Pueblo Grande Museum
No description specified.
Alternate Names: Pueblo Grande Museum, City of Phoenix , City of Phoenix, Parks and Recreation Department, Pueblo Grande Museum , City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department, Pueblo Grande Museum , Pueblo Grande Museum, City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department , Pueblo Grande Museum Collections, City of Phoenix , Pueblo Grande Musuem , Archaeology Section, Pueblo Grande Museum , Archaeology Section Pueblo Grande Museum , City of Phoenix, Pueblo Grande Museum and Cultural Park Archaeology Section , Archaeological Section Pueblo Grande Museum, City of Phoenix , City of Phoenix Parks, Recreation, and Library Department Pueblo Grande Museum , Archaeology Section Pueblo Grande Museum City of Phoenix , Pueblo Grande Museum Reseach Library , Pueblo Grande Museum , Pueblo Grande Museum Research Library , Archaeological Section Pueblo Grande Museum , Pueblo Grande Museum and Archaeological Park , Archaeological Secton Pueblo Grande museum , Pueblo Grande Museum, Archaeological Section
Institution Members
1-50 (200 Records)
- The 1986 Archaeological Investigations at Las Canopas, Phoenix, Arizona (1986)
- Additional Archaeological Testing at the UMOM Property in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Ancient Farming Along the Salt River: Data Recovery at a 9th Century Field House Community (AZ T:12:395[ASM]) for the Coral Pointe Development in Phoenix, Arizona (2010)
- Anthem at Merrill Ranch: Cultural Resources Inventory of the 3,260-Acre Parcel between Coolidge and Florence, Pinal County, Arizona (2004)
- Archaeological Assesment of the Washington Park Project Area, Pueblo Grande AZ U:9:7(ASM) (1993)
- Archaeological Data Recovery for the Ellsworth Road Widening Project, Queen Creek, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
- Archaeological Data Recovery in a Portion of AZ U:9:67 (ASM)-La Lomita: The Escala Central City Project (2006)
- Archaeological Data Recovery of 1.1 Acres within the Prehistoric Site of La Ciudad (AZ T:12:1[ASM]), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
- Archaeological Data Recovery Plan and Test Results for the Proposed Great Western Homes Development at Las Cremaciones, Site AZ T:12:220(ASM), Phoenix, Arizona (2005)
- Archaeological Excavations in the Northwest Field at Pueblo Grande, Phoenix, Arizona (2005)
- Archaeological Excavations of a Salt River Valley Canal Bridge Crossing at the Central Station, 300 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona (1997)
- Archaeological Investigations at La Ciudad, AZ T:12:1(ASM), The Frank Luke Addition Locus, Volume 1: Introduction, Feature Descriptions, Chronology, and Canals (2016)
- Archaeological Investigations at La Ciudad, AZ T:12:1(ASM), The Frank Luke Addition Locus, Volume 2: Analytical Studies, Synthesis, and Data Appendixes (2016)
- Archaeological Investigations at La Lomita, AZ U:9:67 (ASM) (2004)
- Archaeological Investigations for the PGM Public Arts Walkway Project, Pueblo Grande Museum and Archaeological Park, Phoenix, Arizona (2016)
- Archaeological Investigations in Support of the Phoenix Bioscience Center Project: Data Recovery at AZ T:12:70 (ASM), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2008)
- Archaeological Investigations in Support of the South Phoenix Loop Street and Landscaping Projects: Data Recovery at AZ T:12:231 (ASM), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
- Archaeological Monitoring and Data Recovery for the 64th Street Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring and Discovery plan for a City of Phoenix Waterline Improvement Project Within a Portion of Downtown Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2006)
- Archaeological Monitoring at Chambers Street, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Archaeological Monitoring at Diamond Street, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring at Lynwood Street, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Archaeological Monitoring at North 29th Street, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring at Sunland Avenue, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring at W. Novak Way, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring at W. Vineyard Road, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring at Yale Street, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Archaeological Monitoring for a City of Phoenix Storm Drain and Paving Project along McDowell Road, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2010)
- Archaeological Monitoring for a Sewer Flow Monitoring Station Installation Project along 59th Avenue in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2013)
- Archaeological Monitoring for Geotech Bores Drilled Along the Center Runway, Taxiways, and Turnouts, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (2001)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the 11th Avenue Paving Project: Phases 1 and 2, in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the 6th/8th Avenue Water Main, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2012)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the Area Bounded by 19th Avenue for the Replacement of a Water Main and Fire Hydrants in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the Area Bounded by Osborn Road for the Replacement of a Water Main and Fire Hydrants in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the City of Phoenix Sewer Relief Program 2010, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Archaeological Monitoring For the Fire Hydrant Installation (South) Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the Jackson Street Storm Drain Improvement Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the Replacement of a Water Main and Fire Hydrants Bounded by Central Avenue, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the Southern Avenue Local Drainage Improvements Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2016)
- Archaeological Monitoring for the Storm Drain Improvement Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
- Archaeological Monitoring near the Patrick Site, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2015)
- Archaeological Monitoring of a Stormwater Trench Excavation in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Contaminated Soil Removal from the Eloy Airfield, Pinal County, Arizona (2011)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Contaminated Soil Removal from the Waste Dump Archaeological Site, AZ AA:6:2(ASM), Pinal County, Arizona (2012)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Lot Maintenance Activities in the Vicinity of a Projected Prehistoric Canal for a City of Phoenix Neighborhood Stabilization Program Project, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)
- Archaeological Monitoring of Playground Equipment Installation at Sueño Park, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2016)
- Archaeological Monitoring of the Replacement of an SRP Canal in the Vicinity of Pueblo del Alamo for a Planned Development by K. Hovnanian Homes, City of Phoenix, Arizona (2006)
- Archaeological Monitoring Phase C for the Replacement of a Water Main and Fire Hydrants, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2009)
- Archaeological Monitoring Report for a City of Phoenix Waterline Improvement Project in an Area Bounded by 17th Avenue, Maricopa County, Arizona (2007)
- Archaeological Monitoring Report for the Almeria Road Improvement Project in Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2014)