Clay Figurine (Material Keyword)
1-7 (7 Records)
The City of Phoenix requested that archaeological work be conducted at the location of the proposed Coral Pointe Apartments Project in Phoenix. The Project is on private property but will receive federal funding so the effects of this undertaking on cultural resources must be considered to comply with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. According to the City of Phoenix archaeological site files, several prehistoric canals cross the area of potential effect (APE). Although no...
A Class III Archaeological Survey of the Phase B Corridor, Tucson Aqueduct, Central Arizona Project (1986)
The Cultural Resource Management Division of the Arizona State Museum conducted an intensive Class III survey and testing program for the Phase B portion of the Tucson Aqueduct. Archaeologists surveyed 3,370 ha and identified 47 archaeological sites and 8 nonsites. Site types recorded included 4 Archaic camps, 2 Hohokam villages, 6 Hohokam farmstead-field houses, 28 limited-activity sites, 4 quarries, and 3 Protohistoric sites. Of the 47 identified sites, 24 were recommended for data recovery.
Hinterland Households: Rural Agrarian Household Diversity in Northwest Honduras (2002)
"This book is in the great tradition of settlement pattern surveys . . . and is fused with the recent development of household archaeology. . . .Those who read it will find that it has great methodological significance, not just for the Maya area but also for other areas of the world as well. It is an important book." —Dean E. Arnold, Wheaton College The rural sector of agrarian societies has historically been viewed as composed of undifferentiated households primarily interested in...
Studies Along the Lower Agua Fria River: The Eastwing Site and the Marinette Canal (1987)
Two sites, one prehistoric and one historic, situated northwest of Phoenix and in the south-central part of Arizona, are discussed. Limited field excavation and archival research reveal that the historic site, the Marinette Canal (NA18,267), built in 1910, may have been fed by well water, local runoff, and the seasonal flow of the Agua Fria River. It heads along Calderwood Butte and extends almost 10 km southward toward the present community of Sun City, Arizona. The prehistoric site, the...
Tracks through Time: The Archaeology of the METRO Light Rail Corridor (2011)
This book presents the results of the archaeological investigations that were conducted along then Light Rail route before and during its construction. As with any project that receives federal funding, METRO was legally required to undertake archaeological investigations along the project corridor; but production of this volume reflects not only METRO's commitment to legal compliance with environmental laws, but also the commitment of the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa to preserve and...
The Tres Alamos Site on the San Pedro River, Southeastern Arizona (1947)
The ruins lie on the east bank of the San Pedro River some twelve miles by road north of the town of Benson. At this point the river has started to cut into an erosion terrace or bench on which the ruins are located. This bench rises about one hundred to one hundred and fifty feet above the bed of the river, and is eroded by relatively short but deep and steep-banked gullies or arroyos into several tongues of land fanning out toward the river. Evidences of prehistoric occupation are found on the...
Tucson Aqueduct Project Phase B
The Tucson Aqueduct Phase B Project represents the first substantial archaeological investigations and excavations to be conducted in the Avra Valley. Prior to the 1983 intensive survey of the Phase B alignment by archaeologists from the Arizona State Museum, archaeological investigation of the Avra Valley had been limited primarily to occasional clearance surveys and test excavations. The identification of 47 prehistoric sites during the 1983 survey (Downum and others 1986) and the...