ROI012, The Archaeological Resources of the Upper White River Drainage With Emphasis on the Woodland Period


Under the auspices of a U. S. Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund Survey and Planning Grant administered by the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Ball State University, an investigation of the archaeology of the Upper White River drainage was carried out by the Archaeological Resources Management Service. All recorded sites and previously recovered artifacts were reanalyzed; a reconnaissance survey was also planned to sample the archaeological resources of the White River Valley since the valley was one of the most poorly known environmental zones within the drainage. The survey attempted to determine where Woodland habitation sites were located. Overall, the project organized the existing information on the prehistory of the drainage while the survey added to the data base by providing new information on the archaeology of the White River Valley and Woodland settlement patterns in east central Indiana.

3D models of the artifacts recovered from Report of Investigations 012, The Archaeological Resources of the Upper White River Drainage With Emphasis on the Woodland Period, can be viewed using the following link:

Cite this Record

ROI012, The Archaeological Resources of the Upper White River Drainage With Emphasis on the Woodland Period. P. Ranel Stephenson. 1984 ( tDAR id: 463928) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463928

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12Dl100 12Dl101 12Dl105 12Dl106 12Dl109 12Dl11 12Dl110 12Dl111 12Dl112 12Dl113 12Dl114 12Dl116 12Dl117 12Dl125 12Dl126 12Dl127 12Dl128 12Dl129 12Dl130 12Dl131 12Dl149 12Dl150 12Dl151 12Dl152 12Dl154 12Dl155 12Dl156 12Dl158 12Dl159 12Dl160 12Dl161 12Dl162 12Dl163 12Dl164 12Dl165 12Dl166 12Dl167 12Dl169 12Dl170 12Dl171 12Dl172 12Dl173 12Dl174 12Dl175 12Dl176 12Dl177 12Dl178 12Dl179 12Dl180 12Dl181 12Dl182 12Dl183 12Dl184 12Dl185 12Dl186 12Dl187 12Dl188 12Dl189 12Dl190 12Dl192 12Dl2 12Dl27 12Dl28 12Dl29 12Dl31 12Dl40 12Dl42 12Dl46 12Dl47 12Dl48 12Dl49 12Dl50 12Dl56 12Dl81 12Dl84 12Dl85 12Dl86 12Dl89 12Dl92 12Dl94 12Dl95 12Dl96 12Dl97 12H289 12H290 12H291 12H292 12H293 12H294 12H295 12M10 12M12 12M14 12M15 12M16 12M160 12M161 12M162 12M163 12M164 12M165 12M166 12M167 12M168 12M169 12M170 12M171 12M172 12M200 12M201 12M201B 12M21 12M211 12M212 12M213 12M22 12M24 12M28 12M32 12M33 12M38 12M40 12M41 12M43 12M44 12M45 12M46 12M48 12M5 12M50 12M52 12M53 12M54 12M56 12M58 12M59 12M6 12M61 12M67 12M73 12M74 12M76 12M77 12M8 12M80 12M85 12M86 12M87 12M88 12M89 12M9 12M90 12R1 12R126 12R127 12R128 12R130 12R15 12R150 12R151 12R152 12R153 12R154 12R155 12R156 12R157 12R158 12R159 12R160 12R161 12R162 12R163 12R164 12R165 12R166 12R167 12R53 12R54 12R57 12R83 12R84 12R85 12R86 12R87 12R88 12R89 12R9 12R92 12Ti144 12Ti20 12Ti25 12Ti41 12Ti42 12Ti54 Show More

Spatial Coverage

min long: -86.24; min lat: 39.796 ; max long: -84.814; max lat: 40.368 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 012

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ROI012-PDF-OCR---Marked_Redacted.pdf 164.28mb Jul 10, 2024 5:42:47 AM Public
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