Final Data Recovery And Burial Removal At Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa Counry Sheriff's Substation, Washington And 48th Streets, Phoenix, Arizona


In a development plan proposed in 1999, two areas were to be excavated below grade for a building foundation and a runoff detention basin and the rest of the parcel was to be resurfaced at grade. Because this parcel is immediately east of the Iarge Hohokam village site of Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)), a two-phase testing program determined the distribution of intact prehistoric cultural remains and established that mortuary features with human remains would be impacted if the existing development plans were followed, requiring compliance with ARS 41-865. Subsequently, an initial data recovery and burial removal program was implemented to excavate all prehistoric cultural features and human burials inside the area of the building foundation and all such features and burials located elsewhere in the lot that were within 2 ft of the existing ground surface. Finally, the demolition of existing structures in the lot and the construction of a facility for preventing underground toxic gas accumulation were monitored to assure that no prehistoric features were disturbed by those activities. The development was never completed, and instead the parcel was sold to Lauth Property Group, LLC, who requested that the remaining archaeologically sensitive areas on the parcel be subjected to data recovery and burial removal. This document presents the results of both the initial data recovery and burial removal and the later work completed for the new owner of the parcel.

Cite this Record

Final Data Recovery And Burial Removal At Pueblo Grande (AZ U:9:1(ASM)): Unit 15, The Former Maricopa Counry Sheriff's Substation, Washington And 48th Streets, Phoenix, Arizona. Banks L. Leonard, Donelle Huffer, Rebecca J. Hill, Andrew D. Lack, David R. Abbott, Blayne R. Brown. Soil Systems Technical Report ,08-12. Phoenix, AZ: Soil Systems, Inc. 2008 ( tDAR id: 373083) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8M906Q5

Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.995; min lat: 33.436 ; max long: -111.97; max lat: 33.464 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Principal Investigator(s): Cory D. Breternitz

Project Director(s): Banks L. Leonard

Record Identifiers

Pueblo Grande Museum No.(s): 99-03

Soil Systems Project No.(s): 06-03

Soil Systems Technical Report No.(s): 08-12

Soil Systems Project No. (s): 99-01


General Note: This report serves as the final data recovery report for all of SSI's archaeological work in Unit 15 of Pueblo Grande. It describes Kitchell Development Testing and Data Recovery at Washington and 48th Streets, and the later Lauth Property Group Data Recovery in an adjacent parcel.

General Note: A separate report and related data were produced for the Kitchell Development Testing (Soil Systems Project No. 98-07) in Unit 12, Gateway and 44th Streets. Please see

General Note: Please note that SSI recorded the Pueblo Grande number as AZ U:9:7(ASM), which is the designation for a portion of Pueblo Grande. The correct number for the site as a whole is AZ U:9:1(ASM).

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
pueblo-grande-unit-15_ssi-kithcell-development-and-lauth-prope... 96.02mb Dec 20, 2011 4:18:14 PM Public

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