Hammerstone (Material Keyword)
1-25 (106 Records)
Project metadata for resources within the 611th Air Support Group cultural heritage resources collection.
Ancient Farming Along the Salt River: Data Recovery at a 9th Century Field House Community (AZ T:12:395[ASM]) for the Coral Pointe Development in Phoenix, Arizona (2010)
The City of Phoenix requested that archaeological work be conducted at the location of the proposed Coral Pointe Apartments Project in Phoenix. The Project is on private property but will receive federal funding so the effects of this undertaking on cultural resources must be considered to comply with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. According to the City of Phoenix archaeological site files, several prehistoric canals cross the area of potential effect (APE). Although no...
Archaeological Data Recovery at AZ EE:1:224, :225, And :226 (ASM), Rancho Sahuarita, Town of Sahuarita, Arizona (2000)
Archaeological data recovery fieldwork at Rancho Sahuarita sites AZ EE: 1:224, 225, and 226 (ASM) was completed on May 3, 2000. The fieldwork and subsequent analysis followed the Archaeological Research Guidelines (ARG) approved by the Town of Sahuarita (WestLand Resources and SWCA 1998). The guidelines provide a culture history and research design, and field and analytic methods. Sites 224, 225, and 226 are three of a cluster of late pre-Classic Hohokam sites located along the west side of the...
Archaeological Data Recovery in the Maricopa County Department of Transportation of the Right-of-Way within AZ T:11:106 (ASM), the Morocco Ruin, in Goodyear, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
This document presents the results of archaeological data recovery completed by SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) in the Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) right-of-way (ROW) in Goodyear, Maricopa County, Arizona. The area investigated lies within the boundary of AZ T:11:106 (ASM), a large prehistoric primary village site known as the Morocco Ruin. The area is the site of a proposed residential development, and in order to accommodate that and the development of a nearby...
Archaeological Evaluation of Three Sites for the Goldfield-Silver King 230 kV Transmission Line, Near Superior, Arizona (2000)
Salt River Project (SRP) is planning to install fiber optic communication on the Goldfield to Silver King 230 kV transmission line system on the Mesa and Globe Ranger districts in Pinal County, Arizona. The project will entail replacing a static line with a combination static-fiber optic line. This will require a wire trailer/puller and crane to be positioned near certain towers for wire pulling. Both pieces of equipment are rubber-tired to minimize ground disturbance. SWCA was contracted to...
Archaeological Investigations at Honey Bee Village, a Prehistoric Hohokam Ballcourt Village in the Cañada del Oro Valley of Southern Arizona: Description of Excavated Structures (2011)
Honey Bee Village, AZ BB:9:88 (ASM), is a large, prehistoric ballcourt village in the northern Tucson Basin. It is situated on the southeastern bajada of the Tortolita Mountains in the southern Cañada del Oro Valley. The site area is adjacent to a large alluvial basin at the juncture of Big Wash and Honey Bee Canyon at a mean elevation of 878 m (2,880 ft) above sea level. In this report, descriptions of the excavated structures are provided for the most recent and most extensive archaeological...
Archaeological Investigations at Lee Canyon: Kayenta Anasazi Farmsteads in the Upper Basin Coconino County, Arizona (1992)
The following report presents the results of archaeological data recovery carried out at two Kayenta Anasazi sites, AZ 1:1:15 (ASM) and AZ 1:1:24 (ASM), located at Lee Canyon in the Upper Basin, Coconino County, Arizona. The work was conducted in response to a realignment of State Route 64 by the Arizona Department of Transportation. During archaeological testing by Statistical Research, Inc., masonry structures and agricultural features at the two sites were located, suggesting the potential to...
Archaeological Investigations at Nine Sites in the Madera Highlands Development, Pima County, Arizona (2005)
Between March 27 and June 1, 2001, SWCA Environmental Consultants conducted archaeological investigations at nine archaeological sites on the 920-acre Madera Highlands property owned by Harvard Investments. The property encompasses lower bajada ridges and upper river terraces on the east side of the Santa Cruz River near the towns of Continental and Green Valley, Pima County, Arizona. The SWCA's excavations at Madera Highlands involved testing and data recovery at nine ridgetop sites in the...
Archaeological Investigations at Sites AZ BB:9:105 and 179 (ASM) Within Rancho Vistoso, Oro Valley, Arizona: The Stone Canyon Data Recovery Project (2000)
On June 30 through July 15, 1999, archaeologists from SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants conducted archaeological data recovery at two sites, AZ BB:9:105 and 179 (ASM), in Rancho Vistoso, Oro Valley, Arizona. Vistoso Partners proposes to build custom homes there as part of the Stone Canyon development. The archaeological resources on the parcel are to be treated according to the provisions of the Rancho Vistoso Planned Area Development agreement between Vistoso Partners and the Town of Oro...
Archaeological Investigations at the Outpost Estates II Parcel of AZ BB:10:59 (ASM)—An Early Agricultural Period San Pedro Phase Site in the Eastern Tucson Basin (2008)
In June 2005 and September-October 2005, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA), under contract with Outpost Development, conducted archaeological testing and data recovery at AZ BB:10:59 (ASM), located in the eastern Tucson Basin, near Tucson, in Pima County, Arizona. Outpost Development, which has subsequently sub-divided the 10-acre project parcel into nine individual house lots, a development known as Outpost Estates II, funded the archaeological excavations to comply with Pima County’s...
Archaeological Investigations for the Sojourner Development Project: Data Recovery Near La Ciudad (AZ T:12:1 [ASM]) (2005)
This report presents the results of an archaeological testing and data recovery program conducted in approximately one-half acre of land in central Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona. The work was conducted at the request of the City of Phoenix, Neighborhood Services Department under an on-call archaeological services contract between the City and SWCA, Inc. (Contract no. 101005). The archaeological investigations were conducted in advance of the Sojourner Center development project due to a...
Archaeological Investigations in Support of the Phoenix Bioscience Center Project: Data Recovery at AZ T:12:70 (ASM), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2008)
Archaeological data recovery was conducted in advance of the development of a small portion of the Phoenix Bioscience Center site. Data recovery efforts were implemented following the results of prior archaeological testing of the study area, which is located within the boundaries of a previously documented archaeological site AZ T:12:70 (ASM) (Pueblo Patricio). In total, nineteen features were investigated, including eight aboriginal (historic and protohistoric/historic) features, nine...
Archaeological Monitoring Plan for Site Investigations at Multiple Sites Bellows Air Force Station, Waimanalo, Ko`olaupoko District, O`ahu, Hawai`i (1997)
At the request of The Environmental Company, Inc. (TEC), International Archaeological Research Institute, Inc. (IARII) has prepared an Archaeological Monitoring Plan (AMP) for archaeological monitoring and sampling for proposed site inspection activities at Bellows Air Force Station (BAFS), O'ahu to take place in the three areas. The Department of the Air Force has initiated consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer. The AMP is prepared according to the general requirements and...
Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona (1994)
Archaeological investigations at Williams Air Force Base (WAFB), located in southeast Maricopa County, Arizona, were initiated in response to the 1991 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission’s (the Closure Commission) recommendation to close WAFB following the passage of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (the Closure Act) (Public Law 101-510, Title XXIX). Prior to closure or realignment of base facilities, preparation of an environment impact statement (EIS) was...
Archaeological Survey and Treatment Plan for the Installation of Utility Poles within the Hog Farm Ball Court Site, AZ AA:11:12(ASM), near Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2009)
Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Trico), proposes to rebuild portions of Circuits 12 and 18, which originate at the Marana Substation. The proposed circuit-rebuilding project will be funded in part by U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Services (RUS) and will include rebuilding a portion of Circuit 12 that measures approximately 1,086 feet (0.2 mile or 0.32 km) long and a portion of Circuit 18 that measures approximately 4,113 feet (0.8 mile or 1.29 km) long. The rebuilding of...
Archaeological Survey for Peacekeeper Follow-on Basing Concealment Testing Dateland Test Site, Luke Air Force Range, Arizona (1986)
An archaeological survey was conducted from May 28 through June 1, 1986 at the Dateland Test Site on Luke Air Force Range. Eight archaeological sites and nine isolated finds were recorded as a result of this survey. The archaeological sites included three trails, two historic sites, and three prehistoric sites. None of these sites appear eligible to the National Register of Historic Places. Further, none of these sites should be affected by project activities; therefore, no mitigation of...
Archaeological Survey for the Grand Valley Circuits 13 and 14 Upgrade, Pima County, Arizona (2013)
Trico Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Trico) proposes to use Rural Utility Service (RUS)-administered federal funds to upgrade the Circuits 13 and 14 existing overhead electric line within the town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona. The proposed upgrade will involve replacing an overhead single-phase line with an overhead three-phase, double circuit line to help support the Thornydale substation’s load during peak load conditions and to improve system reliability. The upgrade will involve using...
An Archaeological Survey of 12.5 Acres for CPC Southwest Materials, Inc., Town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2008)
SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) was contracted by Empire Southwest to conduct an archaeological survey of a 12.5-acre parcel that is privately owned by the California Portland Cement Company (CPC). The survey was conducted to aid Empire Southwest and the CPC in complying with Arizona’s State Historic Preservation Act prior to commercial development. An archaeological survey of the project area resulted in the re-location of a previously recorded archaeological site, AZ AA:12:20/352 (ASM),...
An Archaeological Survey of 208 Acres in the Northern Portion of Neighborhood 12, Rancho Vistoso, Town of Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona (2003)
Between July 23 and August 4, 2003, SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) completed a Class III archaeological inventory of 208 acres of private land in the Town of Oro Valley, Pima County, Arizona. The purpose of the survey was to determine whether any cultural resources existed that might be adversely affected by proposed residential and resort development. The survey was conducted at the request of Mr. Dick Maes of Vistoso Partners. This survey was carried out in order to comply with Town of...
An Archaeological Survey of 780 Acres for the Proposed Bridges at Maricopa, Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona (2005)
This survey resulted in the recording of two archaeological sites, AZ T:16:156 (ASM) and AZ T:16:157 (ASM), and 13 isolated artifacts. AZ T:16:156 (ASM) is a late historic period/modern trash dump. The earliest identifiable material dates to the 1940s. AZ T:16:157 (ASM) is a large artifact scatter located along the western edge of the project area in undisturbed (agriculturally) desert. The site encompasses nearly 160 ac (647,490 m2). Despite its size, artifacts are sparse and consist mainly of...
An Archaeological Survey of an Approximately 500-Acre Parcel of Land for the Proposed Town of Marana Regional Park, Town of Marana, Pima County, Arizona (2007)
SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted a full-coverage archaeological survey of a 500-acre parcel of land administered by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) in the Town of Marana (Town) for a proposed regional park. Because the land is administered by Reclamation, the Town of Marana retained SWCA to conduct the survey as the second step in aiding Reclamation in complying with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. SWCA had previously conducted a Class I...
Archaeological Test Excavations at Pueblo Salado, Area 6, and a Data Recovery Proposal, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Phoenix, Arizona (1994)
This report contains the results of archaeological testing (Part I) and a plan for data recovery (Part II) at Area 6 of the dispersed Classic and post-Classic period site of Pueblo Salado. During the course of conducting archaeological testing in Area 6, the City of Phoenix Aviation Department in consultation with the City of Phoenix Archaeologist determined that the archaeological remains contained important information potential and would require further investigation through a data recovery...
Archaeological Testing at AZ DD:4:141 (ASM): A Prehistoric Site in the Tinaja Hills Pima County, Arizona (1989)
This report presents project background information and the results of investigations conducted at an archaeological site located in the Tinaja Hills of southern Arizona. A site evaluation, controlled surface collection, and trenching program was conducted at AZ DD:4:141 (ASM) between October 9 and 17, 1989, by SWCA. This investigation (SWCA Project No. 90336-1) was carried out under contract with Caterpillar, Inc, of Phoenix, Arizona. The work was conducted by a crew of three archaeologists and...
Archaeological Testing at AZ EE:1:2 and :218 (ASM), "Frick's Sahuarita Sites" and "John Brown's Homestead Site", Rancho Sahuarita, Town of Sahuarita, Arizona (2001)
This report details the field, documentary research, and analysis results of archaeological testing at Rancho Sahuarita sites 2 and 218, and recommends data recovery at both sites in accordance with the Rancho Sahuarita Archaeological Research Guidelines. At prehistoric Site 2, six subsurface features indicate at least three activity areas within a large surficial artifact scatter. In addition to a subsurface feature, a pair of large stone tools (metate and mortar) were found on the surface in...
Archaeological Testing at AZ T:7:178–181 (ASM) in the Proposed Cortessa Development, Maricopa County, Arizona (2004)
Cortessa LLC is proposing the residential development of a 613-acre parcel of land near the White Tank Mountains in Maricopa County, Arizona. The privately-owned land is located on the east side of the White Tank Mountains. A permit under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act from the Army Corp of Engineers is necessary to proceed with the development; thus it is subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. A previous archaeological survey of the parcel resulted in the...