Virginia (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

7,726-7,750 (9,361 Records)

Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Case Bottles (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Artifact distribution map, case bottles

Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Faunal (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Artifact distribution map, faunal

Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Jamestown Coarseware (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Artifact distribution map, Jamestown coarseware

Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Military Objects (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Artifact distribution map, military objects

Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Shot and Sprue (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Artifact distribution map, shot and sprue

Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Terra Cotta Pipes (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Artifact distribution map, terra cotta pipes

Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, Tin-Glazed Earthenware (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Artifact distribution map, tin-glazed earthenware

Sandys (44JC802): Artifact Distributions, White Clay Tobacco Pipes (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Artifact distribution map, white clay tobacco pipes

Sandys (44JC802): Bodkin (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Bodkin

Sandys (44JC802): Brigandine (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Brigandine

Sandys (44JC802): Ceramics (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Ceramics

Sandys (44JC802): Decorated Dutch Pipe Bowls (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Decorated Dutch pipe bowls

Sandys (44JC802): Dutch Pipe (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Dutch pipe

Sandys (44JC802): Firearms (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Firearms

Sandys (44JC802): General Site Map (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

General site map

Sandys (44JC802): Glass Beads (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Glass beads

Sandys (44JC802): Harpoons (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Harpoons

Sandys (44JC802): Hunting Points (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Hunting points

Sandys (44JC802): Midden Analysis, Artifact Classes (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Midden analysis chart: Artifact classes

Sandys (44JC802): Midden Analysis, Ceramic Types (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Midden analysis chart: Ceramic types

Sandys (44JC802): Midden Analysis, White Clay Pipe Bore Diameters (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Midden analysis chart: White clay pipe bore diameters

Sandys (44JC802): Midden Map (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Midden location map

Sandys (44JC802): Post-medieval Redware Cooking Pot (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Post-medieval redware cooking pot

Sandys (44JC802): Sword Parts (2004)
IMAGE Cat Alston.

Representative artifacts: Sword parts

Sankofa in Cyberspace: Developing New and Social Media at the African Burial Ground National Monument (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cyrus Forman.

            The African Burial Ground National Monument is one of the  smallest units of the National Park Service. Established in 2006, this still developing institution has developed an outsized presence in new and social media; in a short time it has become the most followed unit of the National Park Service on twitter, and has found ways to use podcasts and QR codes to expand the interpretive profile of the site.  These efforts have fhelped unite a disparate series of interest groups,...