Idaho (Geographic Keyword)
1-19 (19 Records)
11 x 17 large format maps from the An Archeological Survey of the John Herrmann "Farm-In-A-Day" Property report.
11 x 17 maps associated with The Fate of Things (2004)
Small collection of large format maps from the PIA 90 Report
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 Section 110 Compliance Report for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District NHPA, Cultural Resources Investigations Technical Report No. 25, Volume 2 Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections Compiling a Baseline Geographic Information Systems Database for Walla Walla District Cultural Resources (2011)
In order to assist the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Walla Walla District (NWW), in its long-term goal of compiling a comprehensive spatial database of documented archaeological and historical-period resources within or near its managed properties, Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), used a portion of project-designated American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funds to compare and compile available spatial and attribute data from a variety of state and federal sources into a single...
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment [Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Virginia, and Maryland] (Legacy 94-0343)
This document reports on a survey of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of 18 military installations located in Idaho, Maryland, Montana, Virginia, and Wyoming. The study found that most collections require at least partial rehabilitation to comply with 36 CFR Part 79, Curation of Federally-Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections.
An Archaeological Curation Needs Assessment [Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Virginia, and Maryland] (Legacy 94-0343) (1999)
This document reports on a survey of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of 18 military installations located in Idaho, Maryland, Montana, Virginia, and Wyoming. The study found that most collections require at least partial rehabilitation to comply with 36 CFR Part 79, Curation of Federally-Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections.
An Archaeological Curation-Needs Assessment for the Bureau of Indian Affairs (1999)
At the request of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Washington, D.C., the US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections (MCX-CMAC), located at the St. Louis District, conducted a survey of archaeological collections and associated documentation generated from archaeological investigations conducted within the boundaries of Indian reservations located in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. Site visits were...
The Archaeology of Minidoka Internment National Monument, Idaho
WACC reports related to survey and excavation projects at Minidoka Internment National Monument, Idaho.
An Archeological Survey of the John Herrmann "Farm-In-A-Day" Property, Jerome County, Idaho (2006)
In July 2006 the National Park Service conducted an archeological survey of the 128-acre John Herrmann Farm, located in Jerome County, Idaho. The farm is adjacent to Minidoka Internment National Monument and was recently purchased by The Conservation Fund for eventual transfer to the National Park Service. Ninety-six features (including five buildings) and 12 isolated artifacts were recorded during the survey. No features or artifacts predating the relocation center were found. Most of the...
Barlow Skull (1961)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields Technical Volume II: Battle Summaries (1993)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Don E. Crabtree (1912-1980) (1981)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Early Man At Owl Cave: Current Investigations At the Waden Site, Eastern Snake River Plains, Idaho. In Early Man In America From a Circum-Pacific Perspective, Edited By A. L. Bryan (1978)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
An Evaluation of Geophysical Survey Instruments for Detecting Unmarked Graves at the Mission Cemetery, Spalding, Idaho (2000)
In December 2000, a team working for the Midwest Archeological Center and Nez Perce National Historical Park evaluated the suitability of geophysical survey instruments for mapping the location of unmarked graves in the Mission Cemetery at Spalding, Idaho. A small grid was examined with a fluxgate magnetometer, a soil resistance meter, a conductivity meter, and a ground-penetrating radar unit. All but the conductivity meter detected positive anomalies in association with marked historic graves...
The Fate of Things: Archeological Investigations at the Minidoka Relocation Center Dump, Jerome County, Idaho (2005)
Between August 11 and 20, 2004, the National Park Service conducted archeological mapping and feature recording at the Minidoka Relocation Center Dump, near Twin Falls, Idaho. The dump, on public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is about a mile north of the Minidoka Internment National Monument. The dump covers more than 26 acres, and contains trash and features dating to later periods as well as the relocation center era. In all, 229 trash features and over 260...
Geological Sources of Archaeological Obsidian In the Flint Creek Valley Area, Northern Rocky Mountain Region (1982)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Incised Stone from Gooding County, Idaho (1981)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at
Six pollen samples from two excavation units at Tomcat Cave (10LN74) and two control pollen samples collected outside the cave were examined. The cave samples were collected stratigraphically through deposits in the two units to examine the paleoenvironmental record. The control samples provide information concerning vegetation outside the cave at depths corresponding to the middle to lower samples collected from cave deposits.
Companion pollen and phytolith samples were examined from strata in the west wall of Block A at the Cove Creek site (10LH144). Radiocarbon ages of 8620 + 70 BP and 6920 + 50 BP provide an early and a middle age for this stratigraphic sequence. Mazama ash also provides a temporal marker of 6845 BP. The cultural zone above the Mazama ash yielded an age of 6650 + 80 BP for Feature 96-16 and McKean points that indicate this zone may represent accumulation over several thousand years. The...
This is Minidoka: An Archeological Survey of Minidoka Internment National Monument, Idaho (2001)
In May and July 2001 the Western Archeological and Conservation Center of the National Park Service conducted archeological investigations at the Minidoka Internment National Monument, in Idaho. The Monument was designated in January 2001 to provide opportunities for public education and interpretation of the internment of Japanese Aruericans during World War II. The Monument comprises a small part of the Minidoka Relocation Center, one of ten major facilities at which Japanese American citizens...