St. Lucia (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

476-500 (1,623 Records)

The Early Agricultural Period at La Playa, Mexico, A Geoarchaeological Investigation (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Rachel Cajigas.

La Playa (SON F:10:3), in Sonora, Mexico, has the remains of an irrigation canal system associated with the Early Agricultural period (2100 B.C.-A.D. 50), a period characterized by the development of agriculture in the southwest United States and northwest Mexico. Satellite imagery analysis and magnetic gradiometry surveys covering over 53,000 m2 of the site, document almost 8,700 m2 of agricultural fields, 15 km of irrigation canals, and over a dozen circular structures. Irrigation canals were...

Early and Middle Holocene Food Choices, Farming, and Diet Quality in the Neotropical Maya Area (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Keith Prufer. Dolores Piperno. Nadia Neff. Mark Robinson. Douglas Kennett.

This is an abstract from the "The Archaeobotany of Early Peopling: Plant Experimentation and Cultural Inheritance" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Despite a century of research into the lives and diets of the northern neotropics’ earliest populations, our understanding of food production and consumption and its impact on diet quality remains relatively impoverished. We present a first view of data generated from archaeological sites in the Maya...

Early Childhood and Agency: An Archaeological Analysis of Residential Blocks with Preschools at the Granada Relocation Center (Amache) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan Brown. Dr. Bonnie J. Clark.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The purpose of this project is to continue to expand upon the understanding of experiences of Japanese American children, specifically preschool-aged children, within The Granada Relocation Center (Amache), a WWII Japanese American internment facility located in Granada, Colorado. Through archaeological methods, GIS analysis, oral histories, and archival...

Early Fishing on the Atacama Desert Coast of Southern Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniel Sandweiss.

The coastal Atacama Desert in southern Peru has some of the oldest and best documented fishing sites in western South America, including Terminal Pleistocene through Early Holocene components at Quebrada Jaguay and Quebrada Tacahuay and Early to Middle Holocene components at the Ring Site and Quebrada de los Burros. These sites have offered insight into the antiquity and variability of the early fishing tradition, the antiquity and features of coast-highland interaction, and coastal settlement...

The Early Intermediate Period Farmer’s Almanac: Co-Producing Agriculture, Time, and Community on the North Coast of Peru. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lindi Masur. Jean-Francois Millaire.

Previous research on plant foods and social memory in the Andes has primarily focused on ritual feasting amongst elite segments of society within the confines of exclusionary monumental spaces. However, it is vital to look beyond elite-directed activities and consider ritualized commoner and quotidian practices as integral to community building and memory making. This paper will demonstrate how domestic food production and consumption, the construction of agricultural landscapes, and wild plant...

Early Metallurgy from Waywaka in the South-Central Highlands of Andahuaylas, Apurimac, Peru: New AMS Dates and XRF Analysis (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joel W. Grossman. Timothy C. Kenna.

This presentation will discuss the results of processing eight high-resolution Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon determinations on charcoal found in association with poorly dated ceramics and copper-alloy artifacts recovered from an important pre-Inca site, Waywaka, in the south-central highlands of Andahuaylas, Apurimac, Peru. Excavations at Waywaka revealed a naturally stratified series of deposits of Pre-Inca cultures spanning nearly four millennia. In the bottom-most layers was...

Early Native and African marooning in Northern South America the circum-Caribbean (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles Beatty-Medina.

This is an abstract from the "Disentanglement: Reimagining Early Colonial Trajectories in the Americas" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper explores the dual development of African and Native American maroon societies in early Spanish America. Although marronage was widely practiced by Native Americans and Africans, maroon history has been largely defined by African agents. In the early colonial period Africans and Native Americans robustly...

Early Occupations of the Mountainous Interior of Puerto Rico (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Reniel Rodriguez Ramos.

This is an abstract from the "Coloring Outside the Lines: Re-situating Understandings of the Lifeways of Earliest Peoples of the Circum-Caribbean" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Recent excavations conducted in three cave sites in north-central Puerto Rico have revealed that human occupation of the mountainous interior of the island took place much earlier than previously thought. The available evidence, recovered from Cueva del Abono, Cueva Matos,...

Early Settlement on the Island of Grenada: Ecological Evidence for the Extinction of Rodents and Palms (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John G. Jones.

Evidence of Archaic age settlement with possible rodent harvesting is apparent in two well-dated sediment cores collected in northeastern Grenada. At around 3600 BC, large scale burning on the island coincides with severe forest modification including the total elimination of at least two species of palms. The selective, though possibly unintentional, removal of economically valuable palms suggests the influence of a non-human variable into the equation. I propose that the removal of a...

Early Seventeenth-Century ships (2009)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nick Burningham.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

Earth Oven Experiments in Texas and Wyoming (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles Koenig.

This is an abstract from the "Experimental Pedagogies: Teaching through Experimental Archaeology Part II" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The durable remains of earth oven construction—namely, fire-cracked rock (FCR)—lack the same tactile connection to the past as lithic or ceramic artifacts. However, constructing experimental earth ovens provides an immersive experience where students, researchers, and the general public can gain a better...

Economy, Exchange, and Power at Lomas Entierros, Central Pacific Costa Rica (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yajaira Núñez Cortés.

This is an abstract from the "Advances and New Perspectives in the Isthmo-Colombian Area" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Lomas Entierros is a primary center in Central Pacific Costa Rica, characterized by the presence of monumental architecture on top of a defensible hill, and the circulation of important amounts of imported ceramics. The architectural system combined elevated half-moon terraces with cobblestone walls, foundations, slopes with...

Educating Politicians: Outreach and Advocacy Behind the Front Lines (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Julie Byrd.

This is an abstract from the ""Is There Gold in that Field?" CRM and Public Outreach on the Front Lines" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. PaleoWest demonstrates leadership in outreach through political advocacy at local, state, and federal levels of lawmaking. Taking action on multiple levels and working behind the scenes, we shape public policy to meet industry needs. This paper will discuss examples of our efforts and provide a blueprint for other...

Educational AR and VR Applications for the Interpretation of Archaeological Sites in Northern Virginia (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alisa Pettitt. Sven Fuhrmann.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications can influence the user's perception of the world. In regards to archaeological sites these technologies can be used as educational tools to recreate past environments and offer interpretive perspectives on history. This research examines several archaeological sites in the Northern Virginia region and investigates how educational VR and AR applications developed through accessible, user-friendly platforms can aid in reconstructing and...

The Effect of Climate Change and Human Predation on the Niche Space of North American Proboscideans (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alejandra May. Melissa Torquato. Trevor Keevil. Lauren Christopher. Erik Otárola-Castillo.

This is an abstract from the "Bayesian Archaeology" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Approximately 13,000 years ago, 37 genera of North American megafauna went extinct. Proboscideans, mammoths, and mastodons, specifically, were among the megafauna affected. Today, researchers continue to debate between three hypotheses to explain these North American Pleistocene mass extinctions: (1) human over-hunting, (2) climate change leading to a reduced niche,...

The Effect of Climate Change on the Niche Space of North American Proboscideans (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alejandra May. Evalyn Stow. John Rapes. Benjamin Schiery. Erik Otarola-Castillo.

This is an abstract from the "Novel Statistical Techniques in Archaeology I (QUANTARCH I)" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Most researchers agree that the extinction events of North American megafauna, including proboscideans, occurred approximately 13,000 years ago. The reason for the demise of these creatures, in particular proboscideans such as mammoth and mastodon, is a matter of debate. There are three accepted general hypotheses explaining...

Effective Tribal Consultation and Engaging Partnerships: A Utah DoD Collaboration (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maia London. Shaun Nelson. Ellyse Simons.

This is an abstract from the "Crucial Issues in United States Department of Defense Cultural Resources Management " session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In 2010, the Utah Army National Guard (UTARNG) partnered with Hill Air Force Base and Dugway Proving Ground to conduct annual and quarterly meetings with Tribal governments throughout much of the intermountain West. Since then, the partnership has grown to include Tooele Army Depot. The partnership...

Effects of Atmospheric Events over Marine Ecosystems and Precolumbian Societies in Borikén (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mariela Declet Perez.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Climate change, as a social and environmental stressor, has the potential to threaten food security by disrupting the functioning of ecosystems. This stress is particularly enhanced during intense, unexpected events that can trigger disasters. Precolumbian Caribbean societies faced these stressors through time as environmental changes linked to climate change...

The Effects of Economic Complexity and Temperature on the Long-Term Energy Consumption Dynamics of Human Societies (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jacob Freeman. Gideon Maughan. Erick Robinson. David Byers. Robert L. Kelly.

Increases in energy consumption correlate with social and political development in human societies, as well as increasing human impacts on ecosystems. Thus, understanding the underlying drivers of energy consumption in human societies may provide insights into the processes of social evolution and rapid social change (collapse). In this paper, we develop a model of energy consumption in human societies based on population size, economic complexity and temperature. We demonstrate the usefulness...

The Effects of ENSO on Travel along the Pacific Coast of the Americas (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Callaghan. Alvaro Montenegro. Scott Fitzpatrick.

This is an abstract from the "Coastal Connections: Pacific Coastal Links from Mexico to Ecuador" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For decades, prehistoric contacts have been suggested between Ecuador and western Mexico, occurring from 400 BC, if not earlier, to the sixteenth century based on similarities in mortuary behaviors, ceramic technology, language, and ethnohistoric accounts, and other lines of evidence. However, the frequency of these...

El Castillo and its regional context in Huarmey Valley through GIS (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Julia Chyla.

Huarmey valley, at the southern fringe of Peruvian North Coast, was inhabited for millennia. It is a rich, multi-cultural area, where almost all types of archaeological sites are represented. The discovery of an imperial mausoleum at El Castillo in 2012/13 is an example how little we know about this region. During the previous seasons modern state-of-art techniques of documentation were used on daily basis at the time of excavations. The successful attempts to implement new non-invasive, remote...

El Diablo Rojo: An Olmec Rock Painting in Amatitlán, Guatemala (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Edgar Carpio.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Known as "The Red Devil" or the "Muñeco", a rock painting in Olmec style, located in the municipality of Amatitlán, department of Guatemala. This was reported at the end of the 70s of the last century and has been visited on numerous occasions by various specialists. In this paper we will present a synthesis of its discovery and the investigations carried out,...

El Gran Chiriquí desde Veraguas: dinámicas fronterizas y definición subregional (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Carlos Fitzgerald-Bernal.

Se presenta una re-evaluación de la frontera oriental del Gran Chiriquí y su relación con la sub-región de Veraguas del Gran Coclé en Panamá Central. A partir de hallazgos recientes de petrograbados en el sur de Veraguas y una revisión de la literatura, se reconocen las limitantes inherentes a una definición estática de fronteras culturales y se analiza la "chiricanidad" de la cultura material veragüense como ejemplo de las dinámicas históricas en la conformación de entidades regionales. Se...

El Maya de los Sindagua y el Awá-Pitt contemporáneo (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marta Herrera. Juan Camilo Niño.

This is an abstract from the "The Barbacoan World: Recognizing and Preserving the Unique Indigenous Cultural Developments of the Northern Andes" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. En la literatura sobre los Sindagua producida en los siglos XX y XXI es un lugar común hablar sobre su exterminio a principios del siglo XVII. Sin embargo, es difícil sustentar esta aproximación al analizar las cifras que figuran en visitas y cuentas de tributarios de la...

El sitio arqueológico de Barrigón. Un cementerio precolombino del Gran Chiriqui (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alvaro Brizuela Casimir. Gloria Biffano Marcial.

We present a review of the data obtained during the "Proyecto de Rescate Arqueológico Estí (PRAE)" that took place between 2000-2003 in the context of the environmental mitigations of the Estí hydroelectric project; and with special attention to the Barrigón site. Barrigón is a cemetery site from prehispanic times localized near to the Gualaca city in Chiriqui province (Panamá). This kind of "necropolis" was placed in the flat top of a little hill a few meters from the Barrigón river. We...