Pueblo Grande (Site Name Keyword)
1-25 (147 Records)
The Grand Canalscape Phase II (TIGER) Shared-use Path project is a City of Phoenix (City) pathway improvement project that would complete a shareduse path along the Grand Canal from Interstate 17 (1-17) in Phoenix to the City of Tempe border at 56th Street. The pathway improvements would occur along three discontiguous segments of the Grand Canal (designated as segments 1, 2, and 3). Phase I of the Grand Canalscape, which is under construction, would provide the connection between the three...
Archaeological Assesment of the Washington Park Project Area, Pueblo Grande AZ U:9:7(ASM) (1993)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has conducted a cultural resources assessment of the Washington Park property for ANF Property Holdings, Inc. The property consists of a 25.2 acre lot located on the northeast comer in Phoenix, Arizona. The lot includes a portion of the Pueblo Grande archaeological site (AZ U:9:7[ASM]). The purpose of the Northland investigations was to provide an assessment of site preservation within the Washington Park property and to estimate the types and densities of...
Archaeological Investigations for the PGM Public Arts Walkway Project, Pueblo Grande Museum and Archaeological Park, Phoenix, Arizona (2016)
Archaeological testing and data recovery prior to construction of the PGM Public Arts Walkway and archaeological monitoring of subsequent construction activities within the grounds of the city-owned Pueblo Grande Museum and Archaeological Park.This report includes background information about the project area, descriptions of the field methods and results of the monitoring and data recovery effort, a summary of work accomplished, and recommendations for future work in the project area locale.
Archaeological Monitoring of Geotechnical Investigations for the Grand Canalscape Phase II (TIGER) Shared-use Path Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2017)
The Grand Canalscape Phase II (TIGER) Shared-use Path project is a City of Phoenix (City) pathway improvement project that will complete a shared-use path along the Grand Canal from Interstate 17 (I-17) in Phoenix to the City of Tempe border at 56th Street (Figure 1, Figure 2). The pathway improvements will occur along three discontiguous segments of the Grand Canal (designated as Segments 1, 2, and 3). Phase I of the Grand Canalscape, which is in the final design stage, will provide the...
Archaeological Resource Report: Arizona Highway Department Project F-043-1 (1), Hohokam Freeway (1973)
The following report has been prepared by the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson, at the request of the Environmental Planning Division of the Arizona Highway Department as an aid in identifying the impact of the proposed improvement on the archaeological resources of the region. Data presented has been gathered from two primary sources; a) archaeological survey of all areas to be utilized in construction, and b) archival and published material pertaining to the prehistory of...
Archaeological Testing And Burial Removal Of Unit 11 At Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM), DMB Property, 44th And Van Buren Streets, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona -- DRAFT REPORT (1998)
Between April 4 and July 3, 1997, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) archaeologists conducted a program of archaeological test excavations and burial removal for DMB Property on a parcel of land to facilitate compliance with A.R.S. 41-865 for the protection of human remains (Arizona State Museum [ASM] Case No. 97-15). The DMB Property land was a 10.48-ac (42.41 ha) parcel located on the north side of Van Buren Street, between 44th Street and the Hohokam Expressway Right-of-way in Phoenix. The...
Archaeological Testing At Gateway Lot 4, Kitchell Development Company Property, 44th Street And Gateway Boulevard, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona -- DRAFT REPORT (1997)
On April 17 and 18, 1997, personnel from Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) completed archaeological test excavations on a 3.8 acre parcel, Gateway Lot 4, scheduled for commercial development. Based on previous research, the parcel was believed to lie near the northwest edge of the large Hohokam site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1[ASM], see Bostwick 1993-4; Breternitz 1994; Kwiatkowski 1996). Archaeological remains incuding burials were previously documented less than 300 ft (61 m) southeast of Gateway Lot 4,...
Archaeological Testing at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa County Sheriff's Substation, Washington and 48th Streets, Phoenix, Arizona -- DRAFT REPORT (1999)
Based on existing development plans prepared for Kitchell Development Co. for the parcel containing a former Maricopa County Sheriff’s substation at 48th and Washington Streets, Phoenix, Arizona, two areas were to be excavated below grade for a building foundation and a runoff detention basin. Because this parcel is immediately east of known prehistoric cultural remains that are part of the large Hohokam site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), backhoe trenching was conducted in the two areas to...
Archaeological Testing of Unit 13 at Pueblo Grande, AZ U:9:1(ASM), Arizona Federal Credit Union Property, 44th and Van Buren Streets, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (1998)
The Arizona Federal Credit Union (AFCU) property was a 3.26-acre parcel undergoing commercial development at the northeast corner of 44th and Van Buren Streets in Phoenix, Arizona. The parcel is located immediately southwest of Unit 7 and immediately west of Unit 11 at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), where archaeological features including burials had been encountered previously. Because of its proximity, there was a high probability that archaeological remains including burials would also be...
Archaeology of the Pueblo Grande Platform and Surrounding Features Volume 2 Features in the Central Precinct of the Pueblo Grande Community (1994)
Volume 2 describes the prehistoric features, excluding the platform mound and its adjacent compound, that have been excavated at Pueblo Grande Cultural Park, a 102-acre portion of the prehistoric site owned by the City of Phoenix (see Downum and Bostwick, Volume 1:Chapter 1). This city park encompasses the central precinct of the Pueblo Grande site. Data curated in the Pueblo Grande Museum Archive (PGMA) concerning the non-platform mound features are compiled and synthesized here, with the...
Archaeology of the Pueblo Grande Platform Mound and Surrounding Features Volume 1 Introduction to the Archival Project and History of Archaeological Research (1993)
Pueblo Grande is a special place. The subject of legend both ancient and modern, it is one of the most impressive and familiar of all surviving Hohokam sites. Until recently, any visitor could plainly see from exposed rooms, deteriorating walls, and eroding test holes and tunnels that Pueblo Grande had been extensively excavated. It would have been logical to assume from this evidence that the site was one of the most famous and best documented of all Classic period Hohokam villages. Until the...
Central Phoenix Basin - Archaeology Map - Maricopa County, Arizona (1992)
"Funding for data collection and map production provided by Arizona Department of Transportation Contract No. 85-33. This map is based on the named USGS 7.5 minute series topographic map. Prehistoric information compiled from various sources by Jerry B. Howard. See Howard and Huckleberry (1991: Chapter 2) for further explanation of data sources and map compilation methods. Some errors and inconsistencies could not be rectified during the production process by Soil Systems, Inc. and GEO-MAP,...
Ceramic Markers of Ancient Irrigation Communities (2002)
More than 1000 years ago, a people that archaeologists call the Hohokam first inhabited the deserts of what is now Arizona. They flourished for more than 70 generations in the lower Salt River Valley, the place where Phoenix now stands. Buried beneath the modern metropolis are the ruins of many aboriginal villages and a vast and elaborate irrigation network that may have watered 40,000 acres of cropland. (Jerry Howard completed this map, Figure 1, of the Hohokam irrigation canals and major...
A Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed APS 230 kV Lincoln to Ocotillo Transmission Line (1982)
At the request of Ramon Fierros of the Environmental Management Department, Arizona Public Service Company (APS), Archaeological Consulting Services (ACS) initiated a cultural resource survey for the proposed relocation of the 230 kV transmission line which links the Lincoln and Ocotillo substations (Figure 1). The Lincoln substation is located on Lincoln Street and Third Avenue in Phoenix, and the Ocotillo substation is on University and McClintock in Tempe . Relocation of the line is necessary...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Salt River Project Canals, Maricopa County, Arizona (1998)
At the request of the Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted a Class III (Intensive), non-collection cultural resources survey of approximately 170 miles of the Arizona, Arizona Crosscut, Grand, Tempe, Tempe Crosscut, Consolidated, Eastern, South, Western, Highline, and Kyrene Branch Canals in Maricopa County, Arizona. The canals, which are owned by the Reclamation, are maintained and operated by the Salt River Project (SRP). The...
Cultural Resources Survey of the Salt River Project Canals, Maricopa County, Arizona, Revised (1998)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted a Class III (Intensive), non-collection cultural resources survey on approximately 170 miles of the Arizona, Arizona Crosscut, Grand, Tempe, Tempe Crosscut, Consolidated, Eastern, South, Western, Highline, and Kyrene Branch Canals in Maricopa County, Arizona. The survey was undertaken at the request of Jon S. Czaplicki, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) archaeologist and Contracting Officer's Technical Representative for Contract...
Data Recovery Plan for U.S. West Communications Utility Right-of-Way near Pueblo Grande National Historic Landmark, Phoenix, Maricopa County (1993)
Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) is serving as a consultant to U.S. West Communications (US West) for a proposed utility (fiber optic communication cable) right-of-way. The right-of-way is located within the southern access road for the Grand Canal, which passes through Pueblo Grande National Historic Landmark (Pueblo Grande), although the proposed right-of-way is not within the National Historic Landmark boundary. The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places...
Draft Archaeological Monitoring Report for the SRP Grand Canal Lining Project between 40th Street and State Route 143 in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2008)
SRP is responsible for management of a 131-mile system of canals, which must be maintained year round. To allow for the performance of routine maintenance and canal improvements, portions of main canals within the SRP network are "dried up" for a one-month period during the fall and winter seasons. As part of a larger effort to reduce erosion and water loss through ground seepage, the Grand Canal lining project was conducted to install a protective concrete lining along a previously unlined...
End Of Fieldwork Interim Report: Archaeological Data Recovery And Burial Removal For A Proposed Building Footprint And Utilities Along A New Alignment Of Monroe Street, East Of 44th Street, at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), Phoenix, Arizona - DRAFT REPORT (2007)
Between May 24 and June 13, 2007, Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) archaeologists conducted a limited data recovery and burial removal excavations for Sun America, Inc. to mitigate the adverse effects of construction in the Washington Park development in Phoenix, Arizona. The construction project was a proposed new building footprint and associated utilities along a proposed re-alignment of Monroe St, east of 44th St. Soil Systems personnel had already completed archaeological work in this area, but the...
End of Fieldwork Report: Archaeological Data Recovery and Burial Removal for a Proposed Building Footprint and Utilities Along a New Street Alignment; Excavations Related to Monitoring For Other Utilities Installations; and Excavations Related to Unanticipated Discoveries in the Washington Park Development at Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:7[ASM]), Phoenix, Arizona, 2007-2008 (2008)
Three categories of activities are described in this report. A) Construction of a building and associated utilities would result in excavation below the grade to which previous archaeological data recovery and burial removal had occurred. In addition, the proposed construction would include modification to a landscaping easement, sidewalk, and curb along where the new street alignment would form an intersection, where no previous archaeological data recovery or burial removal had occurred....
Final Data Recovery And Burial Removal At Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa Counry Sheriff's Substation, Washington And 48th Streets, Phoenix, Arizona (2008)
In a development plan proposed in 1999, two areas were to be excavated below grade for a building foundation and a runoff detention basin and the rest of the parcel was to be resurfaced at grade. Because this parcel is immediately east of the Iarge Hohokam village site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), a two-phase testing program determined the distribution of intact prehistoric cultural remains and established that mortuary features with human remains would be impacted if the existing...
A Gazetteer of Excavated Hohokam Sites on Canal System Two, Phoenix Basin, Arizona (2002)
From 1982 to 1990, a dozen archaeological sites associated with the Hohokam Canal System Two in the Phoenix Basin were excavated in anticipation of the construction of a network of freeways in the City of Phoenix (Figure 1). Ten of the excavation projects were funded through the Arizona Department of Transportation and two through the City of Phoenix Engineering Project; the work was conducted by the Arizona State Museum, the Museum of Northern Arizona, Arizona State University, and Soil...
Grand Canal Radial Gate MCC 2-6.3 Improvement Monitoring Project (2017)
Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed archaeological monitoring for the Grand Canal Radial Gate MCC 2-6.3 Improvement Project that took place on lands administered by the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR). The project's Area of Potential Effect (APE) is situated within the mapped boundaries of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1[ASM]), a previously recorded prehistoric Hohokam village that is listed in the Arizona and National Registers of Historic Places (A/NRHP). The APE consists of the utility...
Historical, Archaeological, and Traditional Cultural Places Technical Report for the Proposed Sky Harbor International Airport Development Program, Phoenix, Arizona (2005)
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) to evaluate potential impacts of a proposed Airport Development Program and its reasonable alternatives at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (Airport). The FAA is responsible for complying with NEPA and FAA Orders 1050. 1E, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures (U.S. Department of Transportation, FAA 2004), and 5050.4A,...
Hohokam Farming on the Salt River Floodplain: Refining Models and Analytical Methods (2004)
This is the second of two volumes presenting the results of data recovery investigations at the Dutch Canal Ruin (AZ T:12:62 [ ASM]), conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., at the western end of the North Runway, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The Dutch Canal Ruin is a prehistoric agricultural site, dating between 1,700 and 500 years ago, consisting of fieldhouses and farmsteads scattered along a network of canals on the geological floodplain of the Salt River. The first volume...