Agricultural Field or Field Feature (Site Type Keyword)

Parent: Agricultural or Herding

An area of land, often enclosed, used for cultivation. Fields are not necessarily formally bounded, and may be identifiable based on diagnostic features such as boundary markers or raised beds.

1-25 (468 Records)

The 2008 Phase II Investigation of Five Historic Sites within Arnold Air Force Base, Coffee County, Tennessee (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lawrence Alexander. Charles P. Redwine. Jamie Trotter.

Summary of Phase II testing of five sites (40CF270‐ A, 40CF270‐ B, 40CF281, 40CF290 and 40CF297), all of which had an historic farmstead component as the main component. The Phase II investigation was designed to evaluate the archaeological resources within the previously recorded sites and make recommendations regarding their potential eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). 40CF270 and 40CF281 were not recommended eligible for listing on the NRHP. 40CF290 was found...

Abandonment at Isla Cilvituk: Ceramics as Evidence (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Amanda L. Martinez.

Spanish contact with the New World has long been of interest to archaeologists and historians. Abandonment is another issue that has been studied in archaeology for decades. This paper is an examination of the abandonment at a Postclassic period (occupied A.D. 900-1525) Maya site, Isla Cilvituk, Campeche, Mexico. The mode of abandonment is of utmost import because it indicates the relationship between native Maya and Spaniards in the early 16th century, the period of initial contact. Was...

Aboriginal Adaptations on the Colorado Plateau: A View From the Island-in-the-Sky, Canyonlands National Park, Utah (1995)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alan J. Osborn. Jesslyn Brown. Galen Burgett. Linda Scott Cummings. Ralph J. Hartley. Susan Vetter. Jennifer Waters. Tony Zalucha.

This final report documents the results of archeological inventory, excavation, and analysis of prehistoric cultural resources within a 45-kilometer (28-mile) long corridor in the Island-in-the-Sky District of Canyonlands National Park, Utah. During three field seasons of survey, mapping, and excavation in 1983-1985, the research team recorded 32 artifact scatters, plotted 90,000 prehistoric artifacts and 250 historic items, completed 600 one-square-meter test pits, and conducted 10 block...

Addendum: Cultural Resources Survey for the Pinal West to Dinosaur Extra-High Voltage Transmission Line, Pinal County, Arizona (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Connie A. Darby.

The results  of additional Class  3 cultural resources  surveys  for the  Pinal West to  Dinosaur Extra-high Voltage Transmission Line Project are presented in this report. The transmission line  is  being  constructed  by  the  Salt  River  Project Agricultural  Improvement  and  Power District  (SRP);  it  will  link  the  Pinal  West, Santa Rosa,  Pinal Central, Abel, and Dinosaur Substations located in south-central Arizona. The results from the bulk of cultural resources  surveys  for  the...

Amerind Pleistocene Lake I, The Archaeology of the Willcox Playa (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Anne I. Woosley. D. Carol Kriebel.

Our 1985 survey of the Willcox Playa environs resulted in a wealth of Archeological data, the findings of which are presented in the following chapters. We have added to the Archaic database from the Cazador through San Pedro stages of the Cochise sequence, and suggest a tentative Archaic settlement system integrated with local habitats and accompanying resources. Though it is a partial picture, the ceramic period settlement system is also beginning to emerge. Our knowledge of the early ceramic...

An Analysis of Pollen from Eighteen Soil Samples Recovered From the Upper Garden Area (44FX762/43) at George Washington's Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, Virginia (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Susan Jacobucci.

Eighteen soil samples from Feature 44FX762/43 (the Upper Garden Area) at George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens in Virginia were submitted to the Fiske Center for palynological analysis in order to aid archaeologists in their reconstruction of this historic garden. While some samples were not suitable for environmental reconstruction due to poor preservation, many economic and ornamental taxa were recovered, as well as a full spectrum of ambient pollen rain. The presence of such...

An Analysis of Pollen from Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest: the South Profile of the Gully Located within Site B (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Susan Jacobucci.

Nineteen soil samples from Site B, an early nineteenth-century site located in Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest (Virginia) were submitted to the Fiske Center for palynological analysis. Over 100 distinct taxa were recovered from the eleven samples that were considered to be well preserved enough to allow for a representative reconstruction of past environmental conditions. When viewed collectively, the recovered taxa describe a landscape consisting of both managed ornamental grounds and areas of...

The Anthropogenic Landscape of Las Capas, an Early Agricultural Irrigation Community in Southern Arizona (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Las Capas, AZ AA:12:111 (ASM), so named for its deeply stratified deposits, dates primarily to the San Pedro phase of the Early Agricultural period, circa 1200-800 B.C. Later, more sporadic occupation of the site extends from the Cienega phase (800 B.C.-A.D. 50) through the Hohokam sequence and the Protohistoric period. Occupation prior to approximately 2100 B.C. is suggested by several radiocarbon dates on maize found redeposited in younger contexts. Recent excavations at the site and its...

Appraisal of the Archeological Resources of Orwell Reservoir, Otter Tail County Minnesota (1948)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard P. Wheeler.

The investigation of the archeological resources of the Orwell Reservoir was made by the River Basin Surveys, Smithsonian Institution, in October1948. The District Engineer's Office, Corps of Engineers, at St. Paul, provided maps to facilitate the work, and local residents were consulted. The purpose of the survey was to discover the extent of any archeological remains in the area to be flooded by the dam and to determine whether there are sites of major importance in this area that should be...

AR-03-12-03-197 Arizona Site Steward File (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Joseph Crary.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the sites AR-03-12-03-197, AR-03-12-03-198, AR-03-12-03-199, AR-03-12-03-200, and AR-03-12-03-227, located on Tonto National Forest land. These Hohokam sites include multiple rock shelters, a pit house village, bedrock grinding features, a field site, terraces, and checkdams. Sites may represent both Hohokam pot and gravity irrigation systems. The file consists of five heritage inventory forms and five preliminary inventory forms. The earliest dated...

Archaeolgocial Testing of a Proposed Salt River Project Substation Location Near Las Canopas, AZ U:9:46 (ASU) Phoenix, Arizona (1991)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas N. Motsinger.

An archaeological testing program was undertaken for Salt River Project (SRP) on a parcel of private land being considered as a site for a future SRP substation. The project area, which lies near the prehistoric Hohokam village of Las Canopas (AZ U:9:46 [ASU]), totals about 2.6 acres, just over three percent of which was sampled with a combination of systematically and judgementally places backhoe trenches. No subsurface features were ...

Archaeological Assessment of a Parcel Proposed for Agricultural Development on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation Maricopa County, Arizona: Report (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kim Adams.

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) partnered with the Fort McDowell Indian Community (FMIC) on the FMIC Irrigated Farmland Development Project to develop new agricultural fields in accordance with the stipulations set forth in the Fort McDowell Indian Community Water Rights Settlement Act (Public Law 101-628). At the request of Reclamation, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted a cultural resource survey of 200 acres on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation. The survey...

Archaeological Assessment of Scott Air Force Base, St. Clair County, Illinois (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven L. De Vore.

An archeological reconnaissance survey of Scott Air Force Base was conducted in order to assess the potential for intact sites. The survey was conducted between October 19-23, 1992, by Archaeological Services archaeologist, Steven L. De Vore. Assessment of the potential archaeological resources was conducted in order to provide Scott Air Force Base personnel with basic data for management of significant archaeological resources located within the base.

Archaeological Assessment of Three Power Pole Locations Along the Coolidge-Hayden 115kV Powerline East of Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text C. Scott Crownover.

Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) was requested by Dr. Judy Brunson-Hadley of the Salt River Project (SRP) to perform a cultural resource survey for three power pole locations along the existing Coolidge-Hayden 115kV transmission line. A new pole will be erected to connect the proposed Arizona Public Service Company (APS) Bonney Brook Substation near Florence, Pinal County; two other poles along the 115kV transmission line will be replaced. ACS recently completed archaeological...

Archaeological Data Recovery for the Santan Mountains Land Exchange (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kim Adams. Ann Valdo Howard. Barbara S. Macnider.

In December 1988, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted an archaeological survey in and around the eastern portion of the Santan Mountains in preparation for a land exchange between Julian Berry and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Phoenix District Office (Adams et al . 1989). As a result, 13 sites, 112 artifact scatters, and 284 isolated finds were recorded. Testing and data recovery measures were recommended for six of the sites.The sites are located within the Basin and...

Archaeological Evalution of 38JA175 on the Telfair Plantation Tract (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jonathan Leader

"Brockington and Associates, Inc., undertook testing investigations at 38JA175 on the Telfair Plantation Tract in February 2005. We recommend site 38JA175 eligible for the NRHP. This work was undertaken in order to provide compliance with current state and federal regulations regarding the management of cultural resources in the coastal zone of South Carolina. Compliance is administered by the regulatory programs of the South Carolina Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management. If this site...

Archaeological Excavation of a Leach Field at the San Jose de Tumacacori Unit of the Tumacacori National Historic Park, Santa Cruz County, Arizona (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Archaeological investigations of a proposed leach field at the Tumacacori Unit of the Tumacacori National Historical Site in southern Arizona led to the discovery of a Mission-era soil mining pit. Excavation of a portion of this feature resulted in the recovery of a sample of artifacts and food remains likely discarded between 1770 and 1820. These items indicate that residents of the mission were cooking and storing food and water in Native American vessels, including the use of comals (tortilla...

Archaeological Investigation of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, Cave Creek Archaeological District, Arizona (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James B. Rodgers.

The following report contains the description and interpretation of archaeological data recovered from AZ T: 8:31 (ASU), AZ T:8:35 (ASU), and AZ T:8:38 (ASU). Situated within south-central Arizona, these sites form an integral part of the Cave Creek Archaeological District. Impact on these cultural resources will result from the construction along Reach 10 of the Granite Reef Aqueduct, a feature of the Central Arizona Project. A plan to mitigate this adverse impact through a program of research...

Archaeological Investigations at AZ U:9:8 (ARS), A Santa Cruz Phase Hohokam Site in Mesa, Arizona (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Mitchell.

This report presents the results of an archaeological testing program conducted for Salt River Project (SRP) at the location of a construction site in Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona. The SRP project involved the excavation of a footing trench for a masonry wall to surround an existing water well. In the process of excavating the trench on the south bank of the Tempe Canal, SRP personnel encountered prehistoric material in the project area. Construction work was discontinued and SRP requested...

Archaeological Investigations at La Ciudad, AZ T:12:1(ASM), The Frank Luke Addition Locus, Volume 1: Introduction, Feature Descriptions, Chronology, and Canals (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

Logan Simpson conducted archaeological excavations between February and June 2013 for the City of Phoenix’s Frank Luke Addition (FLA) Project. The excavations were completed within a 9.1-acre parcel situated within the prehistoric site of La Ciudad (AZ T:12:1[ASM]), a Hohokam village located north of the Salt River. The FLA Project is located within a highly urbanized portion of the City of Phoenix (COP) in the Phoenix Basin, south-central Arizona. Historical documents indicate that the FLA...

Archaeological Investigations at Lee Canyon: Kayenta Anasazi Farmsteads in the Upper Basin Coconino County, Arizona (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Stephanie M. Whittlesey.

The following report presents the results of archaeological data recovery carried out at two Kayenta Anasazi sites, AZ 1:1:15 (ASM) and AZ 1:1:24 (ASM), located at Lee Canyon in the Upper Basin, Coconino County, Arizona. The work was conducted in response to a realignment of State Route 64 by the Arizona Department of Transportation. During archaeological testing by Statistical Research, Inc., masonry structures and agricultural features at the two sites were located, suggesting the potential to...

Archaeological Investigations at the Tanque Verde Wash Site, A Middle Rincon Settlement in the Eastern Tucson Basin (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson.

Excavations by the Institute for American Research at the Tanque Verde Wash site (AZ BB: 13:68 [ASM]) uncovered a nearly complete segment of a single component Middle Rincon subphase (A.D. 1000-1100) hamlet. The site was located along Tanque Verde Wash, the largest permanent drainage within the eastern Tucson Basin. Nineteen pithouses, three trash mounds, and 66 extramural features were recovered within a 2500 square meter area, The excavation methodology, which involved the complete excavation...

Archaeological Investigations at the Yuma Wash Site and Outlying Settlements Part 1 (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Deborah L. Swartz.

The Yuma Wash site was a permanently occupied large Classic period village situated in the northern Tucson Basin at the juncture of the eastern bajada of the Tucson Mountains with the Santa Cruz River floodplain. The site area was also intermittently used on a much smaller scale during the rest of the Hohokam sequence and during the Early Agricultural and Early Ceramic periods, as well as during the Historic era. The project was conducted by Desert Archaeology, Inc., for the Town of Marana. The...

Archaeological Investigations for the Fort McDowell Road Improvement Project
PROJECT USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office.

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) assisted the Fort McDowell Indian Community (FMIC) with cultural resource investigations in advance of widening and realigning portions of Fort McDowell Road (also known as Mustang Way). These improvements were required to facilitate increased road use associated with the construction and operation of the Fort McDowell Indian Community Irrigated Farmland Development Project. This project presents the results of these undertakings.

Archaeological Investigations in Support of the Military Munitions Response Program, New Boston Air Force Station, 2008-2011, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Sarah P. Sportman. Derrick Marcucci. Susan Gade.

This report documents archaeological investigations conducted at New Boston Air Force Station (NBAFS) located in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire (Figure 1.1). The work was performed in support of Remedial Investigations (RI) conducted as part of the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP) by the United States Army Corps of Engineers for the United States Air Force. The work was carried out by Landmark Archaeology, Inc. (Landmark) of Altamont, New York who was...