Historic (Culture Keyword)

6,751-6,775 (12,191 Records)

King’s Reach (18CV83): Rhenish Blue and Gray Stoneware Vessel (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Rhenish blue and gray stoneware vessel in situ

King’s Reach (18CV83): Rhenish Brown Stoneware Jug (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Rhenish brown stoneware jug

King’s Reach (18CV83): Scissors (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Scissors

King’s Reach (18CV83): Square Lead Weights (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Three square lead weights, possibly apothecary weights

King’s Reach (18CV83): Tin-glazed Earthenware Plate (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Tin-glazed earthenware plate fragments

King’s Reach (18CV83): Tin-glazed Earthenware Tea Cup (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Tin-glazed earthenware tea cup fragments

King’s Reach (18CV83): Tin-washed Copper Alloy Spoon Bowl (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Tin-washed copper alloy spoon bowl with an unidentified maker's mark

King’s Reach (18CV83): White Clay Tobacco Pipe Stem (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: White clay tobacco pipe stem with a hole cut so it can be used as a whistle

Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB) 1979 Archaeological Survey Project, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James B. Rodgers.

The Center for Anthropological Studies just completed an intensive archaeological survey of a second portion of Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. The actual project area includes 3,955 acres in southcentral Bernalillo County. Fifty-nine isolated artifactual materials and 12 archaeological sites were recorded. Collectively, they represent a cultural history of about 10,700 years. The three major prehistoric sites primarily reflect hunting and stone tool manufacturing activities of the Archaic...

Kirtland Air Force Base 1980 Archaeological Survey Project, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James B. Rodgers.

The Center for Anthropological Studies completed an intensive archaeological survey of about 1,253 acres located in the south-central part of Kirtland Air Force Base. Seven significant archaeological sites and 230 loci of isolated artifacts were recorded. The prehistoric archaeological resources are interpreted to represent the seasonal use of this area as a supplementary resource zone by Rio Grande Anasazi people between about A.D. 1050 and A.D. 1350. The historic resources, in contrast,...

Kirtland Air Force Base 1981 Archaeological Survey Project in Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1981)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William R. Neal.

An archaeological survey of 390 acres of Kirtland Air Force Base was undertaken and completed by the Center for Anthropological Studies. Thirteen isolated loci produced 18 prehistoric artifacts. Six archaeological sites were located, recorded, and partially collected. One site is assigned to the Rio Grande Coalition Period (A.D. 1200-1325), and represents a temporary encampment. The five historic sites relate to early twentieth century (1900-1930's) mining and ranching activities.

The Kirtland Air Force Base Coyote Test Field Archaeological Survey, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Earl S. Mead.

Sandia National Laboratories and the Center for Anthropological Studies, both of Albuquerque, New Mexico, have entered into a cultural resource management project (Document No. 44-1498). The primary objectives are: 1) to conduct an intensive archaeological survey of 7,100 acres of land to find out what, if any, cultural resources are located within the project boundary; 2) to assess the significance of such finds, and evaluate each in terms of the criteria found in 36 CFR 60.6 for eligibility...

Kirtland Air Force Base Geoarchaeologic Landform Analysis Project (GLAP), Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo County, New Mexico (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James D. Gallison. J. David Kilby. Michael H. Jennings.

Kirtland Air Force Base is the location of abundant archaeological sites found in the Manzanita Mountains and lower slopes east of the Rio Grande. The goal in this study is the development of a geoarchaeologic model identifying the depositional units of Quaternary age at Kirtland Air Force Base that may preserve buried cultural deposits. The model utilizes the geologic mapping results from previous studies and identifies additional Quaternary units in areas where this information was missing....

Kirtland Air Force Base History Building Inventory and Evaluation (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Christine M. Tuttle.

Architectural evaluation of Cold War Era properties found on Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico.

Kirtland Air Force Base Project Metadata
PROJECT Uploaded by: Charlene Collazzi

Project metadata for resources within the Kirtland Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.

Kirtland Air Force Base: Geophysical Studies (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James T. Abbott. R. Blake Roxlau. William B. Butler. Howard C. Higgins. Timothy M. Deignan.

This report evaluates the applicability of several near-surface geophysical methods to intrasite archaeological prospection in New Mexico. The Investigations explored the effectiveness of resistivity, gradiometer, magnetometer, ground penetrating radar, and magnetic susceptibility techniques for verifying the presence and nature of architectural and other cultural features at Kirtland Air Force Base. The research involved the application of these techniques to five sites (LA 107488, LA 53672, LA...

Kirtland Through Time: The Environment, Prehistory, Ethnography, and History of Kirtland Air Force Base (1998)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard D. Holmes.

This report details the environment, prehistory, ethnography, and history of Kirtland Air Force Base in a format suitable for the lay audience. The report begins with an examination of the location and environment. This discussion examines the origin of the mountains and rivers, the plants and animals, and how the climate has changed over time. Research into the geomorphology, paleontology, and wildlife is summarized. The report continues with an examination of the prehistoric peoples and...

Kitchen and Mess Hall Building 21, Blueprint, Camp Bullis, Texas (1939)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This set of drawings from August 14th, 1939 document the floor plans of the kitchen and mess hall at Camp Bullis, Texas, building 21. The blueprint also includes a schedule of openings and an electrical legend. The sponsor for this blueprint is the Office of the Post Quartermaster at Fort Sam Houston, Texas under the supervision of Arthur S. Graham. The blueprint was originally drawn by “H.R.J”, checked by “J.L.B.” and reviewed by J.B. Clearwater.

Kitchen and Mess Hall Building 22, Blueprint, Camp Bullis, Texas (1939)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This set of drawings from August 16th, 1939 document the floor plans of the kitchen and mess hall at Camp Bullis, Texas, building 22. The blueprint also includes a schedule of openings and an electrical legend. The sponsor for this blueprint is the Office of the Post Quartermaster at Fort Sam Houston, Texas under the supervision of Arthur S. Graham. The blueprint was originally drawn by “H.R.J”, checked by “U.E.R.” and reviewed by J.B. Clearwater. The data measurements used to draw the...

Kitchen and Mess Hall Building 26, Blueprint, Camp Bullis, Texas (1939)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This set of drawings from August 14th, 1939 document the floor plans of the kitchen and mess hall at Camp Bullis, Texas, building 26. The blueprint also includes a schedule of openings and an electrical legend. The sponsor for this blueprint is the Office of the Post Quartermaster at Fort Sam Houston, Texas under the supervision of Arthur S. Graham. The blueprint was originally drawn by “H.R.J”, checked by “J.L.B.” and reviewed by J.B. Clearwater.

Kitchen and Mess Hall Building 27, Blueprint, Camp Bullis, Texas (1939)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This set of drawings from August 16th, 1939 document the floor plans of the kitchen and mess hall at Camp Bullis, Texas, building 27. The blueprint also includes a schedule of openings and an electrical legend. The sponsor for this blueprint is the Office of the Post Quartermaster at Fort Sam Houston, Texas under the supervision of Arthur S. Graham. The blueprint was originally drawn by “H.R.J”, checked by “U.E.R.” and reviewed by J.B. Clearwater. The data measurements used to draw the...

Kitchen and Mess Hall Building 28, Blueprint, Camp Bullis, Texas (1939)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This set of drawings from August 16th, 1939 document the floor plans of the kitchen and mess hall at Camp Bullis, Texas, building 28. The blueprint also includes a schedule of openings and an electrical legend. The sponsor for this blueprint is the Office of the Post Quartermaster at Fort Sam Houston, Texas under the supervision of Arthur S. Graham. The blueprint was originally drawn by “H.R.J”, checked by “U.E.R.” and reviewed by J.B. Clearwater. The data measurements used to draw the...

Kitchen and Mess Hall Building 29, Blueprint, Camp Bullis, Texas (1939)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This set of drawings from August 16th, 1939 document the floor plans of the kitchen and mess hall at Camp Bullis, Texas, building 29. The blueprint also includes a schedule of openings and an electrical legend. The sponsor for this blueprint is the Office of the Post Quartermaster at Fort Sam Houston, Texas under the supervision of Arthur S. Graham. The blueprint was originally drawn by “H.R.J”, checked by “U.E.R.” and reviewed by J.B. Clearwater. The data measurements used to draw the...

Kitchen and Mess Hall Building 29, Q.M.C. Form, Camp Bullis, Texas (1930)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This document is a Q.M.C. Form for the kitchen and mess hall (building number 29) at Camp Bullis, Texas. It details the material construction, capacity and other specs associated with the building. The form was approved by the Secretary of War as required by A.R. 30-1435. Additions, repairs and installations to the building(s) along with their associated cost are also recorded. This Q.M.C. Form was revised in 1939, however the date of completion is recorded as 1930.

Kitchen and Mess Hall Building 30, Blueprint, Camp Bullis, Texas (1939)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

This set of drawings from August 16th, 1939 document the floor plans of the kitchen and mess hall at Camp Bullis, Texas, building 30. The blueprint also includes a schedule of openings and an electrical legend. The sponsor for this blueprint is the Office of the Post Quartermaster at Fort Sam Houston, Texas under the supervision of Arthur S. Graham. The blueprint was originally drawn by “H.R.J”, checked by “U.E.R.” and reviewed by J.B. Clearwater. The data measurements used to draw the...