Nuestra Señora de Begoña: Ongoing Investigations of a Spanish Merchant Fragata and Cultural Conservation Strategies in La Caleta de Caucedo, Dominican Republic (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew J Maus. Charles D Beeker.

On 21 May 1725 the Spanish merchant vessel Nuestra Señora de Begoña wrecked in La Caleta de Caucedo on the south coast of Hispaniola.  While there was no loss of life, contemporary legal texts pertaining to the sinking event document the complete loss of ship and cargo, ineffective salvage efforts, and the conviction of its captain for contraband silver.  Indiana University has conducted excavations of the shoreward spillage area of the Nuestra Señora de Begoña since 2010.  Preliminary findings...

The 1817 Privateer Ghost Fleet of Matagorda, Texas, and the Search for Louis-Michel Aury’s Lost Port (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amy Borgens.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In May 1817, French privateer Louis-Michel Aury was at a crossroads. After disembarking filibusters on the northern coast of New Spain and reconnoitering a new camp location in Matagorda Bay, he returned to Galveston Island only to learn it had been usurped by the famed pirate Jean Lafitte. Aury retreated to Matagorda Bay with more than a dozen vessels and...

1864 Charles Poston, Description of Casa Grande (1963)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Albert H. Schroeder.

This document is letter from Regional Archaeologist Albert Schroeder to the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument Superintendent. This 1864 letter portion is in regard to a communication from Charles Poston, who was the Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Arizona at the time. The letter was sent to Wm. P. Dole who was then the Commissoner of Indian Affairs. It is a general review of the condition of the Great House and a request for funds for excavation.

1892-1992 Centennial, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project contains documents relative to the 1892-1992 centennial of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument including a book and related documents and images from an administratve history of Casa Grande Ruins National Monument prepared by A. Berle Clemensen. Additional Documents include the scanned figures and images used in the publication. These documents were prepared for the National Park Service.

18th Century Stoneware From New Jersey (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Liebeknecht.

The origins of the New Jersey stoneware industry -- and perhaps even the American stoneware industry -- seem to lie in the late 17th century with an awareness that high-grade clays suitable for making dense, hard, durable pottery were present in the South Amboy area of Middlesex County in the Province of East Jersey.  As early as 1685-86, there are indications in the court records of Burlington County in West Jersey that such clays were known to early settlers.  This clay source was presumably...

18th to 20th Century Architectural Changes of Embudo’s Torreon (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Saskia Ghosh.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This poster will analyze the architectural changes of an 18th-century defensive tower called a Torreon, located in Dixon, New Mexico—previously known as the buffer community Embudo. Acting as community protection against Plains Indians during Hispanic settlement in Northern New Mexico, the Torreon’s initial use as a defensive structure may be identified...

18th-Century San Antonio Spanish Colonial Mission Complexes: An Evolution, American Revolution, and Tejano Ranchos1 (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sergio A. Iruegas.

Recent historical archaeology studies have provided new perspectives of indigenous interaction with Spanish Colonial Missions in the United States. By 1718, Texas colonists were the product of Spanish and native intermarriage for over 200 years before their arrival. Few studies have considered the multicultural aspects’ effect to the historic landscape and archaeological record. An emic perspective of how 18th-Century Tejano Ranchos evolved from the Spanish Mission complex has yet to be...

1917-1930 Administrative Records (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: alycia hayes

These documents are a collection of administrative correspondence to and from Casa Grande Ruins National Monument between 1917 and 1930.

1926-1930 Pageant at Compound B, Casa Grande Ruins National Monument
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project includes images, documents and maps regarding yearly pageants held at Compound B at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument between 1926 through 1930.

1930's Hastings CWA job
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project is documentation of excavations done at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument by Russell Hastings.

1930-1940 Ruminations of Frank Pinkley, Southwestern Monuments Reports
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project includes compiled and scanned portions of reports from 1930-1940. Frank Pinkley, who was the superintendent of the Southwestern Monuments, frequently added a rumination portion to the Southwestern Monument reports. These ruminations provide a unique look into the personality, insight and sense of humor of Frank Pinkley

1931 Casa Grande Ruins National Monument topographic maps
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This project contains hand drawn topographic maps from 1931. Due to the sensitive nature of this data, permission is required to access this data.

1932 Ruins Shelter specifications (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This document is a detailed sketch and description of the shelter built over the Great House at the Casa Grande National Monument. The sketch and description detail the dimensions of the shelter along with materials used and the engineering firm, Allen Bros. Inc., Los Angeles, CA, that installed the shelter. The document also discusses difficulties encountered and the danger of damage to the Great House during construction.

1933 and 1934 Casa Grande Ruins Excavation Photographs (1933)
IMAGE Uploaded by: alycia hayes

These images show various excavations related to the 1933 and 1934 Hastings CWA project at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The photographs detail many artifacts discovered along with pit houses. The photographs are poorly documented and do not list provenience of the excavations.

1936 March, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Southwest Monuments Report, "Throne Room in Clan House.". (1936)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Frank Pinkley.

This report discusses what was thought to be a "Throne" in a clan house at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument.

1948 Stabilization photos of Compound A (1948)
IMAGE Uploaded by: alycia hayes

These images display the 1948 stabilization efforts on outer walls and buildings of Compound A at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Included are photographs of pre-stabilization, during stabilization and post stabilization. The photographs indicate the poor condition of structures prior to stabilization. The photographs also show the use and application of chicken wire to the structures.

1957 Gladwin, Harold Sterling, A History of the Ancient Southwest (1957)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Harold S. Gladwin.

This book regards the histories of the Southwest and its peoples from approximately 200 A.D. to 1450 A.D.

1957-1958 Development Master Plan
PROJECT Uploaded by: alycia hayes

These images are various division master plans for the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. Included are topographic maps in reference to headquarter, interpretation, road and trail systems, archaeological base map, general utilities and general development. The information reflects a very comprehensive future endeavor to revamp the monument.