Historic Native American (Culture Keyword)
Historic Native Americans , Native Americans , Historical Native Americans
Parent: Historic
751-775 (843 Records)
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 011 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. This project is the third review and update of the archaeological records housed at the Archaeological Laboratory, Ball State University that has been accomplished. Those records pertinent to Blackford, Henry, Jay, and Randolph counties, Indiana (Figure l), have been the focus of the 1981-1982 project and have been reviewed for accuracy, consistency, and...
ROI012, The Archaeological Resources of the Upper White River Drainage With Emphasis on the Woodland Period (1984)
Under the auspices of a U. S. Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund Survey and Planning Grant administered by the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Ball State University, an investigation of the archaeology of the Upper White River drainage was carried out by the Archaeological Resources Management Service. All recorded sites and previously recovered artifacts were reanalyzed; a reconnaissance survey was also...
ROI012, The Archaeological Resources of the Upper White River Drainage With Emphasis on the Woodland Period
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 012 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Under the auspices of a U. S. Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund Survey and Planning Grant administered by the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Ball State University, an investigation of the archaeology of the Upper White River drainage was carried out by the...
ROI029, Independence: A Multicomponent Site in the Middle Wabash Drainage, Warren County, Indiana (1991)
Excavation of a 10.8% sample of the portion of the Independence site that will be destroyed through construction of a bridge over the Wabash River between Fountain and Warren Counties, Indiana revealed that the site had been disturbed through cultivation, erosion and bioturbation. In spite of the disturbance, data recovered during excavation revealed that occupation of the site spanned a 10,000 year period, was short term, and probably seasonal. Since informants reported that the site has not...
ROI029, Independence: A Multicomponent Site in the Middle Wabash Drainage, Warren County, Indiana
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 029 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Excavation of a 10.8% sample of the portion of the Independence site that will be destroyed through construction of a bridge over the Wabash River between Fountain and Warren Counties, Indiana revealed that the site had been disturbed through cultivation, erosion and bioturbation. In spite of the disturbance, data recovered during excavation revealed that...
ROI032, A Reconnaissance Level Survey of the Valley Corridor of the Upper West Fork of the White River in Madison County, Indiana (1988)
An archaeological survey of the valley and adjacent uplands of the Upper West Fork of the White River was conducted in Madison county, Indiana under a Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund survey and Planning Grant administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology with matching funds supplied by Ball state University. A total of 650 acres was surveyed for this project. Prior to the survey, 55 prehistoric archaeological...
ROI032, A Reconnaissance Level Survey of the Valley Corridor of the Upper West Fork of the White River in Madison County, Indiana
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 032 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. An archaeological survey of the valley and adjacent uplands of the Upper West Fork of the White River was conducted in Madison county, Indiana under a Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund survey and Planning Grant administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology with matching...
ROI036, Historic and Prehistoric Contexts in the Tipton Till Plain (1994)
The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) proposed a data enhancement project for Delaware County, Indiana to explore prehistoric settlement, historic Delaware Indian settlement and historic industrial sites in the Tipton Till Plain region of Indiana. Prehistoric settlement would be investigated through a review of past projects and an assessment of previously recorded site densities. These would be tested against a survey to be conducted in Delaware County. Historic Delaware...
ROI036, Historic and Prehistoric Contexts in the Tipton Till Plain
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 036 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Archaeological Resources Management Service (ARMS) proposed a data enhancement project for Delaware County, Indiana to explore prehistoric settlement, historic Delaware Indian settlement and historic industrial sites in the Tipton Till Plain region of Indiana. Prehistoric settlement would be investigated through a review of past projects and an...
ROI059, Excavation at the Former Location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House Huntington County, Indiana (2000)
Archaeological testing at the former location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House recovered 30,000+ historic and prehistoric artifacts and determined that the portion of the site area tested was disturbed. A mean ceramic date of 1891.1 was established for the site and intersite artifact patterning was completed. The artifact patterning confirmed the domestic nature of the site.
ROI059, Excavation at the Former Location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House Huntington County, Indiana
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 059 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. Archaeological testing at the former location of the Richardville/LaFontaine House recovered 30,000+ historic and prehistoric artifacts and determined that the portion of the site area tested was disturbed. A mean ceramic date of 1891.1 was established for the site and intersite artifact patterning was completed. The artifact patterning confirmed the...
ROI062, The Ghosts of the Delaware: An Archaeological Study of Delaware Settlement Along the White River, Indiana
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 062 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Archaeological Resources Management Service conducted a FY2001 Historical Preservation Fund Grant to study historic Delaware occupations along the White River in Hamilton, Madison and Delaware counties, Indiana. The project compiled and synthesized historic information on the Delaware occupation in this area. Fifteen Delaware or Native American...
ROI062, The Ghosts of the Delaware: An Archaeological Study of Delaware Settlement Along the White River, Indiana: (2002)
The Archaeological Resources Management Service conducted a FY2001 Historical Preservation Fund Grant to study historic Delaware occupations along the White River in Hamilton, Madison and Delaware counties, Indiana. The project compiled and synthesized historic information on the Delaware occupation in this area. Fifteen Delaware or Native American villages were reported along the White River between the late 1790s and 1820. Five of the fifteen reported village locations were surveyed, but no...
ROI081, An Archaeological Survey of Montgomery County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region, Part II (2014)
The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for archaeological resources in Montgomery County, Indiana, for a FY2013 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #18-13-13FFY-04). This Historic Preservation Fund grant project investigated the archaeological resources of Montgomery County, Indiana with a focus on Sugar, East Fork Coal, Rattlesnake, Indian, Cornstalk, Big Raccoon, and Little Raccoon creeks and the southern half of the...
ROI081, An Archaeological Survey of Montgomery County: Enhancement of a Data Deficient Region, Part II
This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 081 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a data enhancement project for archaeological resources in Montgomery County, Indiana, for a FY2013 Historic Preservation Fund Grant (Grant #18-13-13FFY-04). This Historic Preservation Fund grant project investigated the archaeological resources of Montgomery County, Indiana...
Sacred or Secular: Religious Materiality on the French Colonial Frontier (2011)
My research examines archaeologically recovered artifacts and documentary sources to gain an understanding of the role that religious material culture played on the French colonial frontier, ca. 1608-1763. This study revisits the claims made by Rinehart (1990), stating that religious items are more likely to be recovered from the archaeological record at sites near Jesuit missions. I examined a large portion of the French colonial archaeological literature and located 30 sites that have yielded...
Safety Harbor 8PI2 Testing 2019
Field and laboratory documentation associated with archaeological testing of the Safety Harbor site (8PI2), conducted by Dr. Thomas Pluckhahn (University of South Florida), in 2019.
Salamonie Reservoir Survey 1982
An archaeological survey of the Salamonie Reservoir was carried out by principal investigators William R. Wepler and Donald R. Cochran, from Ball State University in 1982. Salamonie Reservoir is located in the Huntington and Wabash counties of Indiana. The survey was conducted to identify the variables that influenced site selection, refine the cultural history of the area, develop hypotheses concerning Early Archaic settlement patterns, investigate the seeming lack of Middle Archaic occupation...
The Salt River Project, Arizona, a Federal Reclamation Project: National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form (2017)
Pursuant to a 2009 Programmatic Agreement between the Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office, the Salt River Project, and the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, the Bureau of Reclamation prepared documentation formally nominating the Salt River Project system of dams and main canals to the National Register of Historic Places (Register). The Salt River Project Multiple Property Submission (MPS) was formally accepted and listed on the Register on August 7, 2017. This is the Salt...
Salvage Archaeology at a Site Near Fort Thompson, South Dakota (1961)
This report concerns the 1953 investigations conducted by a field party of the Missouri Basin Project, Smithsonian Institution, at the Farm School Site (39BF220), which is situated on an extensive floodplain along the left side of the Missouri River in Buffalo County, South Dakota. The site was first recognized in 1956 by a survey team of the Missouri Basin Project under the direction of Harold A. Huscher. The 1958 investigations, from July 7 to July 11, were supervised by Robert W. Neuman;...
A Sample of Aboriginal Pottery Vessels from Structure 03 at Old Mobile (1MB94), Mobile County, Alabama. (2000)
A sample of some of the Native American pottery vessels identified from the Structure 03 assemblage at the Old Mobile site (1MB94). Many of the illustrated types can be attributed to Apalachee, Mobilian, Tomeh, and Chato potters.
San Agustín Faunal Data Paper Copy Scans (2004)
This file is a PDF scan of the original handwritten cards of zooarchaeological data for Mission San Agustín that were compiled from 2003-2004 by Vincent LaMotta at the University of Arizona. In 2019, this data was digitized into an Excel file entitled "San Agustín Faunal Data" which is included on tDAR with this project.
San Miguel de Guevavi: The Archeology of an Eighteenth Century Jesuit Mission on the Rim of Christendom (1992)
I n the eighteenth century, Jesuits pioneered Spain's attempts to colonize and missionize the northern Pimeria Alta. Guevavi, first established by Father Eusebio Kino at a populous Piman village in 1691, was to be the first and principal mission of Spain's northern frontier in what is now Arizona. Beginning in 1701 tenacious Jesuit and later Franciscan missionaries attempted to establish permanent residency at the village. But the cumulative effects of Apache raids, food shortages, Piman...
The San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant River Corridor Survey, Volume I (2001)
The foremost goal of this project was recording all archaeological and paleontological finds in the riparian corridor the Santa Cruz River, on the San Rafael de la Zanja Land Grant. Results of this full-coverage survey are intended to be useful for determining land management in the corridor. Observations about site boundaries, disturbance and potential for in-place buried deposits contribute to meeting these objectives. At the same time, these results are intended to provide information from a...
Sand Creek Massacre Project (2000)
In May 1999, the Sand Creek Massacre Project Team completed its successful search for the site of the Sand Creek Massacre. On the banks of Sand Creek in Kiowa County, Colorado, an archeological team that included tribal members, National Park Service staff and volunteers, and local landowners, found evidence of the Indian village that was attacked by the U.S. Army on November 29, 1864. On that day, approximately 700 soldiers led by Colonel John Chivington had struck at dawn, following an all-...