Historic Native American (Culture Keyword)

Historic Native Americans , Native Americans , Historical Native Americans

Parent: Historic

226-250 (843 Records)

Camden (44CE3): Locally-made Pipes (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Locally-made pipes

Camden (44CE3): Locally-made Red Clay Pipes (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Locally-made red clay pipes

Camden (44CE3): Miscellaneous Iron Objects (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Miscellaneous iron objects

Camden (44CE3): Native American Ceramics (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Native American ceramics

Camden (44CE3): Pipes and Shark's Teeth (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Pipes and shark's teeth

Camden (44CE3): Potomac Creek Ceramics (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Potomac Creek ceramics

Camden (44CE3): Rhenish Blue and Gray Stoneware (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Rhenish blue and gray stoneware

Camden (44CE3): Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Machotick" (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Silver medal labeled "Ye King of Machotick"

Camden (44CE3): Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Machotick" (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Silver medal labeled "Ye King of Machotick"

Camden (44CE3): Silver Medal Labeled "Ye King of Machotick" (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Silver medal labeled "Ye King of Machotick"

Camden (44CE3): Tin-glazed Earthenware (2004)
IMAGE Catherine Alston.

Representative artifacts: Tin-glazed earthenware fragments

Camp Date Creek Arizona Site Steward File (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brad Geeck. Shelley Rasmussen.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file that consists of Camp Date Creek, located on State Trust Land. The site is comprised of a prehistoric hearth, military parade ground, artifact scatter, and structures from multiple phases of use. The area served as an U. S. Army outpost beginning in 1867 and an Indian reservation between 1871 and 1873. The file consists of a site data form, cultural resource vandalism report, correspondence concerning site vandalism, site map, a synopsis of observed...

The Carlota Copper Mine Testing Project: Prehistoric Occupation in the Globe Uplands, Gila and Pinal Counties, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Mitchell. M. Zyniecki.

The Carlota Prehistoric Testing Program, conducted for the Carlota Copper Company near Miami, Arizona, because of proposed mining operations, sought to determine which sites in a previously surveyed area contained data classes that would allow specific Historic Contexts to be addressed. The survey identified 87 sites, 55 of them prehistoric, in thé 2600-acre study area. After study area boundary reductions, 51 prehistoric sites were examined during the testing project. The Apache Tribe...

Carter's Cave Arizona Site Steward File (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Brian Kenny. J. R. "Buff" Billings.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for Carter's Cave, comprised of a cave with bowl sherds, an Apache basket, macrobotanicals, a metate, and cans, located on State Trust land. The site appears to have been used by the Hohokam and Apache. The file consists of a site steward program resource nomination form, an Arizona State Museum archaeological survey form, and sketches of the cave plan and cross section. The earliest dated document is from 1989.

Casemates and Cannonballs: Archeological Investigations at Fort Stanwix National Monument (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lee Hanson. Dick Ping Hsu.

A study of Fort Stanwix, of Rome, New York, was conducted after the bicentennial of the United States. This article discusses the research and renewal project conducted by the National Park Services. Fort Stanwix built in 1758 by the British then abandoned prior to the American Revolutionary War. During the Revolution it was occupied by Burgoyne and his forces. The focal point of interest was the fort and invasion routes between the American Colonies and Canada during the American Revolutionary...

The Central Arizona Project Historic Preservation Program: Conserving the Past While Building for the Future (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region.

On July 15, 1983, the chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) ratified a programmatic memorandum of agreement among the Arizona and New Mexico State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), the Bureau of Reclamation, and the ACHP. The subject of that agreement was the construction of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) and its impact upon historic properties. That agreement was negotiated in compliance with Section 2(b) of Executive Order 11593, "Protection and Enhancement...

Changes in Animal Use through Time at Fusihatchee (1EE191) (1999)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman. Daniel C. Weinand. Elizabeth J. Reitz.

Archaeological sites appropriate for the study of subsistence change resulting from European-Native American contact are uncommon in the southeastern United States. One of these sites is Fusihatchee (1EE191), a Creek town in what is now Alabama. Materials from Fusihatchee were deposited during four time periods spanning the Contact Period, permitting a diachronic analysis of Creek subsistence practices. Vertebrate and some invertebrate remains were studied. The Late Mississippian component...

The Changing Physical Environment of the Hopi Indians of Arizona (1942)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Tilton Hack.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at...

Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, I: Results fo the Cape Cod National Seashore Archeological Survey, 1979-1981, volume 2 (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Francis McManamon

The report, which is volume 2, deals with various kinds of prehistoric remains in a series of chapters. Each chapter uses a common set and sequence of units of analysis to minimize confusion about the identity and locations of concentrations. A series of foldout maps will help with the geographic orientation as well. Eight chapters are included in Volume 2. One of these is a description and analysis of the kinds of archeological deposits and lithic assemblages found by the survey. Another...

Chapters in the Archeology of Cape Cod, III: The Historic Period and Historic Period Archeology (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Francis McManamon

Contains three parts: "Research on the Historic Period and Historic Period Archaeology" by FP McManamon (pp 1-16); "Changes in the Coastal Wilderness: Historic Land Use Patterns on Outer Cape Cod, 17th-19th Centuries" by Patricia E. Rubertone (pp 17-124); "Historic and Land Use and Settlement on Outer Cape Cod: An Exploratory Analysis of Archeological Data" by Francis P. McManamon and S. Terry Childs (pp 125-156). Historical information and archeological data are used to describe historic...

DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings.

Sites 59-111 and 59-73 are situated in Groton, New London County, Connecticut and are 17th century Native American archaeological sites. Site 59-73 is situated atop a flat hilltop east of Site 59-111, and both sites are located in wooded areas that overlook the wetlands to the east. Two charcoal samples from each site were submitted for AMS radiocarbon age determination that are believed to date to the Pequot War (1636–1637), suggesting a possibility the two sites were related to the conflict.

Charles McKenzie's Narratives of the "Mississouri Indians:" A New Transcription (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

The documents that follow are new literal transcriptions of several handwritten narratives describing the experiences and observations of Charles McKenzie among the Hidatsa and Mandan Indians from 1804 to 1806. They were originally published in 1889-90 by Louis Francois Rodrigue Masson as part of a collection of first-hand accounts of the fur trading operations of the North west Company (Masson 1960). These transcriptions are an interim product of a larger, in-progress study undertaken by W....

Chieftains Museum/Major Ridge Home - Historic Structure and Cultural Landscape Report (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Glenn D. Simpson. Mark L. Mortier. Steve Burns-Chavez.

For the purposes of developing this combined Historic Structure Report and Cultural Landscape Report, the National Park Service, in conjunction with Chieftains Museum, determined additional historical research was needed to find information relevant to understanding and interpreting the building and landscape history. NPS and Chieftains agreed that historical research should be undertaken at the thorough level as defined in the NPS Cultural Resource Management Guideline (1995:18). In the...

Cibola Prehistory Project (Project)
PROJECT Keith Kintigh. Andrew Duff. Greg Schachner. Matthew Peeples. Todd Howell.

Project for documents and data that pertain to more than one project among the following: El Morro Valley Prehistory Project, the Heshotauthla Archaeological Research Project, the Ojo Bonito Archaeological Project, and the Upper Little Colorado Prehistory Project directed by Keith Kintigh, the Cibola Archaeological Research Project directed by Patty Jo Watson, Steve LeBlanc, and Charles Redman, and the Rudd Creek Archaeological Project directed by Todd Howell.

Class I (Overview) Survey of Approximately 700 Acres Along the Upper Gila River Near Fort Thomas (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kristin L. Fangmeier.

The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) purchased approximately 700 acres of private land for use as protected habitat for the Southwest Willow Flycatcher. The land is managed by the Salt River Project. At the request of Mr. Jon Czaplicki, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) prepared a literature review and culture history overview of the project area to evaluate its potential for cultural resources. The ACS review area includes a 1-mi buffer around the 700-acre project area of...